Kidnapping All Mankind

: Volume One Part `` Ass '' 230 territories fifth



The more such times, the more calm!

"Her Excellence, you ... you laughed. [Zero ↑ ​​Nine △ Little ↓ said △ Net]"

The baron's second son tried his best to control himself, but there was still a slight vibrato in his calm tone: "Ah ... Akford, now ... where is there such a large permanent land now."

No wonder the second son is so sensitive. In feudal society, land is the greatest wealth, and "permanent land" is the most sensitive topic.

Anything related to these words, the serf can break the blood, the free people can fight to death, the village gentleman can cause a tragedy, rise to the level of the lord, and it is even more frightening. It's windy.

What's more, the Baron's second son is also a fact. Ackerford's collar is indeed vast, but even the top ruling class living in the castle, the "permanent land resources" that can be taken out are extremely tense.

The land is so precious, and the matters related to the land are so sensitive. As a territorial ranking, it can barely squeeze into the top 20 baron second son status. At most, you can get two or three households, seven or eight. The place of serfdom; the eldest son of the baron who is ranked fifth in the realm of the territories, is also not qualified to determine the ownership of the place where more than fifty serfs are required to work; At that time, he bit his teeth tightly and cut blood in his heart.

Hearing this reluctant remark by Tines, the water officer Kate knew that the baron's second son was already in the right direction.

"Permanent land is really troublesome. But ..." With the initial understanding, the water officer didn't care to say it more thoroughly: "If it is really needed, Fort Ackford not only has it, but also a lot. For example ... Borio village, Assab village, especially ... "Speaking of which, the water officer once again accentuated:" Ryanou village ... these places! "

Burning Willow Village!


It really is so!

The names of the places gently spit out by the water officer fully confirmed the conjecture of the baron's second son.

In the Middle Ages, the area where certain information is currently available, the social structure is quite backward. Even if the supernatural forces suspected of being dominated are born, the level of civilization is still quite low. The vast majority of areas are still in the primary stage of the feudal society in which both the serf system and the self-cultivating peasant system are combined.

It can be seen from the weekly administration of Aikeli Village and the busy situation of Xia Yi farmers that the ruling class in the Middle Ages was quite lacking in many aspects such as organization, mobilization, and management.

The software is unsatisfactory, and hardware such as transportation, communications, military, and logistics is also flawed. Combining multiple factors, the level of dominance shown by the medieval world can be imagined.

According to comprehensive intelligence, according to the way of the earth, according to the difference in dominance, the Ackerford collar can basically be divided into four grades:

In the first grade, the core of the territory, where the location of Fort Afford, Ackerford's straight collar, and the plot in front of the house, the Lord Baron can obviously do a good job of observing the details. ——It is also very clear that there is only one such village. According to the calculation method of feudal society, the power that the baron can use can reach about 80%.

The second level is strong control, such as Acre Village, Lovran Village, Ori Village, and Witton Village. Within two or three days' distance from Fort Afford, traffic and communications are smooth, and force deterrence Areas that are quite convenient and can also be guaranteed in terms of logistics. In these villages, the baron's political, economic, and military demands will not be discounted much. ——There are four such villages in total. The power that the baron can use is basically 60%.

The third grade is barely controlled. The villages of Adovi, Kanagu, and Tarafa are five or six days away from Fort Afford. The mountains are rugged, the roads are in disrepair, and the soldiers of the team walk up. It is very labor-intensive, large-scale armed is laborious, and the transportation of materials is extremely difficult. In these villages, the order of the Lord Baron, under the dual effects of natural factors and personnel factors, will inevitably become ineffective. ——There are three such villages in total. The power that the baron can use fluctuates around 40%.

The last grade, appointed autonomy, Luarca village, Miraral village, Conaski village, etc. At this grade, the most skilled messengers in these villages came to Fort Afford, almost all of which required flowers By ten days or so, it would be almost a month to go back and forth. Such a speed of information feedback, coupled with the loss of the maintenance of the dominant supernatural force, the road between these villages and Fort Afford has basically been restored. Originally high mountains and dense forests, the bridge was buried in the original state. Subject to the hardware facilities of the tragedy, let alone the dispatch of the armed forces, even if it is normal communication, if the commander with less qualifications and experience receives an errand, he must have deeply offended a few grandfathers and must be given to the home first. People explained good things, and then set off with tears.

Such a ghostly place can be imagined, and the bare control is not worth the loss. The Acford family passed down from generation to generation, referring to the advanced experience of other lords, and gradually handing over these places to the dear brothers. Or a high-ranking bureaucrat with outstanding merit, appointing him as a transcendent knight.

The status of transcendence means that in order to thank these knights for their dedication and the defense of the border, the hosted senior gentlemen only need to pay an important amount of easy-to-carry materials such as honey, salt, precious metals, etc. to the castle as an lord to the lord Dedication of gifts (limited to transportation, no more food can be shipped), and discussion of important matters, and when the concentration for other reasons, the top ranking favors (in any case, there are few opportunities in life). -There are five such villages, and the baron can use up to 20% of the power.

