Kidnapping All Mankind

: Volume One Part "Ass" 240 Face

"Don't want Kolinburg's place?" Deacon Talma took a moment's notice, and soon thought of something, then a little bit embarrassed: "It's a bit difficult to get such a large place in the village of Akeli." ——As the "strong control file" in the "fifth file territory" of Ackerford, the church in the village of Akeli has a very limited share of common land.

As soon as Deacon Talma said this, Wu Qingchen couldn't help but admire him: he just mentioned his head. The old man in the medieval world immediately thought of half of his thoughts.

"There is no need for ready-made land." Wu Qingchen perfected the other half.

"You don't need a ready-made place?" Deacon Talma frowned slightly.

"It's enough to draw a barren land," Wu Qingchen replied.

"How can this be!" Deacon Talma and Rev. Lohalin both spoke out against it.

"Uh ..." Wu Qingchen continued, "Actually, I hope I can make it bigger ..."

"It won't work at all." Deacon Talma shook his head vigorously. "Absolutely not."

Wasteland and mature land are not just the difference between whether the land is level or not, and whether weed shrubs are unplugged.

Fertility, water sources, insect pests, compaction, difficulty in root adsorption, land acid-base imbalances, etc., etc. Any one of them means a huge amount of labor, and even if we try to overcome most of the difficulties, we will open up new land In a few years, more than ten years, Chengdu is very limited.

The simplest example: When Wu Qingchen just entered the Middle Ages, the William / Moore family was working in the newly opened wasteland, which consumed the entire family's hard work for three years, and worked hard. The wasteland opened up, even half of the mature land can not be collected in Chengdu.

This is normal. If it is a simple task to open up wasteland, how can there be two or three times more flat wasteland outside the elite area of ​​Akeli village, and let them be covered with weeds.

The difference between the wasteland and the mature land is so obvious that Deacon Talma will certainly not hesitate to oppose it.

Only with the skills of small ranch cattle and honeycomb can the prerequisite for this tripartite cooperation ...

Take the opportunity of the priests to be promoted to true priests, and then occupy the land that the baron lent to the priests, and then kick the serfs who the priests have not been able to change to the wild wilderness ...

In this way, let's not say that the priest Los is a very promising future star. Even if the priest is an unsightly **** of other factions in the parish ... even the dogs in other parishes, Deacon Talma has no face Under such fierce hands.

This is too shameless!

Who would dare to cooperate with this department if this was spread? Which of the following priests and priests dare to continue to follow the leader who is so cruel?

Deacon Talma stared deeply at Wu Qingchen. For half a minute, Wu Qingchen always had a sincere look in his eyes, and always had a willing look on his face.

This little guy is afraid of my embarrassment ...

Deacon Tarma sighed.

Two steps away, Lohalin flushed.

Little Roth refused the ready-made fertile land, and preferred to switch to a barren wasteland. In this way, the cost of the parish once again reduced, further increasing the smoothness of the teacher Talma's plan, and the previous priest of Roth gave up the priest. Position, and then give up Actford's move to lead the land, Loharin's chest, full of gratitude almost overflowing.

"In addition ..." At this time, Wu Qingchen continued to "shyly" suggest: "If it is convenient, I hope to be able to choose a film that is closer to the wasteland of the stream ..."

"Well, Rose, you need not say ..."

Deacon Talma raised his hand, waved to Wu Qingchen first, and then commanded Lokharin: "The village of Akeli has a limited common ground belonging to the church, and Praia has taken a lot of police ... but at least You must also divide half for Los. If you are having trouble with the church, you can start with the tithe expenses ... can you make up for this short amount of tithe? "


Lohalin responded decisively.

"Additionally ..." Deacon Talma continued: "Let your father write to Baron Ackerford, and the village of Akerley doubles the wasteland to the priests of Los, the closest to the water, the flatst, the most open ... … In short, can it be the easiest wasteland that has been opened up? "


Lohalin answered decisively again.

