Kidnapping All Mankind

: Book 242: The Ass

Under Deacon Talma's eyes, Lohalin could lower the shelf and lead the way for Wu Qingchen and leave the teacher's sight. Lohalin was naturally attentive when he received it.

Wu Qingchen's planned itinerary was quite reasonable. It was very early when he led the attendants to Fort Collin. After visiting the priest and deacon Talma, there was still a long time before the sun went down.

Next, in response to Wu Qingchen's "spoken" remarks, Lohalin led Wu Qingchen around Colinburg to help the earth in religion (tandem), military (infiltration), politics (subversion), folklore (incitement), etc The accumulation of intelligence in the field (strategy development) has contributed a valuable force.

After a long walk around the castle, Lokhalin accompanied Wu Qingchen to extend cordial condolences to the advanced laboring individuals from the village of Akeli.

The students of the deacon, the senior priests personally supervised, and the servants of the Fort Collins arranged meals and accommodation for Wu Qingchen's entourage, no doubt they redoubled their efforts. Runcorn, Dean, Pamela, Antoine, York, and others were pleasantly surprised to find that in the blink of an eye, the straw in the bed suddenly became a little thicker, and the preparation was adding a few more ...

Of course, with these free people, or even a few days ago as a slave of the serfs, Lohalin could not find a common language.

Fortunately, the visiting team included Wu Qingchen's elder brother, two guards from Ackerford, and the same ruling class as Basson, Lohalin should not worry about the object who did not talk.

As a result, the two little transparent guards from Fort Arkford were honored to be greeted by the priest master, and a few clusters of short hair on his head were rubbed into a mess.

Let's deal with these three people who can make sense. For the rest of the time, Luo Harlin chatted with Wu Qingchen without saying a word, and focused most of his attention on Wu Qingchen's elder brother. ——Even without mentioning Wu Qingchen's favor, Grace is also an important helper to open the situation after entering Fort Afford in the future.

Soon, Lohalin was pleasantly surprised to find that Wu Qingchen's elder brother, Grace, was very skillful in arranging affairs, and ordered the next class to be in good order. It is foreseeable that the future deputy agricultural officer will not only need to take care of himself in the future, but can also share his worries in many aspects.

With this knowledge, when speaking with Grace, Lohalin's tone was more gentle, and between words, the appreciation of Grace overflowed into words.

All this naturally fell into Wu Qingchen's eyes.

Wu Qingchen kept a harmonious smile on her face, and her heart was bitter.

The better Grace performed, the more organized the arrangement, and the more heartbroken Wu Qingchen was: the number of candidates who could be easily cultivated and at the same time absolutely trusted, had not been used for a few days and had to be temporarily let out. Give others first ... What a tragedy!

About half an hour, the bell of Colinburg sounded, and it was time for evening prayer.

The leading servant was instructed to do the rest, and Lohalin led Wu Qingchen back to the main hall of the main fort.

After the evening prayer hosted by His Excellency the priest himself, the crowd poured into the restaurant.

At the Fort Collins dinner, Wu Qingchen did not enjoy the super-standard treatment, but even in the normal ranking of seniors, Wu Qingchen was also placed in the middle of the long table.

The guests from Fort Afford received a little bit of favor. Little Basen sat next to Wu Qingchen, and the two guards got a seat at the end of the long table.

At the beginning of the dinner, in front of Wu Qingchen, fruits, fried fish, porridge, eggs, and vegetable soup were particularly large. Dark dishes such as cheese, meat, white bread, etc. were only symbolically placed.

Wu Qingchen's face had just appeared suspicious, and he sat close to Luoharin on the other side, immediately smiling and pointing out the window, where Wu Qingchen's crew was arranged.

From this, it can be seen that Luoharin's ability to work is also remarkable. In just two or three hours, he chatted with Wu Qingchen and Wu Qingchen's companions. Luoharin mastered the information and went to dinner. Arrangements have been made accordingly.

