Kidnapping All Mankind

: Part I `` Ass '' 225 Free People

How can the gap be small?

Earth Watch Channel is full of sympathy for Baron Acford-or taunt:

"You can deliberately choose a group of clever people, but unfortunately Wu Qingchen can deliberately explain that it is more cumbersome and let the so-called cleverness fall into the details of the devil. [Zero ↑ ​​nine △ small ↓ said △ net]

"You can watch the whole process. Unfortunately, Wu Qingchen just took the opportunity to mislead ... Hey, can't think of it, Wu Qingchen deliberately chose the three honeycombs for his own demonstration, all of which are the most difficult types of transplantation."

"Looking at this boy's tangled look, he must not be able to figure it out: why everyone seems to have made great progress in every detail, but it is impossible to survive."

"The staff team is so insidious that Wu Qingchen deliberately reminded a few key points at each link, focusing these guys' attention on the process, which disrupted their overall rhythm."

"Sorry for those smart people who have been specially selected ... Oh, 1, 2, 3, 4 ... almost half, now they are still aggressive."

"It's really an eye-opener, you can still drag your hind legs like this ..."

"Artistically hindered!"

There are also new followers who do not understand:

"Say, why not let the baron move the honeycomb? Anything to say?"

"Is this extending the period of dominance in Akeli?"

"To keep the church from complaining?"

Seniors quickly answer:

"Che, what nonsense? Ackerford collar and parish villages are too late! The gap between the half-year harvest and the predominant period is not maintained? How much do you look down on the earth?"

"Why is the church dissatisfied? The honeycomb of most of these experiments is the baron's property!"

"It's not that the baron can't move the honeycomb, but the person that the baron picked out himself can't move the honeycomb."

"Hmm? Why? Does it make any difference?"

There are certainly differences.

Middle Ages.

A few minutes later.

The work of moving the honeycomb was over, watching Wu Qingchen's followers pack up the tools, and then looked at the helplessness of the local farmers. Baron Archford smashed his mouth, unconsciously, and frowned even deeper.

"Lord Los ..."

Silently thinking for a little while, Baron Acford slowly walked to Wu Qingchen: "How many people are there in the village of Akeli who can move the honeycomb?"

"Well ... I think ..." Wu Qingchen raised his head slightly. After a few seconds, Wu Qingchen read out the numbers he had prepared: "It seems like ... twenty-five ... no, it should be twenty-six. Look like. "

"Ah! So much !?" Baron Archford's pupils shrank for a moment, quickly pointing at York, Harry, and others who were packing their tools: "Can you work like them?"

"Absolutely!" Wu Qingchen nodded for granted, referring to York and Harry as well: "Both of them, they didn't do their best."

"But ..." the baron doubted. "Why so many?"

"Not that much at the beginning." Wu Qingchen shook his head, sighed, pointing at the local failed farmer led by Ackerford, "You also saw that this job was not done by anyone ... The matter of moving the honeycomb was very urgent. I found dozens of people in one go. I did all the work, and did nothing for three or four days. Finally, I could move seven or eight, and I could move one. There are usually a dozen. When all the honeycomb is removed, it can only be moved by an ordinary guy, and it's almost trained ... so ... "Wu Qingchen spread his hands and said," In the end, there are so many people. , Wasted several barrels of beans, and was scolded by the teacher for two days. "

"Waste?" The baron shook his head vigorously: "No waste! No waste at all! A few barrels of beans are so worthwhile!" With that, Bark Ackford patted Wu Qingchen's shoulder close: "Lord Los ... ... it seems to bother you again. "

"Her baron ..." Wu Qingchen smiled bitterly: "You take care of me so much, and the matter of moving the honeycomb is so important. It stands to reason that you don't need to bother you to speak. Those guys who move the honeycomb, I must send it Come to you ... but there is a small problem here, I must tell you. "

"Well, you say." Baron Archford didn't mind, his expression was still quite mild.

"These 26 people who moved the honeycomb were serfs."

"Huh?" The baron was slightly surprised, then nodded understandingly: "It was the time when the most agricultural work in the land was done, and it really only made it easier to call these slackers."

"This is one aspect," Wu Qingchen said again. "In addition, I was not very convenient at that time ..."

Wu Qingchen need not finish, the surrounding bureaucratic group has already made up for himself: Wu Qingchen was not a priest at that time, even if he was calling serfs, the number reached dozens of them, of which it is not known how much hard work and hard work it took.

