Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 236: restore

Los Angeles Institute of Microbiology Medicine.

"唔 ......" Looking at the real-time subtitles of Wu Qingchen's sand painting solution in the video, the doctor rubbed his chin: "In such a time, Mr. Wu Qingchen's ability can reach this level ... It seems that training We also need to prepare a copy of the subjects for some of our departments. "

"Ah?" The assistant was a little surprised. "Is this also related to our work?"

"Of course." The doctor nodded for granted.

"Excuse me, which department?" The assistant quickly took out his notebook: "Logistics? Lab? Or intern management?"

"No, neither." The doctor shook his head: "Game, binding, interest exchange ... Mr. Wu's skills and ideas shown here must be grasped by those fools who are responsible for applying for funds."


Interim committee, decision center.

Wu Qingchen's suggestions to the earth through the way of sand painting entered the final review.

Representatives from various countries voted high for Wu Qingchen's plan.

This temporarily inserted issue did not delay much time, but the representatives' expressions were more or less severe.

Delegates were not worried about the plan Wu Qingchen applied for and could receive up to 83% of the staff at all levels. Wu Qingchen's proposal obviously had very high feasibility and security at the same time, and the worst result was nothing more than a return. , Negative impact is minimal.

The duty leaders of the subordinate command center can perceive the abnormality. Of course, these master-level players in the intriguing fighting field can see at a glance that the "Wu Qingchen proposal" this time contains the danger: Wu Qingchen must not The signs of control are becoming increasingly apparent.

"What is the mental group?"

After a brief silence, the US representative looked at the attending psychological group contact.

"The" self-rest "period was extended to 3 hours ..." The contact person read out the corresponding measures already prepared: "Strengthen 20% -40% of interference in novels, games, related social relations, etc., which can basically guarantee and continue to maintain The current degree of influence on Mr. Wu Qingchen. "

"The difficulty of rearranging the one-hour quota is not to mention ... now this brainwashing ... cough, guidance, if you continue to strengthen 20% -40% ..." The representative of country Z shook his head: "The risk is too high. "

"Uh ..." The liaison person in the psychological group quickly communicated with the headquarters and said when he raised his head again, "It's really high. About 13 days, the yellow threshold of risk will be reached."

The louder whispers in the decision center have become even more noisy.

"Thirteen days are too few ..." For about half a minute, the representative of country Z spoke: "I do not agree to strengthen interference."

"Secondary." The representative of Russia spoke.

"Secondary." The US representative nodded.


In less than a minute, most of the delegates completed the voting.

The results appeared in advance: Wu Qingchen officially announced an indefinite suspension of his brainwashing plan without his knowledge.

It is quite ironic: The deep-seated reason of the "Wu Qingchen proposal" that led to the suspension of the brainwashing decision is precisely because everyone has tried every means to give Wu Qingchen a stronger sense of belonging and responsibility to the earth.

Of course, being able to occupy a seat on the interim committee that determines the fate of humankind, the attendees did not care about the vague face issues.

"Then the next is a highly relevant issue that is automatically included ..."

The host on duty, the Brazilian representative looked at the display in front of him: "To Mr. Wu Qingchen, what guidance scheme should be adopted next?"

"Supernatural clues have already appeared in the medieval world, and it is possible to have direct contact with Mr. Wu Qingchen at any time." The representative of country Z looked around and made the first statement as usual: "China believes that under the new situation, Mr. Wu Qingchen will have wider and more extensive contacts. Comprehensive intelligence and more initiative is a more responsible performance and a decision that is good for all humanity. "

"Secondary ..." The Russian representative nodded.

"Secondary ..." The United States representative agreed.



Ten minutes later.

Training team, reserve group two, Jiang Fengming's office.

When Jiang Fengming and his colleagues were selecting the members of the next reserve training team, the old "Ding Jingling ..." telephone ringing suddenly sounded in the office.

On the heavy desk, the red phone rang.

After a slight pause, Jiang Fengming stood up and answered the phone.

"Yes ... Yes ... Yes ... Yes ... OK ... OK ... Yes!" After half a minute, Jiang Fengming's feet stood upright, the heels were close together, and "Dang" came out: "Guaranteed the completion of the task!"

"Xiao Lin!" Putting down the phone, Jiang Fengming immediately issued a command: "The selection of personnel will be given to you first, the scope will be tripled ... waiting for review!"

"Dr. Liu, please make a list of the training materials for the next stage immediately and return it to the logistics department as soon as possible."

"Xiao Zhang ..."

"Little Ho ..."

With the release of Jiang Fengming's series of orders, everyone in the office responded quickly, and a certain premonition came to mind.

Sure enough, the next moment, another order from Jiang Fengming proved the conjecture:

"Director Wang, coordinating various departments, verifying the communications network, is ready to take over the command of the training team."

"Yes!" Director Wang responded.

"Dear colleagues ..." Jiang Fengming continued quickly: "From now on, the department's sequence will be changed to the first series of the training group, and he will be fully responsible for Mr. Wu Qingchen's next round of training! There are many burdens, I believe everyone is clear and redundant I won't say anything, everyone works hard! "

"Yes!" The loud response in the office was deafening.

