Kidnapping All Mankind

: Volume One Part 231 Butt Another Family Is Born

The burning willow village is going to be unlucky.

Tinis's second son should be lucky.

Thinking of this, the baron's second son finally confirmed: really a knight leader is beckoning to himself!

Really a knight collar!

As if drinking a whole barrel of wine in one breath, the baron's second son immediately appeared a large block of dark red.

The knights and stewards all seem to manage a village, but in fact their status is obviously very different.

In terms of power, the steward only has management power, and if the matter is a little larger, he must report to the castle; the knight has most of the power. Unless the battle or the alliance involves other territories, you need to ask the lord.

In terms of income, there is only lip service and a small piece of commons in the village where the lord gave it; the knight does not have lip service, but the entire village is the property of the knight. Apart from giving a certain amount of wealth to the castle every year, other outputs All belong to myself.

In addition to these two aspects, the more important is the inheritance: the son of the steward can theoretically become the steward, but often after two or three generations, he must give way to the new steward appointed by the new lord, and gradually decline to the Zhuangtou, the clerk. After a few generations, it is likely that due to the same reason, they will gradually become craftsmen; the knight leader will have no such anxiety. As long as the village is still there, it can be passed down from generation to generation. ——Maybe it can grow stronger.

In fact, it is more than just a matter of management. Even the absolute No. 2 and No. 3 figures in the territory of the general manager and captain may have higher powers and benefits than the Cavaliers, but it is far from the freedom and future of the Cavaliers.

Bureaucrats and bureaucrats, no matter how high authority they have, they are always just a little more senior servants.

The Cavaliers, without a doubt, belonged to the lord.

For Tinis, who originally wanted to pick a comfortable and wealthy village for a supervisory position, at best occasionally fantasized about becoming the core "something officer". Even though he had made several thought preparations, the "knight collar" speculation Really sure that such a big pie was really smashed, and the baron's second son was still smashed for a while.

Taking a deep breath several times, the baron's second son forcibly calmed down, and after getting excited, he quickly thought of the difficulties.

"Knight ... thief ... burning willow village ... more than fifty serfs ... unlikely ..."

The baron's second son murmured to himself, intermittently spitting out a few short words, and the water officer Kate immediately realized: "Forty-five serfs, of course, it is impossible to go against the burning village. It must be different. "

A long line of calm and orderly quasi-warriors floated through the baron's second son, but at the same time also passed the continuous rugged mountain roads and the high and dangerous obstacles, calculating silently, the baron second son shook his head: "It's not enough. "

"The Lord Baron will certainly support some soldiers."

"The territory is also very tense." The situation of the territory, the baron's second son knows: "It takes at least ten days for the messenger between the castle and the burning willow. The soldiers must act together, and the time must be doubled ... twenty days, the castle At most, it would be almost fifty soldiers, plus a hundred or so serfs carrying things. "

"No, there are more than fifty soldiers." The water officer slowly shook his head. "Ackerford, very big."

"The fighters are really big, but it ’s just because Afford's territories are too big, so many adjustments ..." The baron frowned. "Villages in the territories, and the middle of the tax transport team are more dangerous."

"You are going to spend time on burning Yanliu Village ..." The water officer paused for a moment before continuing, "After the autumn harvest?"

"Of course." The baron's second son nodded for granted, his expression slightly dissatisfied.

I'm not a fool ... Of course I know that food is the most important preparation for the war. If you do n’t wait for harvest in the fall, do n’t protect your territory first, and do n’t guarantee the safety of your sports tax team, talk about recruiting soldiers. That ’s not nonsense. ...


and many more!

The baron's second son jerked straight up.

Opposite the water officer was smiling and nodding.

"That's it." Seeing the baron's second son has realized the key, the water officer said: "Other territories, as well as our territories previously recruited soldiers are placed after the autumn harvest, because only then can the territories have enough soldiers to consume But now it ’s not the same ... ”The water officer continued:“ With the honeycomb made by His Excellency, once or twice after harvesting, the territory can accumulate a considerable amount of grain, and it is completely free to decide the time of the crusade. ……… Such as during the summer camp a while ago. ”

"During the summer battle? Uh ... yes!" The baron's second son nodded fiercely, thinking of the benefits of choosing the summer camp to divide the crusade: "During the summer battle, hey, even if you can't kill the burning thief head once, We can completely return, and this **** thief has delayed the most important farm work of Xia Yi. I'd like to see how he can graze and survive in the next year ... Well, if you think so, you can also plant it in spring; Also, it's good to harvest wheat in the fall; yes, and ... "

Following the thought reminded by the Water Officer, the head of the baron's second son turned quickly, and instantly thought of several ways to use the advantages of materials to drag the thief to death. [Zero ↑ ​​nine △ small ↓ said △ net]

At this moment, the baron's second son finally realized that why his father and the parish valued the Los Priest so much.

It turned out that the mobile honeycomb and artificial grouping skills developed by the Los Priest could not only make the leaders and serfs eat more full, and make the territory more stable and harmonious, but also greatly enhanced the parishes and lords to other surrounding areas. Deterrence and the ability to wage war.

