Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 237: Temple

In the middle of the afternoon, the mountain team slowed down.

"Master ..." accompanied Wu Qingchen to inspect the valley for overnight stay, and the messenger sponsored by Baron Arkford raised his right hand and pointed forward: "After that mountain, turn over one more, that is, Colinburg ...... It will be at noon tomorrow. "

After hearing what the messenger said, the entourages were refreshed, and after two days of climbing between the mountains, everyone was more or less covered with the exhaustion of the journey.

The only exception is Basson. Most of the time, he sits in a soft couch, and several farmers take turns to carry his back. The baron's third son is always energetic.

"Teacher! Teacher!" The seven- or eight-year-old looked around and saw the stream tens of meters away from the valley. The little boy immediately lightened his eyes, pushed his head out of the shoulder of the farmer, and approached Wu Qingchen: "Little Water, there is little water here! "

"Uh, uh ..." Wu Qingchen nodded perfunctoryly while observing the wind direction and the firmness of the hillside. "I saw it."

Pat the farmer's shoulder, the farmer crouched down, Little Bason jumped out quickly, grabbed Wu Qingchen's robe with both hands, and dragged a long voice in his mouth: "Teacher ..."

In just two days, Little Bason has been quite close to Wu Qingchen.

The technology of bringing children to the earth is also far ahead of the Middle Ages. Wu Qingchen will take care of Little Nina, and draw the skills of Little Andre to Bason. He has never seen a little guy with early childhood skills, and the speed of fall is fast.

"Okay ... okay ..." At this point, Wu Qingchen had finished reviewing, and clapped helplessly on Little Bason's head. Wu Qingchen motioned for him to quickly pull out a small shovel from the luggage carried by the cattle, A short spear, and a small bucket.

"Hah!" Seeing these things, Little Bathson jumped up in joy.

"My bed is here ..." According to the guidance of the camp experts, Wu Qingchen selected an area and told the entourage: "Everything else looks like a few days ago ... you arrange it first, I'll take Bason. Catch a few fish. "

"Teacher ... over here!"

When Wu Qingchen took the tool, Little Basson leaped to the front.

New things, fun games, kids never have any resistance.

After ten minutes.

By the stream.

To find a relatively soft soil, Wu Qingchen dug a pit with a radius of fifteen centimeters and a depth of forty centimeters at a distance of more than ten centimeters from the stream; The hole is connected to the stream; at the end, several branches and shrubs are folded down to cover the mud pit that has been poured into the stream.

Bason squatted beside, watching Wu Qingchen busy.

After Wu Qingchen put down the shovel, folded a few branches to the ground again, found a comfortable position, and sat under a small tree, then Xiao Basen sat next to Wu Qingchen in a similar way.

"Teacher, why do you dig a pit like this and the fish will swim into the hole by themselves?"

"The fire is shining, are you hot?" Wu Qingchen pointed at the sun by the mountain.

It was mid-summer. Because there was no suitable camping spot in front of him, Wu Qingchen and his party stopped early. The sun was shining on them, and it was very hot.

Little Bason extended his hand out of the shade of the tree and quickly retracted: "Hot."

"Fish ..." Wu Qingchen pointed at the water surface: "It will be hot as well." He also pointed to the potholes covered by leaves and grass stems: "... it was much cooler inside."

"Oh!" Basson said suddenly.

After another ten minutes.

Holding up his trouser legs and standing into the stream, Wu Qingchen held a spear alone and looked intently at the water.

Suddenly, with a bang, Wu Qingchen quickly stabbed at the stream.

There was a pale red at the bottom. Wu Qingchen raised his short spear. At the end of the short spear, a stabbed fish was struggling.

"Wow!" Bason shouted cheerfully.

Yiwu also followed Wu Qingchen and watched Wu Qingchen put the fish into the wooden barrel. Little Basson asked another doubt: "Teacher, why did you not fish toward the fish when you fork it? What about a fork? "

"Well, because things look different in the water ..." Then, Wu Qingchen thought about it, grabbed the short spear, stood again by the stream, and inserted the short spear straight into the stream: "Look at it."

Little Basson looked closely. Above the water, the short spear was straight; below the water, the short spear suddenly crooked.

"Oh, that's weird!" Little Bason inserted his hand straight into the stream. "Fun!"

"It's very interesting." Wu Qingchen rubbed his forehead: And you didn't ask why, otherwise how can I explain the medium and refraction with you?

No need to explain the field of optics, Basson Jr. is quite satisfied.

Living in a gloomy castle all day long, when encountering something that they do n’t understand, or occasionally naughty, the majestic father and serious brother will only say to Basson: “This is the thing that the lower talents need to worry about. ". A gentle mother and a close-knit maid often only pray:" This is the will of the lord. "A sloppy servant, a dedicated servant, would yell in panic," Diving! Don't touch it! "," Medium Fire! Don't touch it! "," Master, "" Her Excellency, come down! "" Please, my Excellency! "

This is the first time that Bason has met someone who is willing to explain to him how a part of the world works. ——It is also the Middle Ages, the only person who can explain some of the world's operating principles.

In particular, according to the guidance of experts in the fields of early childhood education and psychology, Wu Qingchen communicated with children in a sincere manner, regardless of tone, movement, or attitude, which perfectly catered to the young people of these ages. Curiosity and expression.

The strategy of the Earth Early Childhood Mission is straightforward: Accompany the game and communicate sincerely. Even if the Earth is in the 21st century, children who are extremely rich in entertainment and information can easily be defeated. The lonely and lonely little guy in the medieval world is even more unlikely to resist. This offensive.