These are four bright grades, and in addition, there is a hidden grade: nominally owned.

These villages are the Borio village, Assab village, and Ranliu village that the water officer read at this moment.

The transportation distance between these villages and Fort Arkford is between 8-15 days, and they are all far away from the Emperor.

Among them, the village of Borio, the farthest, reached about 15 days. It originally belonged to another lord who bordered. Due to the differences between the tax and food delivery of the original lord, the village of Borio decades ago. The knight, through the operation of marriage and inheritance, decisively transferred his loyalty to the previous and previous generation of Baron Archford, and then used the contradiction between the two territories again and again to reach the source. Decent dedication. ——Of course, it was originally a flying thing, and Ackerford didn't care much about gain and loss.

The nearest, eight days or so, the village of Assab is a knight appointed by the previous generation of Baron Ackerford 30 years ago. This knight family is quite loyal, but for some reason, it has been offended by the master. It ’s a disaster, either a flash flood or a rainless month, but it ’s not easy to weather, and it will encounter a flood of insects. It lingers between heaven and earth and the restoration of vitality all the year round. The castle not only has no gain, but it also has a lot of meaning. Allocate a little reconstruction material. -This in turn promoted the village's loyalty.

Apart from these two special circumstances, there are several other distances, such as the burning willow village where the water officer deliberately aggravated the tone.

In the Middle Ages, territorial wars were frequent, social turmoil was fierce, class contradictions were sharp, many factors were superimposed, and the living environment was extremely bad. At the same time, a large number of distinctive armed forces were spawned: defeated nobles, out of control, and thieves.

Ackerford led these ill-hearted villages to be the victims of these characteristics: one was attacked by the nobility of the nobles who did not know where to escape; the other was stolen by the deliberate custodians, and two were by the advanced proletariat Leather ... Alas, the thieves have forcibly taken over.

This was the situation in which two or three generations of barons were formed within the past few decades.

To be honest, when it comes to dedication, the grain and valuables brought to Akford by these unstable village rulers are far from comparable to the strongly controlled area of ​​Akli Village, but compared to The third reluctantly controlled village, and the fourth decentralized knight leader, all need to be two or three times more.

However, apart from food and supplies, these villages, due to innate defects in jurisprudence, class, likes and dislikes, have always been deeply separated from the castle.

The Ackerford leader had to spend energy and materials to strengthen the armed forces around these heart-wrenching villages to prepare for them, and the rulers of these irregular villages had to reorganize their horses, always guarding against castle attacks. .

Vigilance, hostility, confrontation ... Under the chain reaction, these villages naturally cannot talk about accumulation of power, and Fort Afford also has to consume an extra amount of manpower and material resources every year.

For these "namely-owned villages," Acford's leadership was not entirely helpless.

One such as arm command, four powerful controls, three reluctant controls, five entrusted escrow agents, and the power of thirteen villages can be combined to completely overthrow these heart-wrenching villages with thunder.

However, everything has to be cost-conscious.

These disgusting villages are not only far away, but roads are in disrepair—some critical locations have been deliberately damaged—the armed forces are difficult to pass through and the logistics costs are extremely high. Ackerford leaders must recruit considerable power to suppress these bastards.

The trouble is that, with the environment of the Middle Ages, Ackerford leaders dared to adjust their territorial mobile forces on a large scale, and the surrounding forces would immediately be ready to move.

Therefore, under such helplessness and compromise, under the might of time and history, the Arkford collar put pressure on these **** villages to increase their dedication; the Arkford collar was strongly dissatisfied, and these ghost places hurried Compromise; Ackerford collar asked for managerial staff, these places also gradually accepted by holding his nose, Ackerford collar relaxed slightly, these **** had to go in!

That's it, ten years, twenty years, thirty years ...

It is also the power of time and history. When both sides have concerns, the relationship between the territories and these pesky villages has gradually begun to move closer to the balance line, and the way of getting along has gradually developed towards normalization.

In recent years, the baron's second son has also faintly heard: damn, hateful, burning village of thieves. I do n’t know how many innocent farmers have been sacrificed in recent years, and what evil deals have been reached with the devil. The weather is smooth, and it has accumulated a lot of wealth. It is packing up the team, thinking of sending to the castle, and obtaining a formal recognition of the marriage, and the marriage of a family lady, planning to become a real, pivotal knight in the territory .

At the same time, some of the core management in the castle also repeatedly murmured on different occasions: the old past is long gone. Since the descendants of this thief have regrets, the territories should not be given an opportunity. ——If you do n’t give the opportunity at all, this beast who is in a hurry to wash the white, is still in contact with the other two neighboring territories. If you are not careful, the wealth of the territories will flow out. The leader of Afford may be more than one time. There was a nail inserted by another lord!

However, at this moment, from the understatement of the Water Officer, but extremely certain, the baron's second son heard a completely different wind:

These ghostly villages, at least, Ran Liu, the most hated ghost place in Ackerford, has come to an end!

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