Kidnapping All Mankind

: Volume 1 Part 232 Ass Teacher

The next day.

The baron's second son, Lord Tines woke up early.

Pushing the door open, Tines saw that the agricultural officer and the forest officer were standing on the terraces on both sides of the castle, looking at the territory outside the window leisurely.

A few minutes later, the Baron's second son received two more batches of "stick guy" support in the future when they were to blaze at Liuyan Village, and he also sent clerks and police chiefs.

Just after talking to the agricultural officer and forest officer, the third person in the castle and the captain of the guard pushed open the door.

Seeing the baron's second son and his colleagues standing on the terrace on both sides, the captain smiled and waved at the baron's second son.

The transaction was over. The agricultural officer and forest officer smiled and walked towards the spiral ladder. The baron's second son hurried to the captain of the guard.

Waiting quietly for the agriculture officer and forest officer to step down the spiral ladder, about two minutes, the captain of the guard said, "How many people did they give you?"

After reckoning, the baron's second son replied; "Twenty-eight are certain."

"Hmm ..." The captain nodded. "With the manpower of His Excellency Rose, there should be eighty."


"The head of the village, the clerk, the chief of the police ..." the captain asked again, "have all been sent out?"

"Yes." The baron's second son continued to nod.

"What about the twenty hands I prepared for you?"

"Always appreciate ..." the baron's second son bowed deeply: "and double your support when you need it."

"Haha." The captain patted the baron's second son on the shoulder and lifted his leg toward the spiral ladder: "Tinas, you have grown up."

"Uncle." The baron's second son quickly followed: "Where is your village?"

"The village of Gruddin is right next to your village," the captain replied easily. "Rest assured, it should be two or three years later than yours. By then, Ranliu village should be very stable."

"Whether it's stable or not ..." The baron's second son was determined: "Your manpower and my return will definitely make no mistakes."

"You don't have to be too reluctant ..." The captain who walked ahead slowly shook his head: "With a honeycomb, the territory will definitely be richer by then."

"It won't be reluctant," the baron's second son immediately replied, "There are many forests and honeycombs around Ranliu Village, and my return will be more generous by then."

"Ha, this is also ..." The captain smiled again. "Even if there are not many honeycombs, with the help of Your Brother's brother, it's really easier for you."

"Hey ..." The baron's second son also smiled.

At the end of the conversation, behind the captain of the guard, the baron's second son was in a lot of mood.

Sure enough!

The agricultural officer, forest officer, and water officer can reach the support staff, divide the tacit understanding of the village management, and the captain of the guard above these three must be more familiar with the inside story.

But yesterday, the captain of the guard said nothing, and let the water officer and others talk to himself first, and today he suddenly offered to support himself with 20 manpower, plus the performance of sitting at the dinner by His Excellency at the dinner ...

All this shows that His Excellency the Guard, his uncle, has long known about the crusade of certain villages, and has also locked a future knight leader!

The two knight collars of himself and his uncle, the village officer, forest officer, and water officer who want to obtain the village management positions; plus the humanity that the uncle knight collar can also trade when it starts; and the father and brother deliberately lent the land, Familiarize yourself with the actions of Grace, and the Lord Serf group ...

From top to bottom, all-round support, crusade against thief villages, and development of knighthood are rare.

From beginning to end, the baron's second son never thought about it: what if the priest Los does not plan to support the development of the Cavaliers?

The neglect of the baron's second son makes sense:

The priest of Los was born as a freelancer, and his family was less than ten acres in the village of Aikeli. With such a small amount of land, the family could not eat enough, and suddenly there were more than fifty serfs. Was it just a waste of watching them? food?

Now there is land temporarily borrowed by the baron, first settle these dozens of serfs, and get a yearly income. By the way, to his brother, Grace took a position of deputy agricultural officer. In the future, he can also get a A large piece of permanent land, and let your brother become a master, how can anyone refuse such a good thing?

No one can refuse!

Don't do such a good thing. Can these serfs be brought to the village of Akeli to open up wasteland?

Isn't this kidding?



After an hour.

