Kidnapping All Mankind

: Part 238 of the **** gives way

Deacon Talma was in her early 40s, her hair was mostly gray, and her accustomed stormy eyes were wise.

It is probably because he is unwilling to give people a handle. In the letter of Rev. Paul, he invited Wu Qingchen to serve as a Rev. Ackerford straight-necked priest, but the specific reason was deliberately vague. However, Talma The deacon's insights do not need to be carefully considered. Just by going through the process quickly, Rev. Paul and the plan behind Rev. Paul are clear.

Either the priest position led by Ackerford or the priest position in Adovi Village, these two positions are actually just a cover. The pastor of Pastor Paul mainly wants to complete the cooperation with himself through this matter. Closer position.

However, the dignified official pastorship is used as a cover for surrender, and it is too luxurious!

After reading the letter, thinking about Wu Qingchen's "Request for Help", Deacon Talma had a headache.

In order to allow Wu Qingchen to be "16 years old" directly, and after Praya obtained the divine character, Wu Qingchen was qualified to preside over the church. Deacon Talma has been very active in the near future. Rev. Praia has accumulated a lot of friendship in recent years. Resources are consumed cleanly. If you calculate carefully, maybe you still have a little debt.

In this case, with the Rev. Paul family to promote the sale of the two pastor positions in Ackerford and the village of Avie ...

Although Pastor Paul had vaguely expressed his willingness to undertake most of the work of "persuading" his colleagues, Deacon Talmar felt the effort subconsciously.

It seems that it is impossible for Qiyan Village to pay all the arrears of taxes this year ... The little thing between the village of Oka and the local lord cannot be taken care of ... The issue of the church in Jinaka Village can only be vague ... ...

Thinking about this series of concessions, Deacon Talma suffered a lot of distress. What's more troublesome is that this benefit alone is far from "persuading"-even helping to "persuade" a formal pastor position.

At least you have to add those things from the villages of Rapollo and Porvoo ...

In this way, Deacon Talma looked at Wu Qingchen while thinking about it.

On the opposite side, within ten minutes of Deacon Talma's browsing of the letter, Wu Qingchen kept silent, slightly bowed her head, and showed a thin body, always maintaining the most respectful attitude.

The little guy is very sensible ...

Deacon Talmar nodded slightly.

Alas, no matter how sensible, this little guy is only "16 years old", and the cost of pushing it is too high! Fortunately, the years that can be repaid in the future are also particularly long ...

Calculate it carefully ... This is not too busy to help ...

But the premise is that you must make the most impression on this little guy!

Thinking of this, Deacon Talma put down the sheepskin roll, looked up, and asked Wu Qingchen lightly, "What help do you want?"

"I think ..." Wu Qingchen replied shyly, "please help me and reject Rev. Paul's thoughts."

"This is troublesome ..." Deacon Talma shook his head in accordance with the routine he had in mind. "This is a formal pastorship ..."

Ok? Shaking his head and speaking a long list, Deacon Talma responded sharply:

what? Not to ask me to support, but to ask me to decline?

Regardless of embarrassment, Deacon Talma quickly asked: "Why? Don't you want to be a true priest?"

"Uh ... I ... I ... I kind of think ..."

Wu Qingchen first acknowledged "shyly" and then quickly explained: "However, in the village of Akeli, there are still several cattle farms that have not been fully restored. There are still many honeycombs that need to be inspected every day. There are also many buried wooden buckets There's no end to it, there are many, many other things that just start. "

"Pastor Praia, and you take care of me ... I ... I must do these things first! At this time, you must not run for Ackerford just for yourself."

In these long-planned remarks, Wu Qingchen practiced at least a hundred times against the water.

At this time, I saw Wu Qingchen's face flushed slightly, her fists clenched tightly, her body trembled a little, her tone was extremely sincere ... Many small skills came together, and her infection was undoubtedly excellent.

Deacon Talmar was silent.

Good beginnings and good endings ... This child is not only sensible, but also grateful for not arguing with the old **** for more than half of the morning!