"Finally ..." Deacon Talma once again commanded: "The additional work required to open up the wasteland requires the manpower you need to fill Los."

"it is good!"

Lohalin nodded vigorously: "I have thirty-seven serfs now, and I will give it to Lord Roth in two days! Of course ... this is definitely not enough. I still need the manpower, and I will write to my father together!"



i23-z1-2037-2214 counterpart analysis team.

Villagers activity center, chess room.

"Hmm ..."

When the video is here, Li glasses rubbed his lips hard: "It's incredible ... it's incredible ..."

"Brother Li, what's so terrible?"

In the next two days, with the help of Li glasses, Ye Yi's life has been much better. It goes without saying that Ye Yi also attaches great importance to the developments that Li glasses pay attention to.

"Be able to operate this series of exchanges well." Li glasses said: "Wu Qingchen is very amazing! Very powerful!"

"Is it terrible?" Ye Yi frowned. "Isn't it the position of the straight-leaning priest that Paul Ronald smashed from the street and handed it over to Loharin, and then changed the place of Akford to the village of Akeli Wasteland, by the way, fishing for a sum of oil and water from Lokharin ... Useless things, troublesome things, and practical things, isn't it difficult? "

"Not difficult?" Li glasses smirked abruptly: "Yeah, it doesn't look difficult at all ... isn't it the position, the place, the serf, all of them have a deal with the church ... but ..."

Speaking of which, Li glasses moved the mouse, and a long list of history records popped up immediately in the upper right corner:

"Treat cattle, move honeycombs, and artificially interfere with bee herds: productivity changes"

"Ackerford Leadership Bureaucracy"

"Boundary of feudal social influence"

"Sovereignty and religion: struggle and cooperation"

"Wasteland Development"

"Serf personal rights and incentive effects"

"Mill Strategy Workforce Plan"

"The Origin and Development of Church Positions"

"Organizational internal friction and faction cooperation"

"Supernatural Power and Social Structure"


Pointing at this long list of historical records of at least thirty videos watched, Li glasses asked coldly: "If you haven't followed me through these analysis ... you know what is useless and what is useful Do you know if the Baron Ackerford is troublesome or the Fishgard parish is troublesome? Do you know why the serfs got to the village of Akeli? Can you understand the prerequisites and the necessity of implementing these three exchanges? ?"

"Uh ..." Trying to substitute his thoughts into the state before watching this series of clear veins, Ye Yi felt a muddy mind.

"But ..." Ye Yi was not convinced: "I'm just working! And ..." Pointing at a series of historical records on the screen, Ye Yi disagreed: "So many people help Mr. Wu worry, how could he not know these . "

"Hey!" Li glasses sneered: "Mr. Wu really didn't know these!"


"Is it strange?" Li glasses pointed at his finger to the "Acford Leadership Bureaucracy and Responsibility Table" and "Supernatural Forces and Social Structure" in the history list: "Where did the staff go before they reached the castle and parish? Verify the information, where does Mr. Wu Qingchen go to get the predetermined strategy? "

"This ..." Ye Yi was speechless.

"Half!" Li glasses said with absolute certainty: "The information and deduction we can see now, Mr. Wu Qingchen is at least half unaware!"

"In this way, Mr. Wu Qingchen can also judge the subtle movements of the castle and the parish by himself, roughly grasp the acceptable bottom line of the parties who intend to participate in the cooperation, and independently plan and execute smoothly, basically reaching the expected goal of the earth, and will have started a little Deviant resources in all aspects, to pull back the planning of "Mill Strategy" ... 啧啧 …… "

Looking at the video:

Deacon Talma commanded each of them, and Rev. Lohalin fulfilled each of the items, which not only achieved the earth's goal, but also greatly sent out a precious and rare human relationship. After winning both the face and the face, Wu Qingchen remained humble. , Even with a little sincerity, Li glasses sighed: "Isn't that too much?"

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