Kidnapping All Mankind

: Part I `` Ass '' 229 Good future

"Let Grace be the deputy of Bavant ..." Bark Archford repeated, slowly asking: "Talk about what you think."

When speaking these two sentences, the expression of His Excellency Baron was very dull. However, as the second son of the family, Tines has been cautious for so many years, and has already concluded a set of tips for watching and seeing: Although the father looks expressionless at this moment, when he proposed it, his father's brows were unconscious. Jumping a little, this is exactly what his father did when he was a little happy.

It seems? Am I right?

Tines was refreshed: "Pastor Paul's department has helped us to determine that, just in his teenage years, His Excellency Los, is worthy of a formal pastor position to win. The parish is willing to throw such a big name, territory It can't be too embarrassing. "

"Well ..." Baron Archford nodded. "Continue."

"After all, Lord Los is a priest. Many things are not very convenient between the parish and the territory ..." Tinais continued, "as now, giving away dozens of serfs, you have to find a good reason to give The more it is, it is no longer good intention, but is intentionally framed. "

"You can't frame it if you want to frame it." Guard Captain Carter suddenly interjected: "Property, sentiment, women ... His Lord Lose is not interested."


Tinis hesitated for a moment, realizing what might be said in the words of the captain.

However, the information revealed by the captain of the guard happened to be similar to the idea of ​​the second son, and it also happened to play along: "It doesn't matter if you are interested, the more upright your Excellency, the less likely you will encounter trouble in these areas in the future ... after all, the territory What you want is a priest who is valued by the parish, not a fringe person who is jealous of the parish. "

"Well." Baron Archford nodded again. "What then?"

"Then ..." Tinais continued: "For Lord Los, the land already has the position of burdock and beekeeper, and let it be as it is. You do n’t need to be too conspicuous. Give it to the parish. Some provide an excuse to attack Lord Los. "

"Oh?" The baron asked with interest: "Let Rose / Moore's elder brother be the deputy of the Territory Farm Officer, will not be attacked?"

"Yes." Tines nodded strongly. Regarding this, Tines had thought through it thoroughly. Hearing the baron's question, he quickly answered: "First of all, Grace is Grace, and His Excellency is His Excellency, The parish did not pay much attention to the relatives of the priests.-They could not pay attention. Whose family does not need a few relatives to take care of it?-Secondly, when calling Grace, the territory has every reason to treat cattle. It's not easy to do mobile cellular work. Ackerford collar really needs a good and skilled veteran to control the whole situation. "

"What else?" Asked Bark Archford again.

Any more?

What else?

"Uh, this ... that ..." Tines turned his head quickly: "Ah ... that's right! Just get Grace to Ackerford's straight collar, even if it's just for the brother to successfully complete the deputy hand of the agricultural officer Children, and then become the head of the small village in a logical way. If you want to come to Los, you must also bring the most skilled serfs and burdock helpers to work for Akford. The annoying tricks of seducing cliques will not be concealed by the **** below. "

"That's it?" Asked the baron again.

According to the long-term observation and observation techniques, Tines noticed that when he was questioning again, his father gathered his eyebrows, which was obviously a prelude to dissatisfaction.

However, the benefits that can be thought of are indeed finished!

Tines couldn't make up any new reason, so he had to answer stubbornly: "Yes, father ... please give me directions."


The Baron sighed slightly. When the Tinais began to panic, the Baron suddenly said, "You can think of so many at once, Tinais, you are already very good. As for other reasons ..." said, Baron Archford tilted his head to the director: "Edmund, tell him."

"Graciousness, consolidation, and interest," Edmond said in a few words, quite refined: "Between the Territory and Lord Los, the appointment of the burdock and beekeeper is gracious; finding a reason to send fifty serfs is consolidation; let Gray It is in the interest of Sri Lanka to become His deputy. "


Like a thunder blast, Tines instantly understood the difference; whether it is a burdock or a beekeeper, it is a thing of the past. How can Lord Loser value his kindness and encounter a very difficult situation? Act puts Ackerford in the first place; so do dozens of serfs, although the skill is not small, but this one-off hammer sale gift will always change color with the passage of time; only the Lord's brother will be appointed For territorial bureaucrats, this mutual protection, or the combination of interests held by each other, can last forever!

"Hey ..." Looking at the look of his second son, Baron Archford smiled. "Looks, Tinis, do you understand?"

"Ming ... I see ... No, I ... I ... I don't understand anything, I don't know anything!" Tines replied shivering.

Can't help but feel nervous.

Kindness, consolidation, interest ... The instructions of father and governor are obviously the art of territorial rule, which completely exceeded Tines's expectations.

But ... you can say, but I dare not listen!

Tinis stiffened his neck, slowly turned his head, and looked at his elder brother, Elers, a few steps away.

Brother ... This is not my imagination, you have heard it, it is the father and the manager who must say it!

I have absolutely no meaning to inheritance!

Tines was sure that the look on his face at this moment was absolutely ugly. The extremely long time in his consciousness passed, and the eyes of Tines finally moved to his brother's face.

Brother Ellers, looking at him with a smile, gentleness, and encouragement.

Huh? Huh? Huh?

What's wrong?