With this in mind, several people looked at Wu Qingchen's eyes with a little more flavor. This young and over-private priest climbed to this position, and it was not only the master's care that depended on it.

"and so……"

When the crowd was imaginative, Wu Qingchen went on to say, "Some of these serfs are the property of Andre, and most of them are the property of the teacher. I am not good at being the master."

"Hmm ..." The baron felt his chin and nodded knowingly.

If it is a village freeman, of course, the baron can call it directly; if it is three or five serfs, Wu Qingchen can also replace the teacher with classmates, and the classmates can be personal. But these are more than twenty serfs and serfs who have mastered their skills. This is not a trivial matter that can be decided at will.

Bark Archford was temporarily silent, pacing again and again, exchanging a few glances with the manager.

"Lord Los."

After a short while, the baron reopened, and his tone became closer: "Look, John would agree if the two were changed for one?"

"Yeah ..." Of course Wu Qingchen would not answer such a question, and quickly shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Her baron, don't embarrass me."

"What a dilemma this is." The baron laughed. "Okay, you have helped me a lot. Add another, three for one ... But the extra one can only be given to you!"

"This ..." Wu Qingchen said, "I don't dare to ask for this."

"What dare not?" The baron didn't mind: "Just twenty serfs, Lord Los, you are a gentleman now, and sometimes you need to talk about platoons ..."

"Cough ... cough ... cough ..." At this time, the manager suddenly coughed hard.

"Hmm ..." Baron Archford stopped quickly.

I almost said it! This little fellow is completely unlike the newly-advanced miser, the neighbouring village that was only two or three days away, took three cows, seven followers, and each carried a spear!

"This ..." His baron was also a sensitive person, and he changed his mind as soon as he turned his head: "Presumably you also feel it. As a gentleman, daily expenses are not easy. Why not make a lot of profits?"

"But ..." Wu Qingchen was still hesitant.

"Oh?" Baron Archford looked pale. "Why, what am I sending so hard to accept?"

"Hmm ... Her baron, how can this happen? Hmm ... how do you say this?" Wu Qingchen was even more "horrified".

"That's the decision!" Baron Ackerford said, "Rest assured, when I write to John, I will tell him that this is a reward that is reserved for you to come over to help you manage the honeycomb. He I won't blame you! "

"Her Baron, I still think that this is really not good ... but ..." After this sentence, Wu Qingchen quickly said, "If you really think that I have done a few small things well ... there are One thing, I would like to ask for your help. "

"Well, you say." Baron Archford raised his head.

"Still these serfs." Wu Qingchen hesitated and said, "You also know that I can become a priest, mainly because of the merit of moving a honeycomb. To be honest, this matter, from the beginning to the end, I have only one idea Those who really work are these poor people. "

Then, Wu Qingchen beckoned, let York and Harry come over, and ordered them to take off their robes.

"Here is the scar that fell from the tree and hit five or six times a night."

However, turning to think of Wu Qingchen's origin and Wu Qingchen's "gratefulness" characteristics that he valued, the baron quickly relieved.

"Here, I was hit by an ax."

"Well, it's really hard," Baron Archford said. "What do you want me to do?"

"Here, I can't see clearly at night and fell into a ditch."

"Here, it was the torch that was burned by the torch, and the hair and eyebrows that have not yet grown up."

"Don't care ..." Baron Archford patted Wu Qingchen's shoulder for the second time: "You didn't say anything wrong, I wasn't a harsh lord ... say slowly, don't worry."

It seems that this little fellow ... Priest Los, the degree of "thanks" is much deeper than I thought!

"I think ... I think ..."

"Lord Baron, look ..."

"Here are the scars bitten by bees, and they bite almost ten times back and forth."

"These serfs helped me a lot." Wu Qingchen said almost timidly: "So, after I became a priest, I never let them do too much work. But, I am just Akeli The priests of the village can only take care of them in the village of Akeli ... Now it seems that they must leave the village of Akeli, at that time ... Of course, Lord Baron, I am not saying that you are harsh ... Lord, What am I talking nonsense, Lord Barford, I mean absolutely nothing! "

Wu Qingchen paused several times and slowly said, "Her baron, I would like to ask: When you send these serfs to your dozen villages, will you be exempt from their serf status and make them free people?"

"Uh-huh ..." Baron Archford almost laughed, but the deeper he felt:

"Hmm ..." Baron Archford nodded in agreement, not minding: wasn't he just hurt? What's weird about the serf-yes, it's the thing, the consumables-get hurt? Need to point it out?

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