Kidnapping All Mankind

: Volume 1, Part `` Butt '' 234 Key Questions


May 17, 2012.

In the medieval world, the castle "foreigner reception", the content of the conversation between the agricultural officer, the baron's second son, and the baron himself, immediately caused an uproar on the earth.


Jiangxian, a rental house.

In the display: The farmer smiled to Wu Qingchen and expressed his optimism to Wu Qingchen's brother, inviting Grace as his deputy.

Li Zhencai was afraid of cracking, and slapped his keyboard fiercely with both hands:

"Deputy? Let Grace be deputy? Does this dog day's farm officer have such a big face? Who does he think he is?"

The discussion area where Li Zhencai joined is also turbulent:

"Mlgb! Grace! The future core clerk! Who the **** cares little about your little village?"

"Come with both shoulders over your head, and your mouth is your deputy? Do you **** manage? Do you know economics? Psychology? You are so embarrassed to find a deputy?"

"What kind of qualification does this garbage make Grace a deputy? Until this time next year, **** want to come and mess with Grace will have to plug a red envelope in order to pass the personnel primaries!"



Public opinion guidance office for legal operations.

In the display screen: The baron's second son smiled eagerly and said that Ackerford collar plans to temporarily lend a large area of ​​public land to the serfs who Wu Qingchen exchanged for farming, and make an appointment in advance. Approval of serfs, the crusade of burning willow village, the return is Grace's stewardship, and the "permanent land" of burning village will be doubled.

In the work group, invited commentators have expressed great pressure:

"My aunt, why do you have so many hot posts about the issue of exchanging honeycomb hands with serfs?"

"Of course! This batch of human resources has long been included in the core premise of the Mill Strategy!"

"Have it?"

"The Mill Strategy, page 3."

"My aunt! Really **** on the third page! I opened it and saw it! How should I guide this topic? Which brother has a template?"

"Same template."

"No." "No template."

"Still wanting to guide the topic? Think about this rather than thinking about how to make all netizens more blind together!"

"Halo, is it so serious?"

"It ’s more serious than that. Continue to look through the strategy of the Mill. Brothers, pages 4 to 8. The paralysis is all a chain reaction! Without this batch of labor, the next development plan for the village of Akeli will be launched directly. No money! "

"Ask: The meaning of stewardship and permanent land."

"It doesn't make sense!" "Feather makes sense!"

"If you give it now, it is indeed a high-quality asset. It will only be given after two years of fucking, and Wu Qingchen's resources must be taken up in the middle. This **** has a **** meaning, it is a pure loss!"

"Real-time notification: The search index of 'feudal landlords', 'cannon fodder', 'white busy', 'peach picking', 'dead, second son' entered the yellow area."

"Paralysis for me, I also want to kill this dog day's second son!"

"What do you do now? 'Scavenger Dog' seems to be getting hot words too."

"Ah ... let's take a ten-minute rest and wait for instructions."


Village-level activity center, chess room.

i23-z1-2037-2214 counterpart analysis team.

A long row of feeds hanging on the left side of the large display screen, marking the urgent blood red font, echoes the complexion of the person in charge Tie Qing:

1: core human resources, mobile honeycomb hands are planned to be called;

2: Core management personnel, Grace is planned to be called;

3: The third son of Archford plans to become a student of Wu Qingchen;

Unprocessed 1: Wu Qingchen, planned to be transferred to Archford's direct pastor;

Unprocessed 2: Acre-Akford, escape the thieves;

Unprocessed 3: ...

Outstanding 4: ...


The speaker in front of everyone uttered a soft beep at the same time.

The briefing came out.

"The increase in the yield of artificial pollination directly enhanced the war potential of the Ackerford and Fishgard parishes, and then triggered a chain reaction under geopolitics. With the information that the indigenous peoples of the Middle Ages could access, it was predictable In the meantime, the core leadership is undoubtedly in the line of Deacon Talma-Rev. Praia-Wu Qingchen. "

"Relevant arguments and concrete manifestations of the medieval world:"

"1. In the field of religion, Rev. Paul recommended Wu Qingchen as a direct-leader Rev .: Mastering the advanced productivity of cultivating cattle and honeycombs, the deacon of Talma will inevitably lead the future wealth distribution of the parish. Close up early in the morning. "

"2. In the military field, the agricultural officer called Grace as the deputy, and the baron's second son promised to slay and burn the willow, and appointed Grace as the village steward: Productivity progress guided military progress, and Ackerford led the initiative in expressing willingness to cooperate."

