Kidnapping All Mankind

: Part I Ass 233 Child Leaving Home

233 children away from home

Old ... teacher?

Did I hear something wrong?

Wu Qingchen opened his eyes involuntarily.

On the opposite side, watched by Wu Qingchen, the seven- or eight-year-old kid shook his head shyly and bowed again: "Lord Los, please let me be your student."

"Be my student ..." Pointing to himself, Wu Qingchen repeated in amazement: "My, student?"

The little boy blushed and stopped talking.

"Hah ..." Rubbing Basson's head, Baron Ackerford interfaced: "Lord Los, the little guy is not sensible and can't speak, making you laugh ... Yes, the dinner the day before yesterday, and the work yesterday Little Bason saw you literate and able to paint, and the cattle farming honeycomb was honest in your hands, and the next class was very obedient in front of you. Little Bason was particularly envious ... I thought, this little The guy is idle all day in the castle anyway and wants to ask you to lead him to study for a few years first. "

Undoubtedly, these reasons are obviously just excuses. Baron Archford did not hide it, and Wu Qingchen immediately heard it.

However, no matter what the underlying reason is ...

Inexplicably, many small radish heads make tails. Isn't that a pain in idle eggs?

"Lord Baron, you see ..." Conditional reflexes, Wu Qingchen pointed to his small head, and said politely: "I am only a little bit so big, many things can not be done well, how can I start taking students?"

"Ha, cultivating cattle, moving honeycombs, burying wooden barrels. If none of these things are done well, the priest would be too hard, and ..." the baron continued, "the priest who began teaching students at the age of 16 does not Rare. "


Wu Qingchen paused for a moment, and immediately thought of another reason: "Her baron, then you must know that this is not something I can decide ... Each of the students accepted by the priest requires parish consent."

What Wu Qingchen said was the fact that the identity of the pastor's formal student must be verified by the parish.

When he first entered the Middle Ages, Wu Qingchen tried his best to brush the praise of Rev. Praia extremely high, and helped to solve the huge accident of collective cattle farming in the village of Akeli, and only qualified as an auditor. Until the effect of the mobile honeycomb was fed back to the parish, it really became a registered priest.

"Don't worry about this." Baron Archford smiled and pointed a few steps away. The baron was pointing at the location. The four robes were more decent, and the people were more robust. They were holding four oxen, who carried two or three bags of luggage, and several bulging bags. Pointing at those bags, Baron Ackerford looked "you understand": "Parish will definitely agree."

Wu Qingchen certainly understands.

Special admissions channels, right? You ruthless!

Wu Qingchen was speechless.

"Also ..." Baron Archford pointed to one of the oxen: "This is a thank you, Bason, please."

Alas ... Wu Qingchen remembered that when Deacon Talma accepted Rev. Praia, and Rev. Praia took Little Andrea, they both harvested a cattle and about two bags of flour, and Arkford The baron pointed out to Wu Qingchen at this time was a particularly strong sown cattle and four bags of flour.

Obviously, Baron Archford was quite sincere.

The problem is ... Wu Qingchen's heart is depressed: Brother does not lack cattle and flour!

Seeing that Baron Archford had basically prepared everything, Wu Qingchen thought about it, finally referring to the seven or eight-year-old Bason, and then to the distant mountains and mountains: "From here to the Fishgard Parish It ’s been two or three days in the middle. It ’s not that convenient for Bathen to be so small? ”

"Nothing inconvenient." Baron Acford's fingers were up and down, two freelance farmers holding cattle and two freelance farmers were sneered at once: "This way, even after reaching the village of Akeli, They will do the job of taking care of Basen, and it will not cause you any trouble. "

alright, you win!

Wu Qingchen couldn't find a reason.

However, if it really is like the Baron said, this little Bathson does not need to consume too much energy to take care of, then whether the student should be accepted, and the relationship between the diffusion of influence and the cost of input is left to the earth to judge All right.

After making a decision and talking to the baron, Wu Qingchen began to arrange the team.

Compared with the time when Arford Castle just arrived, Wu Qingchen's team almost doubled.

The leader of the team is still the messenger Pamela, and another messenger sponsored by the Baron.

The Pathfinders who followed were the two original serfs, the free people of the future, and the spirit of spirit suddenly raised a lot of York and Harry.

The latter of the hall behind the team was the two police officers who followed Wu Qingchen in turn in the past two days, specializing in destroying the dark food and eating the belly of the two police officers, Antoine and Abbeville.

Wu Qingchen's position is, of course, the middle of the team. On the left side, he is carrying weapons to protect Wu Qingchen's old neighbour's second son Lang Cohen, burdock helper Dean, and elder brother Grace.

Next to Grace were two guards also armed with spears. This was an armed force that the baron's second son had specially sought to protect his future affairs. ——After leaving the castle, the team needs to continue to visit the parishes and the Praia family. The journey is definitely not safe. It is impossible to leave Grace now.

A little bit behind, left to prospective student Bassen, and the two farmers and peasants who take care of Basn ...

Huh? Arranged here, Wu Qingchen suddenly discovered that one of these farmers and peasants seemed quite familiar?


Wu Qingchen remembered that this **** didn't sleep in the castle the night before, and kept on sticking to the snow ... Shirley?

He noticed Wu Qingchen's gaze, his waist was thick and round, and Shirley's strong body showed a little shyness.

Spicy to the eye, Wu Qingchen quickly hurriedly looked away, just to see, a few steps away, the guard Captain Carter was pointing at Shirley, one finger at himself, squeezing his eyes, exposing "Are you surprised?" Unexpected? "Ambiguous expression.

I'm spicy next door ...

Wu Qingchen growled in his heart and quickly pointed at Shirley: "This ..."

"This is Shirley ..." The attendant, who was laying the floor for Baron's third son, Bathen, tilted his head and introduced: "Sherlier has taken care of His Excellency Bathson for several years, and has a lot of energy to do farm work. After arriving in the village of Akeli, please feel free to call. "

How much effort is there to do farm work?

Then ... well!

Anyway, I want to find a beauty in this ghost medieval world, no, it is impossible to find a woman with no hot eyes!

For high-quality labor resources, I ... **** bear it! Wu Qingchen gritted his teeth and nodded stiffly.

The sun was gradually rising, and when it reached the peak of Smoky Mountains, Wu Qingchen rectified the team.

After ordering everyone to check their luggage for the last time, they said goodbye to the mild Baron Ackerford, the baroness with tears, the baron's second son, and the bureaucratic group with different expressions. The road to the parish.

Step over the ridge, over the land, over the canals, and climb the hills ...

The light green pasture land, the pale yellow buckwheat flowers, and the farmers who bowed down gradually became scarce. Looking back, the spire of the castle was already looming.

"Woo ... wow ..."

Behind him, there were a few depressive sobs. Wu Qingchen turned his head, and Basson, led by Shirley, looked in the direction of the castle, his eyes were red.

Wu Qingchen stopped and gently touched Basson's head.

"Teacher ..." Bason looked up. "When can we come back?"

"It won't take long." Pointing at the few buckwheat fields at the end of the line of sight, Wu Qingchen comforted softly: "When the flowers bloom next time, you should be able to return often."

"Oh ..." Bashen nodded, knowingly, and wiped the drops of water from his eyes.

Poor child ...

This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing.

Wu Qingchen shook her head and sighed suddenly. Pitiful child away from home ... your home is only two days away ... my home, but I do n’t even know where to go ... When Wu Qingchen sighed in her heart Earth, or a home that could not be found in that direction, was rightly caught in another round of turmoil at this time.

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