Kidnapping All Mankind

: Volume vol.1 Part 241 Order

After countless civil analysts like "Li glasses" or active or passive science popularization, most people who care about the astronomical incident have learned that the communication between Deacon Colinburg and Deacon Talma was officially operated by Wu Qingchen. The first project from analysis, planning, to implementation, basically completed independently.

Even the i23-z1-2037-2214 counterpart analysis team, which is semi-isolated in the countryside, is closely watching the situation. Naturally, media platforms such as television and the Internet have experienced a surge in traffic.

"That's it!"

The video was played when Deacon Talma began to make a request to Rev. Loharin, a niche live channel formerly known as the Taoist Ritual Research Association, and an orange authenticated user with an id of "Delicious Borscht" spoke: "Akford The troubles in Deborg have finally been resolved. "

"Not yet?" The user with the id "Light and Shadow Shuttle" asked: "This only shows that the internal communication of Talma's first department has been completed, follow-up operations, and parishes have to pass!"

"You don't understand ..." the orange user "Delicious Borscht" said: "Without great confidence, how dare the old man dare to arrange follow-ups in front of the two subordinates. This is a must-have face, if there is any The risk of others picking peaches, is his old face gone? "

"Che, is this also evidence?"

"Don't set the bureaucracy in your office to the Middle Ages?"

"Is it forbidden to reveal the true feelings of others?"

The credibility of the orange authenticated user "Delicious Borscht" doesn't seem to be very good, but it doesn't matter, the topic refreshes quickly and quickly overwhelms the previous topic.

"So it seems that Rev. Flutter Street has shoved a pastor post, and Fort Ackford has shoved it over a common ground. It seems like a good thing?"

"Good shit! Mr. Wu Qingchen's ability to turn waste into treasure is a good thing!"

"Sell a good price!"

"Brother Chen is mighty! This wave of operation 666!"

"The labor resources are finally back! The crisis in the" Mill Mill Strategy "has been lifted!

"Not only did they get it back? Didn't they just say that? In addition to the original more than 50 serfs, the little master promised an additional 37 ... And, he will continue to pursue in the future, when the total may exceed one hundred? ... "

"Hundreds of eggs! Tietie 150! Mom, the son of an old society township dared to make Wu Qingchen's idea? Go to the homepage of the Tianxiang incident, the staff has already come up with a plan to get all these rabbit serfs ! "


When the platforms on the earth were noisy, Deacon Talmar in the Middle Ages had already explained it.

Then I talked about topics like "Is the road from Fort Afford to the parish trimmed?" And "Summer thieves are more active". Deacon Talmar suddenly straightened her legs and stretched her body.

Rev. Lohalin immediately noticed.

"His Lord Los ..." Gently pulled Lao Qingchen's robe, Rev. Lohalin smiled: "It's rare to come to Fort Collin, and take a look around while it's still early. It's quite interesting. Place ... by the way, check to see if your suite is ready. "

With Wu Qingchen's level of observing the color now, of course, I can see the intention of Deacon Talma to deliver the guests. I must take the opportunity and leave the room with Lokhalin soon.


Watching the two leave, Deacon Talma slowly sat back to the window.

The little guy in the village of Acre has good news ...

Although the main ideas have been decided, many detailed exchanges and subsequent benefits must be carefully considered ...

Deacon Talma began to figure out what to do next, but it seemed a bit strange in her head.

What's wrong with it?

Deacon Talma thought for dozens of seconds, and finally thought back:

When leaving just now, Lohalin and Little Loose went out in an abnormal state!

When he left just now, it was Lohalin who took the first steps to open the door, and when he closed the door, it was Lohalin who greeted Los, and then closed the door!

This is abnormal!

It stands to reason that Lohalin is a student of his own, and Ronaldinho is a student of his own students. Coupled with the age gap between the two, it is natural that Lohalin has shown respect to Lohalin.

But just now Loharin just acted as a way of guiding and opening the door for Little Roth, and his posture was extremely natural, and all his faces were willing expressions.

Hmm ... it's just a real pastorship, Lohalin cares so much, this looks a bit shameful ...

