Kidnapping All Mankind

: Part I `` Ass''226 Yang Mou

Barred by guards and bureaucrats, Baron Archford's figure drifted away. [Zero ↑ ​​nine △ small ↓ said △ net]

Wu Qingchen was not with him.

The main reason is that even if there are special insect repellent herbs, the high-end guest rooms of Fort Afford, especially the wicker beds, contain a lot of natural insect-like resources.

Of course, such a reason can't be straightforward.

The excuse Wu Qingchen stayed on was that he was going to the Fishgard parish tomorrow, and he needed to work out the arrangements with the attendants.

On the premise of encountering a thief group in the previous two days, this reason is quite convincing. Baron Ackerford gave a few words and saw that Wu Qingchen was more firm and did not force it, but he still left two guards. And an attendant who obviously had a bit of status, ordered to take care of Wu Qingchen.

"Okay." Maintaining the attitude of congratulations, and watching the baron go around a hill, Wu Qingchen turned back: "Let's go back too, there are still many things to talk about, and we must get up early tomorrow."

Talking, Wu Qingchen turned around, and the suite members responded one after another, keeping up.

Ten minutes later, everyone walked out of the hilly area near the forest specially arranged for the honeycomb experiment, and walked into a large plain of land directly led by Fort Afford.

The field of vision has just widened, and the two guards from Fort Afford slightly expanded the range of alert. They accompanied Wu Qingchen's servants on the west, all of a sudden regret, and trot out of the sight of everyone.

Another half an hour later, when Wu Qingchen arrived at the "Guesthouse" in Fort Afford, the breathless attendant had led seven or eight servants, holding fruits, fried fish, sheepskin rolls, writing tools, beeswax oil lamps, Even tables, blankets, wicker beds, etc. except the room itself, Wu Qingchen had almost everything in the room last night, waiting in front of the "hotel" door.


You can't escape it, right?

Wu Qingchen rolled his eyes silently.

Either a blanket or a wicker bed, or even a bug in it, is ultimately a heart of Fort Afford, and Wu Qingchen is really not good at rejecting it.

Fortunately, as long as these gadgets are not in such a sensitive place of the castle and switched to places such as "hotels", Wu Qingchen can choose a disposal method, which is much more flexible and will not be a problem anymore.

Next, the attendants sent by Baron Acford deliberately led these servants and attentively set up a table for Wu Qingchen, laid food, laid a blanket, and laid a bed ...

About ten minutes later, the room was all ready. The attendant took the "refined salt thanks" handed out by Wu Qingchen in a sincere and horrible manner, and then spoke a few words back and forth. The attendant finally left the room slowly and backwards.

"Click ..."

The wooden door closed gently.

Things about Fort Afford are almost ...

Wu Qingchen breathed a long sigh of relief, and while turning, thinking in his mind, whether to increase the dose of insect repellent or directly use the bed he brought is more suitable for solving the problems of the bugs.

It was also at this time that in Wu Qingchen's room, the muddy ground that had been trampled on was extremely ordinary, and suddenly two loud "pops" were heard from the connection.

Together with the servants and servants, York and Harry, who laid the room for Wu Qingchen, kneeled straight in front of Wu Qingchen under the attention of the other attendants.


The moment Wu Qingchen uttered the words "free people" to Baron Archford, a rush of blood rushed into York's mind.

How can you not be excited?

The word Wu Qingchen spit out easily was a lifelong desire of York.

Free people!

Become a free people, you can have your own place, as long as you are willing to work hard, there will always be a gain!

Becoming a free citizen will no longer be an item, and one's arm will be cut off as dog food just because the dogs of the outer village masters are hungry!

Becoming a free people, his wife and children have been recognized, will not be pulled out to breed freely and create new manpower because of shortage of manpower!

Became a free man ...

Free people ...

"Master Los ..."

I finally waited for all the outsiders of Fort Afford to leave, and for nearly an hour, I finally waited for the vent of the catharsis, and only spit out a few words. York's dark face was instantly covered with wanton tears.

A few seconds later, he wiped the snot tears on his face fiercely, and York took a deep breath and said slowly, word by word, in a strong iron tone: "Master Luo, from today on, I am your wheat, you Your cow, your dog! You grow as long as you want me! I do whatever you want me to do! Whoever you want me to bite, I must kill you for you! "

Kneeling next to York, Harry struck his head violently, striking the ground with an alarming frequency.

