Kidnapping All Mankind

: Volume One Part 239 Ass Consolation

"There is one more thing ..." Wu Qingchen asked: "Baron Ackerford said, Grace-my elder brother, can go to be a deputy to the agricultural officer, do you think it is appropriate?"


Your brother, are you free people?

Another extraordinary personnel appointment successfully attracted the deacon's attention: "What's going on? You talk about it carefully."

Wu Qingchen said very carefully.

Since he was still in the village of Akeli, Grace has followed her own treatment of cattle farming and mobile honeycombs. At Ackerford, many of the demonstrations were done directly by Grace to lead the serfs; soon When leaving the castle, His Excellency the Baron expressed his intention to promote Grace; even the interview topic of the last Baron's eldest son, Wu Qingchen also repeated a few words.


Hearing the sequence of "promotion" and "interview", Deacon Talmar already knew: rather than the baron leader's fancy for Grace's craft, it was better to say that the barons of Archford had reached a consensus. Big investment in Wu Qingchen.

"This is a good thing!" Deacon Talma nodded affirmatively.

Little Los is a parish person. As the little brother of Little Rose, of course, Grace was born with the imprint of the parish. Grace can become the deputy of the Territory Agriculture Officer, and is proficient in the skills of cattle farming and honeycomb. Greatly helped the new pastor led by Archford to quickly open the situation.

Thinking of this, Deacon Talmar tilted her head slightly, and sure enough, she saw that the flame that had just extinguished in Lohalin's eyes was burning again.

It's a pity ... Grace's help mainly focused on the free people and serfs, but the influence on the upper classes was actually very limited.

Deacon Talmar shook his head slightly at Lohalin again: this alone was not enough to move Ackerford to the position of pastor.

Standing by the side and watching, she saw the movement of the teacher's head, and after a moment's stun, Luoharin quickly thought of this, his eyes gradually dimmed.

In any case, for the parish, it is a good thing that the little brother of Little Ross can become a half gentleman under Ackerford's direct leadership. Deacon Talma made it clear: "There is nothing inappropriate, let your brother ... ... Well, is Grace right? Let him do it! "After a pause, thinking of Wu Qingchen's origin and age, Deacon Talma made it clearer:" Don't worry about it, Baron Ackford values ​​you very much. " , Sure to take good care of your brother. "

"Yeah, I took care of it ..." Wu Qingchen said with emotion: "His baron also lent me a large piece of land for me to house more than fifty serfs who had been transferred to the honeycomb."

"Well?" Deacon Talma was shocked at once: "Place for fifty serfs?"

"Yeah!" Wu Qingchen spread his hands wide. "A very large piece of land."

Enough to house more than fifty serfs, of course, very large!


Deacon Talma was keenly aware of the anomaly: such a large share far exceeded the cost of attracting a priest, even if the priest and the territory have a deep root!

"What else?" Deacon Talmar asked Shen Sheng.

There are a lot more!

Wu Qingchen Lisuo spoke out a series of calculations such as Acford's temporary loan of land, temporary serfs, crusade of burning willow villages, and promise of Grace supervisor position.

"What else?" Deacon Talmar continued to question.

What's more, Baron Archford's idea of ​​joining Barson Jr. into the church.

Wu Qingchen handed in the second sheepskin roll.


After reading the letter quickly, according to the wording and various hints in the letter, coupled with Ackerford's temporary loan, temporary serfs, and plans to smash the burning village, Deacon Talma instantly judged: Ji parish After Paul's first affiliation, Ackerford Colleagues are also actively approaching the parish ... especially his own affiliation!

Paul ... Ackerford leads ... Fishgard Parish ...

A huge opportunity is here!

Deacon Talma suddenly got up, paced back and forth quickly in the room, and quickly figured out his own side in the brain, which can be gained in this change.

After calculating for ten minutes, Deacon Talma made the first decision:

Tripartite cooperation, even if only to complete the first round of running-in, Akford must lead the position of pastor, must be available!