Tamar insisted on shaking his head before shaking his head: well, a true priesthood is indeed worth paying attention to, and you need to be more careful. Lohalin's gesture is understandable to some extent.

However, in this way, after accepting this kind of kindness, after John / Praia arrives in the parish in the future, Lohalin will only have a good way out.

Once Praia received Lohalin's full support, the other two students who did not have much weight would only have to shake their flags. The heirs of this department seemed to have decided the results in advance.

Thinking of this, Deacon Talma frowned for only a few seconds, then stretched quickly: it was not a bad thing.

Several of my students were originally Praia first to get the position of official pastor. This time, the cattle farming and honeycomb accidents were also all surprises made by Praia and Little Los. The future benefits were inherited by Praia. It was just right. ——Before switching to cultivating cattle and honeycombs, where is there any inheritance right in this line that deserves fierce competition?

Thinking of this, Deacon Talma could not help recalling the process of talking with Wu Qingchen before.

One "Akli Village" on the left and "Mr. Praia" on the right ...

Thinking about the wording when Wu Qingchen talked to himself, Deacon Talma finally realized afterwards: Don't forget to pave the way for his teacher at all times ... This little guy is actually not as honest as I thought.

Thinking of this, Deacon Talma is worthy of being a member of the Kolinburg decision-making group.

However, Deacon Talma certainly could not have imagined that Wu Qingchen, who was "not so honest", who had taken a ten-day course in psychology, actually had deeper principles and intentions in this wave of operation.

Ackerford leads true pastorship ... brother appointed as deputy farmer ... Baron Ackerford temporarily borrows a large area of ​​public land ... plans for the next year to scorch the village of Ryanow ... the elder brother will be appointed as the governor in the future ... ... the news that the baron three sons joined the church ...

The order in which Wu Qingchen explained these messages was actually quite particular:

The news from Ackerford leaders, if Wu Qingchen informed, the order will be arranged as follows: plan to smash burning willows-the baron's third son intends to join the church-Paul's line of goodness-the appointment of his brother- —The baron leader temporarily borrowed the commons ...

In this case, first know the intention of the territory to move closer, and then know the intention of the close relationship of Paul, and then the plan of the crusade, and first grasp the chips. Deacon Talmar and Loharin must be free and easy. , Replacement of land, arrangements for exchange of serfs.

It looks like the results are the same.

After being exchanged sequentially, the effect achieved is very different:

One is out of public will, starting from the interests of the parish and itself, maximizing the good news;

One is the selflessness of Grand Duke Wu Qingchen, sacrificing his own interests, and fulfilling his own line, especially Lohalin's dream of becoming a true pastor.

Based on the parish interests, Wu Qingchen won the evaluation of "the overall situation as the most important" and "knowledge and interest" at most.

After the order was changed, Wu Qingchen manipulated Luoharin's mood completely:

Give hope: Reject Rev. Paul's suggestion and let Loharin know that Ackerford has a priest seat.

Destroying Hope: This position is derived from the origins of Ackerford and Wu Qingchen, and Lohalin can only stare.

Hope again: Wu Qingchen's elder brother was reassigned as deputy agricultural officer, and Archford led the pastor, with a lower foundation.

Broken again: Just the underlying foundations cannot secure the priestship led by Ackerford.

Hope continues: Baron Archford temporarily borrows the commons.

Continue to collapse: the situation is abnormal and must be discussed from a long-term perspective.

Finally succeeded: the baron led the serfs temporarily, surrendered the third son, and intended to move closer to the parish Talma.

Giving Hope-Bursting Hope-Hope Again-Breaking Again-Keeping Hope-Keeping Shattering-Finally Achieve ...

After a series of operations, when Deacon Talma originally planned to help Wu Qingchen, he also planned to impress Wu Qingchen most deeply and create a little psychological pressure ...

The final result was that Wu Qingchen left Luo Harin with one of his deepest impressions, and he directly convinced him with the pressure of Shanda ...

At the same time, the core high-end human resources-John / Praia / Akford, for the planning of his own teachers and the teams of the Earth, cleared another obstacle when the next big step forward!

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