However, the Earth team cannot do anything.

The reason why the third son of Baron and the youngest Basson are closest to Wu Qingchen is not science and sincerity.

After an hour.

The fish caught by Wu Qingchen and Basen from the creek turned into fish soup; the hens replenished at Fort Aford turned into chicken and eggs; the peas and buckwheat donated by the baron's second son also turned into beans and wheat Porridge ...

Fairly rich food, according to status, before the crowd.

It was when the child was pouting, fish soup, chicken, eggs, beans, wheat porridge ... Bathon was so happy to eat that he threw away pieces of fishbone and pieces of meat and bones.

Switching to Fort Afford, the behavior of Little Bathson immediately led to the baron and his wife's scolding: The fishbone should chew slowly and swallow hard, and the bones are the weapon of the servant of grace, how can it be wasted so easily?

Wu Qingchen apparently did not have such a root in the bone marrow, which originated from the subconscious lack of supplies.

Not to mention fishbone bones. When it comes to the earth, the salt taste is a little heavier, the flavor is not strong, and the stomach is not hungry ... Due to safety, nutrition, and health needs, there have never been any training courses in food conservation. Wu Qingchen's diet is quite close to that when he was on the earth. It is also conceivable that the fish bones thrown out will be replaced with meat and bones. Obviously much more exaggerated than Basson.

The highest-ranking Wu Qingchen took the lead in wasting bones, and the second-ranked Little Basson had a good example. Finally, Wu Qingchen deliberately took care of them, and the members were basically full, but this did not prevent them from fighting. Fully grateful to Wu Qingchen, while watching with pity the two teachers and students violently violated the heavenly things.

More than a dozen steps away, due to duties and habits, the two guards who quickly ate the food-from Fort Axford, assigned by the baron's second son, specifically guarded Grace, the future knight's consul, guarded roundly. Belly, come together.

"Rand ..." a guard whispered to the other guard, "I remember, your father, and Busther's father are neighbors?"


"Then you and Busser should be familiar?"


"Last night Busser stayed in the village of Akeli for five days, right?"

"Yes." Rand nodded again. "Sue, what are you trying to say?"

"So ..." Suddenly hesitated, and still asked: "Lord Los, and the 'father' in his village of Akeli, do they look like it?"

"You!" Rant quickly turned his head and looked at his companion.

Su stared at Rand without fear: "You must have asked."

"Uh, okay ... I asked." Hesitantly for a moment, Rand nodded slowly, "It's a bit like it."

"Is it a bit like that?" Su Shen frowned deeply. "No! What about Lord Praia? Like Lord Los?"

"Uh ..." Rand hesitated again. Su still looked at Rand, and after a while, Rant reluctantly replied, "Not too much."

"Not like? How is it possible!" Sue's brows frowned even deeper: "Is Lord Los and the parish ... oh ... Rand, at the parish, let's take a closer look ... don't look at me like this, this is the baron Your Lord's orders ... and! You must have received the same orders! "

"Okay ..." Rand nodded slowly. "You guessed it."

"Right, admit it early!" Su slowly gathered in Rand's ears: "At that time, we will find a way to sit on both sides, each staring at one side to see which master is Wu Qingchen's true father!"

"Uh ... OK." Rand nodded slowly.

Really have to take a good look!

How can a farmer bring up such a son who throws away food and is so scary.


No words overnight.

All the way to peace.

It is expected that the messenger sponsored by Baron Ackerford will be the same. The next day, noon, the spire of Fishgard Parish and the fortress of Fort Collin loomed in front of everyone.

According to the summary of the staff, Wu Qingchen asked the entourage to stop and instructed Pamela to go to the castle alone to report with the letter.

Next, a series of processes can be seen. Compared with the feeling of half of "oneself" in Fort Afford, Wu Qingchen, as a complete "owner" of the parish, is obviously more preferential in all respects.

About an hour, the knights from Fort Collin came.

Like Fort Afford, Fishgard Parish also sent four knights to review and escort.

The difference is that Fort Afford sent low-level servants. Only one of them had met Wu Qingchen's herring soldiers, and he kept his eyes on Wu Qingchen and his party all the time.

The Fishgard parish sent two deacon servants who had met Wu Qingchen, as well as the playmate of Rev. Lohalin, Rev. Praia a few years ago, and they took care of them all, talking and laughing with Wu Qingchen.

In addition, after arriving at the castle, the gates of Fort Collins and Fort Collins were directly opened, eliminating the tedious entry process.

The most obvious difference is that during Fort Afford, Wu Qingchen's entourage was not allowed to enter the castle and must stay in the place designated by the territory for the night; while the Fishgard parish gave Wu Qingchen a generous amount. The attendants entered the core area of ​​the parish.

With enthusiasm and help in arranging many entourages, Lohalin first led Wu Qingchen to pay attention to the parish priest.

The parish priest, the main leader of the entire Fishgard parish, was very polite and chatted with Wu Qingchen and Luoharin in the room.

Although most of the conversation was empty talk, Wu Qingchen's observational training can fully see that the main leader, the folds of his robes, and the traces of his eyebrows are clearly just rising from the bed. .

Giving up the rest time to talk to yourself is a good sign in itself.

After half an hour, the conversation with the priest ended, and the routine entry process was basically over.

Luo Harin finally led Wu Qingchen and walked into his teacher, Praia's teacher, Deacon Talma's room.

After the greetings, I felt that the fire was almost the same. Wu Qingchen took a word, pulled out the letter of Rev. Paul, and began to implement the proposal proposed to the earth: "His Lord Talma ... A few days ago, I met something in Ackerford. , Need your help. "

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