The clumsy serf, although he didn't know how to express his emotions, Wu Qingchen and other entourages could see clearly. The serf, who clenched his fists and was also in tears, was nailed The blood of the pierced palm fell to the ground drop by drop, smashing the solid dirt out of the small pits.



"This fuck, these two dead men ..."

"More than two, there are 24 such brothers in Akeli village."

"Finally another plan has been completed!"

It is inevitable that new followers expressed doubts: "Isn't it a pity to give the lord such a loyalty and cohesion?"

There are many interpreters, or angry sprayers:

"Where's the fool? Haven't seen the plan of the staff?"

"Do n’t give it to the lord, the free people need the land, you come out?"

"Twenty-six free people, let alone say that there are so many vacant lands in the village of Akeli. Even if there are, is Wu Qingchen the master? Is it suitable for random distribution?"

"What is it about? The point is not at all good?"

"Yes! These 26 original serfs who have just turned into freelancers have mastered the skills of moving honeycombs! Hi-tech!"

"Staying dead, Wu Qingchen offended the original Niuyao family. Did they need so many dead men ... willing to be willing, only willing to give up, so many talents with high-end technology are released. , So many high-end technical talents who were directly changed their fate by Wu Qingchen, how much higher the return than the dead? "

"This is influence! The influence covering 13 villages!"

"13 ... Did you forget something?"

"Uh ... yes! There is still demand in the parish!"

The new followers are not very convinced: "Dou Mien, Dan Mi Qiu ... It is so troublesome to come out of the village of Akeli, traffic and communication are so difficult, even if there is grace, how long can it last?"

Few people are willing to waste their saliva to explain this kind of primary problem:

"Anyway longer than you."

"Big heads are done, afraid of follow-up?"

"Go back and read the plan carefully!"

The focus of attention has been focused on the next step:

"Do you think this is a cure for cattle farming? It is too late to send a few helpers to Aikeli Village to work as a helper and learn slowly? You can wait for cases slowly, but you can also watch on cows and lambs. What do you observe when you move the honeycomb? In total, there are only those honeycombs. The honeycombs in the village of Akeli have been extinct. What are you sending to visit the village of Akeli now?

"Cut, what kind of contingency do you want? Is this an inevitable result?"

"The population trade plan seems to be fine ..."

"Don't remember the flowering of buckwheat? Baron Archford wanted to drag it? Try it for a while? Do you want to increase production next year?"

"Mr. Qingchen Wu has just smashed the plan of Baron Archford to choose a candidate to move the honeycomb. He will train from scratch next year. It will be a novice gap for ten days and a half months. Can he afford it?

"It's **** sensational, and it would have to be agreed if I was Baron Archford."

"Well, Mr. Wu Qingchen is quite resilient this time!"

This chapter is not finished. The last 200 words are in the words of the author. Thank you for subscribing. Thanks for your support ~~~ This chapter is not finished. The last 200 words are in "Author's Word". Thank you for subscribing. Thanks for your support ~~~ This chapter is not finished. The last 200 words are in "Author's Word". Thank you for subscribing. Thanks for your support ~~~ This chapter is not finished. The last 200 words are in "Author's Word". Thank you for subscribing. Thanks for your support ~~~ This chapter is not finished. The last 200 words are in "Author's Word". Thank you for subscribing. Thanks for your support ~~~ This chapter is not finished. The last 200 words are in "Author's Word". Thank you for subscribing. Thanks for your support ~~~ This chapter is not finished. The last 200 words are in "Author's Word". Thank you for subscribing. Thanks for your support ~~~

"I know the flowering period of buckwheat ... but, this year is too late, what is the relationship with next year?"

"On the other hand, sensationalism is just the icing on the cake. The population trade plan is indeed a matter of course."

"Twenty-six free people, such a big deal, how logical is it?"

"Take a closer look at the schedule ... When the staff plan, when training more than 20 hands-on honeycomb masters, deliberately making buckwheat blooming time, Baron Ackford has no choice." Yang Mou! ”———————— The crowd on the planet likes Yang Mou, and the medieval world is no exception. When many ordinary people on the earth showed superiority, the Middle Ages, Baron Ackerford, and his core management also brewed a positive strategy beyond the core strategy of the Earth Staff.

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