"No wonder! That's it!"

It was also at this moment that the baron's second son finally understood why His Excellency was suddenly determined to prepare for the thief villages that had been disgusting for generations.

"Originally, the cause of the 'knight collar' ..." the baron's second son muttered: "The person I most need to thank is His Excellency Los!"

"Cough ..." The water officer coughed slightly.


The baron's second son hurriedly looked around. Fortunately, the true feelings were revealed, and with a lot of gratitude, a little bit of rash words were not heard by a third person.

"Yes, I really have to thank His Excellency Rose." The water officer switched off the topic: "When the time comes for the actual crusade, the burdock taught by His Excellency will definitely take better care of the livestock. By that time, the back There can also be a lot less serfs, which saves a lot of rations. "

"Thieves in Ranliu Village have always been disrespectful to the church ..." The baron's second son also thought of another point: "If Lord Luo is willing to say something, maybe the parish will be willing to help!"

In this way, the more the baron's second son said, the more he felt that the "knight collar" was feasible, and the flame in his heart grew stronger and stronger: "No, I'm going to find my father, I'm going to the villages, and I'm going to choose for Los Your serfs must be the strongest and healthiest serfs! You must not let His Loss suffer! "

The baron's second son has thought it through:

After killing the burning thief gang, the soldiers in the territory must quickly return to their villages to suppress the place, protect the passage, and defend against foreign enemies.

At that time, the only force that can stay in Ranliu Village is definitely only the fifty or so serfs of the Los Priest. The stronger these serfs, the higher the combat effectiveness, the villagers who have been taunting the Ranliu village for decades. The greater the deterrent and the basis of domination.

"His baron will definitely agree. However, His Excellency ..." the water officer advised: "You don't actually have to go so early in the villages below."


"It's best to wait until Lord Los, the serfs who will move the honeycomb, to reach the villages ..." The water officer paused a little, waiting for the baron's second son to understand, and then continued: "You go and help select the one for Lord Los serf."

"Well ... oh!" After thinking for a few seconds, the baron's second son understood what the water officer meant: "Her Excell, you are very thoughtful!"

It is really attentive.

Moreover, here is actually another help from the Los Priest!

Tinais said with emotion that the second son of the Lord Baron was quite clear about the image of the lord in the minds of the free people and serfs, and replaced himself, or other masters living in the castle, to say to some serfs, "You follow I'm leaving, let's go to Ranliu Village and desperately kill the thieves, and the people who survive will become free people. "—— The baron is sure, except for the fool who lacks a string in his head. The serfs were afraid they would use it as a lie to the cannon fodder.

However, after the serfs taught by the priests arrived in the villages, became free people, assigned their own land, and realized the double leap of "identity" and "land", with these living examples and demonstrations, they themselves When searching for Serf for Lord Loss-or, in the future, searching for future police officers and freelancers-the credibility immediately rose exponentially, and you could easily do more with less.

"My Excellency, thank you for teaching me so much."

The baron's second son sincerely said, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Things, there is one thing ..."

The water officer did n’t offer a courtesy. He intentionally stayed to wait for the baron's second son, and actively made suggestions. At this time, the courtesy would become hypocritical. The water officer said slowly, It's good, and your body is great. When you're crumbling, maybe you can help a little bit. "

"Thank you so much." The baron's second son promised without hesitation and immediately promised: "As long as they reach the village of Burning Willow, they will all be police officers."

They both knew that these farmers were not so much a matter of care, but rather an investment by the water officer to continue to strengthen the baron's second son. The baron's second son does not need to take special care of these farmers on the battlefield. Of course, as long as they survive, the living standards of these families will definitely improve a lot.

The baron's second son continued to look sincerely at the water officer.

"It's just ..." The official tone of the water official was a little more formal: "I have a nephew, and when I was a kid, I knew a few words, and I would draw a little bit."

"Then he is Zhuangtou." The baron's second son promised again.

"Yeah, Lord Tinais, thank you so much." Water officer Kate bowed slightly, thanking him solemnly.

"Thank you too." The baron's second son bowed slightly.

At the end of the business, I said a few more gossips. The water officer left and left. When leaving, the water officer finally reminded me: "If it's okay, you might as well get up early tomorrow. It's sunny all the time recently. The weather is good ... 唔 ... ... both the forest officer and the agricultural officer, like to get up in the morning and blow the cool wind. "

"Oh?" The baron's second son froze slightly, and then nodded with a smile: "It seems that my clerk and police chief have also fallen behind."

This chapter is unfinished, and the last few lines are in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the last few lines are in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the last few lines are in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the last few lines are in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the last few lines are in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing.

"Oh, dominate the asylum, I wish you peace all night." The water officer smiled, turned and walked towards the spiral ladder. From the beginning to the end, neither of them talked about the village management of the village head, the clerk, and the police chief. More importantly, they truly entered the gentleman class and could be rightfully called "masters". . "Two months, two masters." A dozen steps away, climbing along a spiral ladder, passing a certain window sill, looking at the moonlight, the water officer suddenly sighed, and his voice was full of envy: "Another family To be born. "

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