"Okay, everyone must do all the preparations before 11 noon ... Xiao Zhou, come with me." Said, Jiang Fengming walked around the desk and walked to the door while beckoning his assistant and an officer: "Fan Staff, come here too, bring the security team, let's go out."

A few minutes later, eight bulletproof commercial vehicles and five buses drove out of the training center quickly.


It is about two kilometers from the main road of the convoy.

Training team, coordination office, a modified bus.

"The training team will then resume full leadership by Jiang Fengming's office?"

After listening to the order from the person in charge, at the position next to the window, Xiao Zhao blinked: "It seems ... the matter of being robbed of a serf, robbed of Grace, or a student of a student, has it been decided by Director Huang?"

"Waffle!" Xiao Zhao asked, the old Liu Fei shook his head quickly: "These are obviously the interests of the Aboriginal people of the Middle Ages. Give the intelligence department a few boards at most, what is the matter of Director Huang?"

"That ..." Xiao Zhao frowned. "Why did Director Huang withdraw?"

"Withdrawn? Why do you think so?" Old Liu frowned slightly.

"It's normal, what happened ..." Xiao Zhao said, "Last time, wasn't Director Jiang removed because of the broken thing caused by the stupid cow in Aikeli Village?"

"This is not a withdrawal! Neither director is a withdrawal ..." Old Liu shook his head vigorously: "It's not what you think."

According to Lao Liu, the two rotations of the so-called "Jiang Fengming's Office" and "Huang Xing's Office" seem to be the two training teams competing for the dominance of Wu Qingchen's training, but in essence they are the differences between the two concepts.

The line of Huang Xing is very obvious. Wu Qingchen is positioned as an executive. The earth is absolutely dominated. Fudge, brainwashing, and selective notification of information .... by all means, all interference is eliminated (including Wu Qingchen) to ensure the smooth implementation of the various plans formulated by the staff committee. .

Jiang Fengming ’s route has gradually changed. Wu Qingchen is positioned as a decision maker-at least one of the main decision makers. The earth cooperates fully, the reason for the decision, the follow-up impact, and the main information ... all candidly inform, and assist Wu Qingchen to successfully complete the counselling of the staff. Established expected goals.

The actual situation is highly consistent with Lao Liu's conjecture:

When Wu Qingchen first entered the Middle Ages, the situation was critical. Each training group led by Jiang Fengming explained in detail the reasons for training, the degree of mastery required, and the expected results after practice. ——The so-called knowing it, and knowing why.

After the information part of the Middle Ages became familiar and had a certain grasp, the training team led by Huang Xing began to lead the training. Wu Qingchen gradually became aware of only the level of each skill that needs to be mastered. Short-term difficulties, as to the reasons for the need for training, and profound long-term goals, are basically not mentioned. -The so-called knowing it, but not knowing why.

"Ah ..." Listening to Lao Liu's conspiracy theory, Xiao Zhao's mind was very confused: "Director Huang ... This is a bit unkind."

"Humour ..." Old Liu Yan smiled: "Country ... No, the whole earth is in front of you. Where is the goodness? Only the difference in interests. Positioning executives, mainly brainwashing Wu Qingchen, must be relatively stable in the short term. However, the future is endless; positioning policy makers can indeed guarantee concerted efforts and honor and disgrace, but who dares to decide so easily and let a young man in his twenties expand infinitely. "

"Uh ... what do you mean?"

"Decision-making ..." Lao Liu sighed: "Decisions that determine the fate of seven billion people are, of course, heavy responsibilities, but they are also powers that are overwhelming ..."

"Uh?" Xiao Zhao's eyes were confused.

"Just the simplest ..." Lao Liu said with a finger. "Wu Qingchen himself is very busy, but he still has a lot of friends on the planet. At present, it seems that he has got a reserve team ... As a decision maker, Wu What if Mr. Chenchen thinks that he can arrange a good errand for his friends, or that he does not have the heart to let his friends be placed under house arrest and let them go free? "

"Uh ... is this human nature?" Xiao Zhao answered hesitantly.

"This is indeed human nature." Old Liu nodded. "But if this is the case, the consulting power about Wu Qingchen will certainly be reduced a lot!"

"This ..." Xiao Zhao was speechless.

"The impact in this area is not great, and you can overcome it with a little effort ... The most influential aspect is ..."

Lao Liu continued: "Regardless of human and material resources, the United States plus NATO is definitely far ahead of Z and Russia, but in order to protect the interests of the nation and allies, until now, Mr. Wu Qingchen's rest time has been fixed in Beijing. The time is from 12pm to 8am the next day.-Of course, in the case of Mr. Wu Qingchen, no matter how unwilling the United States and NATO have to go all out-but also go all out, the efficiency and loss of day and night, There is a huge difference in itself. If you encounter difficulties next time, you need NATO to use all its power. Mr. Wu Qingchen decides to adjust the sleep time to NATO night. What should I do? "

"How does this work!" Think of the loss report reported daily by the US and Europe in the past ten days. Xiao Zhao shuddered and immediately jumped off the foot: "Wu Qingchen is a Chinese citizen!"