That ’s fine. It does n’t seem to be a headache in which villages should you give in in exchange for Ackerford's position as a pastor ...

Uh! Wait a minute!

Deacon Talma just breathed a sigh of relief and immediately took a deep breath!

its not right!

If this little Los, crying and crying for support for the priesthood led by Ackerford, Deacon Talma will certainly have a headache, but if this little Los is not willing to go at all:

That the good seat that fell from the sky was not wasted!

How does this work! How can this be! This is absolutely not possible!

Rev. Paul's line of "five bests" is certainly not a plan that Wu Qingchen shook his head to let everyone give up directly.

Ackerford directly leads the pastor. This is a formal pastor's position. Although the gold content is slightly lower than that of other villages, but the formal pastor comes with God's products. No matter what, it is definitely far more than the agency of the village qualifications!

Rev. Paul was willing to give up this position and was willing to pay most of the "persuasive" costs. How could Deamar Talma be willing to let go so easily?


Little Los himself is not willing to go, and Praia really needs Little Los to help in the near future-although in all formal letters, Rev. Praia appeared as the leader of technological progress, but with the experience of Deacon Talma, And understanding of his students, who is the real hero, deacon Talma certainly knows.

In particular, Los was just "16 years old" and had just been promoted to a priest. This was less than a month ago, and she was immediately promoted to become a formal pastor. It was too difficult ...

Alas, why didn't this Rev. Paul say earlier? If it was the official pastor who directly pushed Little Rose into Ackerford's direct leadership at that time, although it was quite conspicuous, it would definitely be better than now! Changing from day to day, if you want to change, it is too easy to cause resentment from other deacons, especially His Excellency the priest-is this a treat for other masters?

Damn Paul, fool! Kosher old bastard, teaching this fool is also a fool!

Thinking of these difficulties, Deacon Talma felt his head hurt more than before.

With a sigh, Deacon Talma habitually looked up, and Yu Guang suddenly noticed:

A few steps away, listening to his conversation with Little Rose, another student of his own, Lohalin flushed, and his eyes were almost envious.

Hmm ... Lohalin.

Deacon Tarma suddenly moved.

Now that Little Los is unwilling to go, the original intention behind Rev. Paul is to move closer to his own line. In this case, it seems that there is still a certain amount of room for operation with Lohalin?

Can not do it.

This idea that had just emerged was quickly rejected by Deacon Talma.

The smooth presidency of Ackerford's direct pastor is an important prerequisite for the approval of Baron Ackerford.

There is no Little Rose skill in treating cattle farming, Little Rose's ability to help increase mobile cellular production, and more importantly, there is no extremely rare connection between Little Rose and Baron Ackerford. Other priests rushed to Ark Ford is taking over directly.

Promoting Little Rose to make it a major driving force for Ackerford's direct-leaning pastor is that this appointment can bring tax, mission, and influence to the church at the same time. Under this premise, only Paul The "persuasive" space of the department and the Talma department.

When other priests took over, the parish could not get these favorable conditions at all, and the difficulty of "persuasion" would undoubtedly increase several times. In this way, the priesthood led by Ackerford immediately became less attractive .

Lohalin ...

Looking at the hot eyes in the students' eyes, Deacon Talma shook her head slightly: it is not that the teacher does not help, but that you really are not suitable.

it is good!


According to the special standing skills taught by some subway wallet transfer masters, and the technique of scanning the corners of his eyes, although Wu Qingchen has always been respectful, he has always paid close attention to the developments of Deacon Talmar and Lohalin. There was a brief interaction between Detective Lohalin and Talma, and Wu Qingchen immediately began to implement the second phase of the plan:

"Right, teacher ..."


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There are routines everywhere, with the same data, subscriptions are at least 10 times my. (I checked at least ten books today, all of them.)

Is it destined to write with enthusiasm and persistence in the face of the works of senior readers?


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At most, the light rain takes three hours a day at the same time.

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