There was an instant paste in Tines's head. At this moment, Baron Ackerford spoke again: "Elles, what do you think your brother can make Grace the deputy of Buffant?"

"Very good." The oldest baron agreed with a smile. "A good way."

very good?

Tines trembled and was habitually suppressed. Tinas didn't know how his brother wanted to beat himself this time. ——Especially when the father and the director just pointed out the "lord art of rule".

"Do you have anything to say?" The baron continued to ask the natural heir.

"Tinas had a good idea ..." The eldest son slowly answered, "But ..."

come yet? come yet?

Brother, I am innocent ...

Hearing "but", Tines' legs were weak.

"But ..." While the second son, Tinais, was scared, the baron's eldest son had already said, "It is not enough just to make Grace the deputy of the agricultural officer ... Where is Servant, the serf sent by the territory?"


Despite the confusion in his heart, Tines immediately thought: His lord Luos was a freelancer, and unlike other superiors, he had a large area, and it was impossible for Akeri Village to demarcate a large area for no reason ... that nearly fifty A serf, plus the thieves caught on the road, so many people, just looking at them and letting them eat?

"What do you think?" The baron asked in a deep voice.

"I think ..." The eldest son of the baron slowly replied: "The commons in the cigarette lighter hill can be temporarily lent to Grace."

Light the Commons of the Smoke Mountain ...

Standing by the window every day, Tinas remembered clearly that the common ground that the brother said was surrounded by two streams. It had a natural dividing line, and it required almost fifty serfs to cultivate.

Lending such a land to Grace could indeed house His Serf, a newly harvested serf.


Tines's brain moved quickly: according to the instructions of his father and the director, the way of lending did help to further achieve the combination of interests, but temporarily borrowing also meant to retract at any time ... Is it appropriate to make such a rough handle?

"Okay." "Yes." "Good."

"Just do this!" Tinais frowned secretly, but Baron Archford, Governor Edmond, and the agricultural officer of Valles all exclaimed: "Good way, just borrow this land."


What are you doing?

Tines felt inexplicable, but also escaped the elder brother's puppet inexplicably, Tines still breathed a sigh of relief.

After discussing it here, the topic about "Rose Priest" was all over, and a few territorial trivia were also mentioned. Baron Archford suddenly stood up, yawned, stretched his body, and everyone stood up immediately and all left with interest.

You also need to abide by etiquette when going out. The head of Edmund walks first. The leader of the Carter Guards is next, then the eldest son of the heir. Officer, it was Tinas' second son in the end.

——This is still not many people in the room. If the power leaders such as the servant leader, Dazhuang head, herald, or the external powers such as Rev. Praia, Wu Qingchen / Loss are present, Tines must continue Back row.

Leaving the room of His Excellency Baron, the headmaster, captain, and eldest son walked up to the upper level of the castle. The second son of Tines silently went downstairs and walked to his own room. Tinas suddenly saw one of the core bureaucratic groups in the territory. The water officer who usually has a good relationship with himself is standing by the window of the corridor and looking at himself with a smile.

"Congratulations, Your Excellency Tines."

"Congratulations?" Tines smiled back and forth, but had no idea at all: "Her Excell, what are you talking about?"

"Huh?" The water officer looked up and looked at Tinais without a trace, and determined that the look of the baron's second son's face was not a disguise, and the water officer Kate sighed, half pity and half envy "Congratulations, Your Excellency Tines, you have a bright future!"

"Ah? What?"

Broad prospects?

Looking at the water officer is completely different from the closeness of the past, think about the sudden call of his father, strange pointers, and the elder brother's inexplicable tolerance that day, Tines' heart beating violently: "What is the matter, Lord Cort? I don't know anything yet, can you tell me? "

"It's no secret."

I waited here specifically, the water officer had been asking for it. When the baron's second son was really confused, the water officer didn't mind giving advice: "Her Eles, your brother is very willing to take care of you."

"Huh?" Tines still didn't understand.

"Just now, your elder brother expressed his willingness to lend out a common ground temporarily ..." The water officer continued: "Then ... the elder brother of Lord Loss, and the fifty or more serfs. Be close. "

Lord Los ... more than fifty serfs ...

What Tinas thought vaguely, but it was not very clear, he could not help but ask his father's tone, "What then?"

"Then, His Excellency the Baron had said before, that he should choose a stronger serf!" The water officer said quickly: "Fifty strong serfs ... Is that clear? "

His Attendant ...

A long line of well-trained, highly-guarded prospective soldiers immediately appeared in Tines's mind.

The fifty-something stronger serfs ... Tinais' heart beating even harder: "What else?"

"Elles, your brother, since this land is temporarily borrowed ..." Speaking of which, the smile on the water officer's face was even more ardent: "That is to say, in the future, these fifty or so serfs ... In other words, the dozens of "followers" that His Excellency was willing to send ... Speaking of "followers", the water officer deliberately aggravated the tone: "There should be a land that is no longer a" temporary loan "but should be a" permanent "land. . "

Land forever!

Tines held his chest irresistibly.

Permanent land belongs to the second son, permanent land!

The only answer is only one:

Knight collar!

Today, I will lengthen the chapters and postpone the double chapters.

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