After the dinner, the next steps are still similar to Fort Acford.

Wu Qingchen, while accompanied by Luoharin, passed around in a hungry diet, while obscurely waiting for people of all colors to hear strange stories in the castle.



An analysis team, command center.

The staff quickly entered the strange talks discovered by Wu Qingchen.

If the castle legends of Fort Afford mostly rely on people's hatred of wasting food and yearning for a better life, then the castle legends of Kolinburg have obvious religious characteristics.

"C18: The altar glows in the middle of the night ..."

"A22: The holy water is inexplicably filled ..."

"B13: Brad's neighbor's son, once saw a wolf posing in prayer in the forest ..."

"B27: The seat of the church. There used to be people who didn't know anyone. The prayer disappeared as soon as the prayer was over ..."

Damn, this is the level of the village ghost story!

Looking at the longer and longer information summary page, in front of the main display, the duty officer held up a glass of water and involuntarily poked his lips.

However, there are the ardent expectations of human beings all over the world, and the strong supernatural clues of Fort Afford behind. Even if 99% of the possibilities are purely nonsense, everyone in the entire command center is fully focused and dedicated Processing these "clues".

"Anomalies found!" A commander suddenly shouted suddenly at a command center.

I am! Really?

The warm water that the duty officer just drank spewed out, and he swore to the vocal staff quickly, asking, "Which is it? Altar or holy water?"

"None!" The staff replied loudly, "It is the analysis of the evening prayer!"

At the same time, the staff switched the situation of the evening prayer to the home screen:

After the podium, before the altar, His Excellency the priest had a solemn expression and was ready to start the evening prayer. Standing on the left side of the third row of the castle church, Wu Qingchen and other priests in the parish were devoutly prepared to follow the priest's silent prayer.

"What's wrong?" The shift supervisor asked, "what's the anomaly?"

"Look at this!" The staff pressed a key. For a moment, the face and clothing of the people in the Middle Ages were instantly blurred in the main screen, turning into a body contour composed of purple, yellow, and red.

"This is ..." Someone beside him couldn't help asking: "Infrared?"

"It's not just infrared, it's all invisible light bands." The staff responded: "The sky elephant giant screen has been able to capture images in multiple bands."

"What does this mean?" The shift supervisor continued to ask the key: "Where is the anomaly?"

"Please wait!" The staff pressed the button again, the main screen was divided into three, and the center was a normal evening prayer. On the left and right sides, there were two human silhouettes composed of identical purple, yellow, and red blocks: "Immediately Here comes ... "

A dozen seconds later, the evening prayer officially began.

The normal image in the center, His Excellency read the first prayer.

At the same time, the contours of the human body composed of color blocks on the left and right sides, all the clergy in the church suddenly cast a layer of aperture at the same time!

"Ah!" "I am!" "Oh my god!" "What is this ???? !!!"

Obviously, this is a question that the staff must not be able to answer at this moment.

This scene was performed collectively at the Earth's major official analysis groups and major civil society groups.


After ten minutes.

A g20 member country, a decision center.

"Existing data shows that the radiant intensity reflected in the infrared band is the first echelon, the deacon is the second echelon, the pastor is the third echelon, Wu Qingchen, and other people with the title of priest are the fourth echelon, nominal students. For the fifth echelon, ordinary servants and attendants also have a certain response ... "

"The performance of the amplitude and intensity reflected in the ultraviolet band is more complicated. The priest is still the first echelon, and some deacons, pastors, and Mr. Wu Qingchen are the second echelon. The third echelon is more complex, and includes deacons, pastors, priests, and even some servants ... ... "

"Combining the information currently available to Akeli Village, Fort Axford, and Fishgard Parish, the preliminary conclusions of the analysis team are as follows:"

"Infrared radiation is closely related to church positions; ultraviolet radiation is closely related to the direction of church beliefs, or the influence of beliefs!"

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