Kidnapping All Mankind

: Volume 227: Ass

Middle Ages. [Zero ↑ ​​nine △ small ↓ said △ net]

Fort Arford.

While the attendants and servants laid the room for Wu Qingchen, Tines, the second son of Baron Archford was standing by the window quietly dreaming.

Tinis, you are 17 years old ...

The baron's second son silently reminded himself.

It's all dark and the moon is very dim, but looking at the dark territory outside the window, looking at those contour lines that can only vaguely see a little undulation ... cheerful streams, busy farmers, heavy wheat fields , Immediately imprinted into Tinas's mind.

I'm 17 years old. After a year or two at most, I have to leave the castle, and I can no longer look down on this rich land squarely.

Tines sighed softly.

Ackerford, or most of the territory in the Middle Ages, the biggest factor determining the future of lords and sons was the order in which they jumped out of their mother's belly.

Under the inheritance system of the eldest son, most of the wealth led by Ackerford was destined to belong to his elder brother. After being raised to adulthood, the second son such as Tines was faced with several differences according to the attitude of the lord and the eldest son's ideas. Way out:

One of the more desirable situations is to become a brother's bureaucrat. For example, the current Captain of Fort Axford is the second brother of Baron Axford;

It is safer to be appointed as a steward, to get most of the power of a village, and it is considered to have a world of its own;

The worst thing is that the lord and the elder brother did not look pleasing to the eye, they were thrown away a small amount of property, and sent to a remote small village from a distance, becoming clerks, police chiefs, etc., all day and night Entanglement, lingering for life. [Zero ↑ ​​nine △ small ↓ said △ net]

Tinais asked, since he was sensible, he has always been diligent and diligent. His father is usually kind to himself; he has always respected his elder brothers, and has never revealed any indiscriminate thoughts. He should not be deliberately targeted, nor would he want to come As for being sent to a small village, I thought about the sheepskin roll in my hand several times a day.

However, my own things are the clearest in my heart. On equestrian and combat skills, five of my own thin skinny are not opponents of Uncle Carter. On the wrist and ability to handle affairs, I am quite immature, not to mention the general manager. Even veterans such as farm officials, even more experienced attendants, can easily play with their hands.

Don't be rushed to a remote small village, the ideal position of bureaucracy is not dare to think ...

such a pity……

Tines sighed deeply: At the age of ten, Rev. Barron of Messier Village wanted to take me out. Why did I just get sick?

Joining the church is naturally one of the choices of the lords, but compared to traditional channels, joining the church is the most adventurous way: Of course, you can be like Priest Praia, and you can see the gods before you are thirty. In beckoning, at least one party will be able to take charge in the future. If everything goes well, the priest who can compete with the Baron Ackerford Chamber cannot be said to have no chance at all; luck is generally mixed into the streets of Rev. Paul, although he is old I still have to suffer, but after all, I still have a certain status; I am afraid that my luck is very bad, and I become a student similar to Rev. Paul. I am afraid that my hair and beard will be white before I can find a church and host a few comfortingly. year.

In normal times, Tines will certainly not recall this little thing when he was ten years old.

However, in the past two days, seeing Wu Qingchen / Loss's mighty, glorious scenery, and glorious appearance, Tines couldn't suppress the envy and jealousy in her heart.

His Excellency, only 16 ... No, if the director did not guess wrong, it is estimated that he was only 14 or 5 years old!

Replace it with me, let alone a 15-year-old who has this opportunity. Even in a few years, the 20-year-old can get the position of acting church chair, plus the identity of the baron second son, future achievements ...

From this moment of thinking, it can be seen that the subconsciousness of the baron's second son has placed his position under Wu Qingchen; on the other hand, the attendant responsible for arranging seats at the dinner the day before, will Wu Qingchen's seat was ranked several times in front of the baron's second son, which did distinguish the two positions quite accurately.

It was at this time, when the baron's second son was imagining, the wooden door of the room sounded "Tuk Tuk Tuk".