"Well, Mr. Wu Qingchen is a member of the Z country. It is certain that this situation will not happen." Old Liu did not argue about the country and asked: "Wu Qingchen's other identity, as a person in the Middle Ages, If, on a certain day, a certain decision of the earth needs to sacrifice Wu Qingchen's parents, brothers, sisters, or thousands or tens of thousands of Middle Eastern aboriginal people, as a decision maker, what should Wu Qingchen do? "

"..." Xiao Zhao was speechless.

If it was an Earthling (the best Z-nation) and a stranger from the Middle Ages put it on the scale, Xiao Zhao believed that Wu Qingchen would definitely choose Earthling.

At the same time, at a time ratio of 30: 1, Wu Qingchen clearly intersects with the Middle Ages more. People are not plants. If there are hundreds or thousands of strange Southeast Asian monkeys, go with Wu Qingchen ’s parents, brothers, and sisters in the Middle Ages. Measure, let alone Wu Qingchen, even Xiao Zhao would tend to the Middle Ages.

"That ... that ... um ..."

After thinking for a long time, Xiao Zhao finally sighed: "Sure enough, it is better that Director Huang is in charge of leading the training group."

"Not necessarily good ..." Old Liu shook his head vigorously: "And, Director Huang's line has clearly failed."


"Look ..." Old Liu opened the picture of Wu Qingchen painting the beach and pointed to the above lines: "Mr. Wu Qingchen has clearly begun to grasp the basic principles of gaming and politics. It won't be long before he can understand himself The relationship with the earth and continued forcible suppression of Mr. Wu's power is tantamount to stuffing time bombs into the pressure cooker! "

"What's more ..." At this time, I had been listening to the two in silence before, and another middle-aged colleague in the front row turned back and sighed, "The clue of the supernatural phenomenon has been determined, but the world is good, the Middle Ages. Fortunately, there is no reliable solution at all now. This is the most important issue at present. In any case, Mr. Wu Qingchen must have some control. "

"Leadership ... Well, in fact, either Director Huang or Director Jiang, either way is not much better ..." Old Liu shook his head: "Director Huang's line, plainly, is chronic suicide ... Jiang The director's line is nothing more than drinking and quenching thirst. "

"No way ..." The middle-aged colleague's face was bitter: "Sometimes, even if I know it's poison, I have to drink it."

"Is it so serious?" Xiao Zhao was half flustered and half dissatisfied.

"It's more serious than you think ... If you look at it from the perspective of a natural person, Wu Qingchen is really nothing bad. Two security guards and a bowl of liquor can be done, but if you look at it from the perspective of a legal representative ..." Xiao Zhao gathered his mind. Under the gaze, the middle-aged colleague in the front row slowly touched his stomach: "Remember here? All human lives are in the grasp of Wu Qingchen. If this ability is replaced by a certain country, the United Nations will The governing body must also have at least one additional seat. "

"It's more than just an ordinary seat on the United Nations." Old Liu also touched his stomach. "What clean nuclear weapon is comparable to this? Wu Qingchen has this hand. When he becomes a political entity in the future, the Tianxiang Event Interim Committee will definitely rank. In the top ten. "


Everyone in the Coordination Office, while trying to figure out the policy within the bus, was connected to the training base simulation base, and on a heavily guarded road, Jiang Fengming's convoy had galloped all the way and drove a dozen kilometers away.

In the third commercial vehicle of the convoy, the captain's seat behind the driver's seat, looking at the scenery passing by the window, Jiang Fengming frowned.

"Director ..." Co-driver, Assistant Zhou turned back and asked softly, "Where are we going now? Which departments need to be notified?"

"Where to go ..." Continuing for a few seconds, Jiang Fengming slowly turned back: "Contact the Customs and Foreign Affairs Office's contacts first, and ask them to go to c31."

"Okay." Assistant Zhou quickly marked a few shorthand symbols.

"In addition ..." Jiang Fengming continued: "Notify the logistics group-key item group-Wu Qingchen special office-material department, um, and personnel department ..."

Jiang Fengming read the names of these two pass units smoothly: "Please ask them to review the supplies and personnel at the end, and give them a reliable list before 10 am."

"Okay, Director Jiang." Assistant Zhou continued shorthand.

"Um ..." Jiang Fengming bowed his head.

Jiang Fengming held a stack of thick documents in his hands and flipped through them. There were densely packed luxury car mansions, medals and famous brands, rare birds and beasts, luxury goods, banknote printers, beauties, beautiful men, strong men, and so on ...

For a long time, Jiang Fengming closed the document, looked out the window again, sighed, and murmured, "Status, treatment, power, responsibility ... It's time to give this first salary to Mr. Wu Qingchen."


Middle Ages.

The earth is disturbing, time is passing slowly.

Wu Qingchen and his party were only a little bit away from the Fishgard parish.

Mr. Wu Qingchen, only a little bit of time is left to implement the strategy plan for the first time.

The two chapters don't want to be split. After the merger is completed, it will quickly enter the next stage.

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