"3. In the field of politics, the baron handed over the three sons to Wu Qingchen as a student: bundled cooperation, hostage swap, and explained that Afford Leader is very optimistic about the future development of Wu Qingchen's first department, and invest in advance."

"Hmm ..." After reading the last line, Li glasses was very emotional: "No wonder the earth has so many technologies, the staff chose the mobile honeycomb of the soil puppet ... Now it seems that this is a soil puppet, it's totally awesome!"

"How to say?" Lao Liu habitually came together.

"Look here ..." Li's fingers crossed the three lines of titles: "religious field", "military field", and "political field". Can cause religious, military, and political changes in the Middle Ages. If this **** is replaced with glass blowing, mirror making, artificial pearl raising, or steel making technology, it must not attract the collective siege of the surrounding lords? "

"Well, children hold gold ..." Old Liu teased an idiom: "I know this."

"It's not that simple." Li glasses shook his head: "The advancement in honeycomb technology led by Mr. Wu Qingchen must deeply integrate production materials and rely on large areas of land to produce satisfactory results. Such results are naturally distinguished from glass, pearl, Steel and the like are doomed to be monopolized by a malicious force. "

"Uh ..." Liu looked very confused: "What do you mean?"

"Uh ..." Li glasses squinted his eyes: "The glass draws an island, the pearl circle coast, the steel fence mountain, and it can be kept secret for at least several decades if you go in and out ... bees pollinate, honeycombs are everywhere, Who can hide it? "

"This ... it's true! Everyone can see it, so there are fewer crooked ways." Old Liu nodded, and then he had new doubts. He pointed to his own screen: "But everyone can see Then, why is the leadership still in Mr. Wu's department? "

"It's very simple ..." Li glasses explained: "Seeing and doing are two different things. With the participation of Wu Qingchen, Aikeli Village can successfully move ten honeycombs to eight. Ackerford's collar and parish are estimated to be Let ’s move 10 levels of success two or three. The difference between 80% and 30% is not big. The territories and parishes make their own efforts and can continue to improve, so as not to cause murder and greed; No small, there is this difference, and it can be greatly improved at a small price. Why don't people fight for it? "

Hearing here, the crowds attracted by the conversation between the two were stunned:

"This twists and turns ..."

"Fuck, it can still be like this ..."

"So dirty!"

"Well, the craftsmanship of the medieval world is rotten, and the intrigue is terrible!"


Staff, a subordinate command center.

"The preliminary plan came out." The young staff member opened the office door.

"Good!" The person in charge stood up and took the documents quickly.

Time is tight and it is a preliminary plan. The content is naturally not much. The person in charge on duty directly turned the thin sheets of paper to the conclusion section:

"Three key issues at this stage:

1. Brother Wu Qingchen, Grace is transferred

2. Bason (the third son of Baron Arford) plans to become a student of Wu Qingchen

3: Move honeycomb hands to exchange serfs, core human resources are misappropriated

Handling opinions:

1: Grace can go to Akford to take the post as deputy, in order to enrich the territorial management experience, cultivate the ability to communicate with all strata of the indigenous people of the Middle Ages, and within two to six months, can find opportunities to return to the village of Acre See attached schedule

2: It is recommended to agree to accept the three sons of Baron Akford as students, to further expand Wu Qingchen's influence.

3: Do not agree to lend serfs. This labor resource is extremely important to the “Mill Plan”, and the land and Grace stewardship will be burned in the future two years later, and the return on investment is extremely low. (See attached table for solutions)

"What about the schedule?"

The duty officer spread his right hand while browsing.

"Here." The young staff member handed out a large stack of documents.

"Oh ..." The person in charge on duty took the documents and was about to watch. The speakers placed on both sides of the desk suddenly sounded in unison, and the display screen in front of the desk was also bright red at the same time.

This is a reminder of another important event in the medieval world.

"Well? What's the matter?" The person in charge quickly dropped the file and looked at the display: "It's been less than an hour since the Middle Ages took less than a day to walk a few miles? Did we encounter another thief group? Anymore? "

This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing. This chapter is unfinished, and the final part is in the words of the author. The genuine reading address of this book: Grinding Iron Chinese Website, thank you for subscribing.

No thieves. In the display: the medieval world, the setting sun. After dinner, Wu Qingchen set aside his entourage and walked into another shallow river beach, writing a few lines of text on the sand again. "Uh ..." Looking at these lines of documents, I was silent for a few minutes, and looked back and forth over the text Wu Qingchen drew on the sand, as well as the document that I had just messed up on my desk just now. Mei: "Mr. Wu's suggestion is not bad."

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