Tines opened the door.

A guard stood at the door.

"Lord Tines, Lord Baron is looking for you."

Called by his father, Tines quickly put down his mind, fixed his robes, rubbed his face, followed the guard, and walked towards the spiral ladder.

Follow the spiral ladder, climb to the third floor and knock on the door.

The door opened and Tines was taken aback immediately.

Near the window, Baron Archford was leaning against his favorite wolfskin chair, and three smoke-free beeswax oil lamps were lit on the table in front of him, standing upright Edmond Governor, Captain of the Carter Guards, Brother Ellers, Agriculture Officer of Balles, Officer of the Bartrin, and Officer of the Water of Kete.

Father, eldest brother, and the five core lords of the territory are in this room ...


"Father, I'm here ..."

Tines didn't think much, and when he entered the room, he greeted everyone quickly: "His Edmund, His Excellency, His Brother, His Excellency ..."


His Excellency the Baron nodded, and nodded, Tinis immediately obediently stood at the corner where the Baron was pointing.

Although only standing in the corner, Tines' heart was beating fast.

You can tell from the atmosphere that this is definitely the most important business and core discussion of the territory. This is the first time that my father has participated in such an occasion!

Despite the excitement in his heart, Tines held down his strength with all his might, put on an already skilled expression of humility and obedience, and quietly listened to the conversation.

"The village of Florentine is a big place, and you really need to go to two ..." said Edmund the director. "However, the village of Ori is so small, can one be enough?"

"Ourui village is very small ..." said the agricultural officer Balles. "But, next to Ouri, there are many forests, and there must be a lot of honeycombs. Can one take care of it?"

"It's not a big problem," Forest Officer Ba Fengte said. "Our side, although there are more forests, they are all flat, there is no mountain forest, there is no need to climb up and down, and it is not difficult to work."

"Hmm ..." The agricultural officer groaned slightly. "I thought something wrong just now, and His Excellency Ba Fengte was right."

"Yes." The director nodded.

"Yes, I remember it too." The water officer nodded.

"Okay, that's one." The baron made a clap, and his second son Tines noticed that as the baron's voice landed, his brother immediately made a few strokes on a scroll of sheepskin.

"The free people ... it's nothing." Edmond, the director, suddenly shook his head. "With the craftsmanship of these people, it was not convenient to be a serf."

Citizens of the earth who have been far away from farming all understand the relationship between the flowering of buckwheat and serfs. Of course, the group of masters led by Ackerford also see very clearly: After the specially selected smart people failed to move the honeycomb, they called Ai The skilled serfs in Keli village became the only choice.

This was the subject that the priests went to visit the castle last night, and everyone began to discuss, and Tines listened a few words from a distance.

All the veterans who were skilled in territorial affairs were present at the scene. Even if Tinais could think of the increase in buckwheat production, such important things were pinned on these original serfs. If the status is too low, maybe they will be The following guy stabbed him to death. At that time, if he was delayed or failed again, it was the territory that ultimately suffered the loss.

"Two, one, three ... a total of eighteen ..." Holding the sheepskin roll, calculating the total number, the eldest son Elles frowned deeply: "Father, too many, right?"

Hearing here, Tines understood that everyone was discussing how to allocate serfs who had mastered the skills of honeycomb in the village of Akeli.

"Sixteen is okay!" Said agricultural officer Balles with a smile. "Twenty-six removed sixteen, leaving the parish with double digits ... good. After all, it was his baron. Their identity as free people. "

When Tines thought about it, the topic of serf distribution was coming to an end.

"Is it eighteen? It's a bit more ... well ..." The baron groaned slightly. "Tiko and Hobro villages each one."

"That's sixteen ..." The eldest son drew two strokes, still a little hesitant: "Still a little ..."

There was a little silence, and everyone nodded slowly.

After nodding his head, Baron Archford continued to ask, "That's it for Lovran and Ori. How about Adovi? How many people are needed to move the honeycomb?"

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