Outside the castle, Ackerford led the "foreigners reception."

Early in the morning, with the entouragemen, after breakfast and packing, Wu Qingchen ushered in the farewell team led by Baron Acford.

After a few nutritious conversations, the baron's second son took a chance and informed Wu Qingchen about the plan the baron had negotiated:

1: I hope to exchange the 5: 1 ratio of the serfs in the village of Akeli who have mastered the skills of moving honeycombs.

2: Akford led a plot of land to house Master Wu Qingchen's serfdom.

3: I hope Grace will join Ackerford and become the deputy of the agricultural officer, responsible for the treatment of cattle and honeycomb.

4: After accumulating forages for one or two years, the village will be displeased. After the expedition, I hope Grace will become the steward of the village.


Listening to the baron's second son's plan with a cheerful expression, watching the bird's expression full of Daoxi, Wu Qingchen couldn't wait to bite off the bastard's throat.

Who the **** is the land that Ackerford takes? Do you know that the hard-working serfs I cultivated are the foundation of the great development of the village of Aikeli? !!

Who the **** is a rare manager? Laozi's painstaking efforts, Grace, is the core of future plans. Do you know?

Wu Qingchen's heart was extremely bitter, but he had to barely show a smile on his face.

What can you say?

The excited baron second son only felt the love and support of his father, elder brother, captain of the guard, and agricultural officer. After emergency training by political and economic experts, Wu Qingchen immediately heard the entire Acford leader. Combining high-level in-depth interests and opposing this decision is abandoning the entire favor of Ackerford.

In addition, the grant of land, the position of deputy agricultural officer, and the wish of future supervisors are indeed a thoroughfare for Grace. Even if Wu Qingchen is in Grace's mind at the moment, as long as he shakes his head to refuse, it is 100% good. The sensitivity will immediately drop at least 20%!

Cho Nima!

Your group of Akford-led **** is really nothing!

If you don't see it all night, you have come up with two such tricks to dig the foundation of Lao Tzu!

The baron's second son, His Excellency Tines, was communicating with Wu Qingchen, and at the same time, Wu Qingchen's heart was tangled. At the same time, the eldest son of the baron, His Excellency Elles, was pulling Grace and Wu Qingchen's brother.

"Oh? You have been treated by Lord Los for a dozen farm cattle?"

"Oh? There are many things about His Excellency, you move the honeycomb, are you leading a serf?"

"You are also familiar with the work of filling roads and burying wooden barrels?"

"Literacy? Ah? Lord Rose has been teaching for more than a month?"

"I'll read it from one to thirty? Good, very good!"

When the baron's eldest son talked to Grace, he was very close to Wu Qingchen, and the two did not suppress their voices. They stood by and listened to the conversation. Wu Qingchen was a little familiar, as if he was listening to a job interview Questions and answers.

The question is: fuck, this is a job reservation, then come to examine the ability! When Laozi was looking for a job, why couldn't he encounter such a good thing?

If you can't make a decision right away, let's play with it ...

According to the words taught by the Earth Training Corps, Wu Qingchen vaguely ended the exchange with the senior leaders of the Archford leader, neither directly agreeing nor completely rejecting it; while maintaining the future diversity and letting the conversation Subject feels relatively satisfied with his response.

Twenty minutes later, the conversation came to an end, and no exact answer was obtained, and the baron was not annoyed.

"Well ... Lord Los, you're right, how to allocate serfs to move honeycombs, and to fight against thieves, you have to ask the parish first. It is inconvenient to decide now ..."

This chapter is unfinished, and the last few lines are in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the last few lines are in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the last few lines are in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the last few lines are in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the last few lines are in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing.

"But no matter what the outcome, there will be a place for you on the side of Yanshan and the future burning village of Tines ..." "Besides, there is another small thing that you can help now ..." said Now, His Excellency Baron pulled out a little guy with a smile: "Bathon ..." With His Excellency reading his name, the eight-year-old boy, the third son of Baron immediately took the first two steps, facing Wu Qingchen, deep Deep bowing: "Teacher ..."

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