In any case, as an extremely important cooperation link, Ackerford's direct pastorship is really not suitable for "16" years old, and there may be a little whimsical little Luos at any time. ——A more stable, or in other words, a priest with absolute certainty and full control of Deacon Talma is required!

Lohalin ... you are lucky!

Deacon Talma glanced at his students calmly.

"Priest Los!" Deacon Talma stood still, looking at Wu Qingchen seriously: "Are you really not willing to be a pastor under Ackerford?"

"Yes." Wu Qingchen Zheng focused his head.

"Okay, I can do this." Deacon Talma nodded. "However, this is not my help ..." Deacon Talma does not lie to children. "It is only you who helped me. ... things that belong to you, I will definitely replenish you in the future. "Deacon Talma dropped the accent on the" I "syllable and nakedly saved the" parish "torii:" However, at this time, how many Things need your cooperation. "

"Please tell me." Wu Qingchen immediately bowed slightly.

"The first thing," said Deacon Talma, "move the most skilled cellular staff and send five to Ackerford."

This is the underlying foundation for the struggle for free people and serfs.

"Okay, sir." Wu Qingchen responded.

"Second thing." Deacon Talma raised a second finger. "After returning to the village of Akeli, have your brother rush to Acford to lead as soon as possible."

This is the lubrication of the bottom and middle layers.

"Okay, sir." Wu Qingchen continued to respond.

"Third thing," Deacon Talmar continued, "Akford will take your place and give it to the parish."

"Uh ..." Wu Qingchen hesitated a little.

"Rest assured, I will write to discuss it with Baron Acford."

"Okay, sir." Wu Qingchen responded immediately.

"Huh?" The three key orders came down, Wu Qingchen accepted it wholeheartedly, barely taking a break. Deacon Talma was half emotional, and asked curiously: "You don't care what I want the Baron promise you What are you doing? "

"Everything I have is Praia, and your gift."

This little guy ... no white support!

"Oh." Deacon Talma smiled comfortably.

The next plan still needs Wu Qingchen to continue to cooperate, and Deacon Talma did not hesitate to point out: "Since the baron is preparing to crumble those ridiculous villages, the parish is also willing to cooperate ... But only dozens of serfs Too shabby, the parish supports, and at least twenty real soldiers must be prepared. "

The parish cooperated with Archford for the first time to familiarize the soldiers with each other. The process of coordination of exercises cannot be overemphasized. ——More importantly, after exchanging serfs as warriors, the parish and territory will not be reassured without leaving a certain space for Baron Archford (space and time to penetrate and draw).

However, within the direct leadership of Ackerford, the church now has only a few pitiful places. The masters who feed the church and the vassal police officers are struggling. The parish suddenly supports dozens of soldiers. The long-distance transportation consumption is amazing. To solve the ration problem, Wu Qingchen's inexplicably "borrowed" land is naturally the best choice.

"You mean ..." Wu Qingchen concluded with a little hesitation: "This land is actually handed over to the parishioners?"


"Okay, sir." Wu Qingchen responded again.

"The baron has temporarily lent you ..." Deacon Talma asked with interest: "You don't care what your serfs do?"

"Your business is more important." Wu Qingchen replied obediently.

Just answering this question, when there is a chance in the future, I must double the compensation for this little guy!

Deacon Tarma warmed up.

Hmm ... now it seems like I have a chance to mean something a little bit ...

Deacon Talma made up his mind, smiled again with a smile, and waved his hand: "Fort Collin draws you a commons ... well, at least larger than the place given by Fort Afford!"

"Congratulations, Los." Noting the inexplicable look of Deacon Talma just now, Lohalin had already flushed his face, and he heard the opportunity to interject and said: "Kolinburg's place is definitely better than Arkford Fort's place is more fertile! "


Who the **** wants Colinburg!

"Ah? Really ... uh, that ... His Excellency Talma ..." Wu Qingchen hurriedly said, "Can I stop the ready-made land?"

I wasted so much saliva, the point is where the serfs belonged!

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