Kidnapping All Mankind

: Volume I Part `` Ass '' 244 Afternoon

"How do you know these pastor positions?"

"Priests, deacons, priests, and priests all have different clothing standards."


"Then how can we see the contribution of this faith?

"Hmm ... it's not difficult. According to Praia and Andre Jr., the information disclosed by the lords of Paul and Ackerford, which priests and free people are closer, can fill the cabinet, Does this belief contribution come out at once? "


"Then ... the contrast ..."

Not surprisingly, this TV station that rushed out to broadcast live was really rough.

After the Meteor Event, police and soldiers are added to each office by major media in various countries around the world. No need for nonsense, let every media person know: in the crisis, the consequences of lower ratings, absolutely not Then there are minor troubles such as lower advertising costs.

In order to gain visibility, the TV stations that have just received the news have got quite a headline and the content is absolutely eye-catching, but the time is tight, and the pictures and videos cannot be paid attention to.

For example, the host who was broadcasting live, vocally saying that the infrared band "strengthening church power" and the ultraviolet band "promoting faith to promote health". The synchronizable maps and videos are all during church evening prayers.

Although these pictures use hinting methods such as stillness and close-up, and some are even marked with arrows, the contrast effect that you want to work hard to highlight can only be said to be ordinary.

What can be seen at a glance is that only the priest is really tall and strong, and several deacons are also regarded as old and strong. As for the difference in other people's physical qualities, they can only rely on the audience to make up for themselves.

Until another ten minutes later, the BBC television station with abundant human resources and strong technical strength launched relevant topics in time, and everyone saw a real obvious contrast.

Featured video:

Praia, Andre Jr., Paul, Talma, Lokhalin, His High Priest, and other clergymen who saw Wu Qingchen's trip, were cut out images one by one, all of which marked height, weight, blood pressure, Spirometry, nutrition, muscle strength, and more.

After that, these clergy were divided into four groups: juvenile, young, middle-aged, and elderly. According to the differences in church positions, belief contributions, and skeletal age, they were also young, young, middle-aged, and elderly free people. Compared.

The results were clear at a glance: the physical quality of the clergy was significantly better than the ordinary aborigines of the Middle Ages.

As the ruling class, clergymen and ordinary farmers must have far different resources. Being taller and fatter does not absolutely explain the problem.

In order to be more convincing, BBC created a second comparison group.

The second comparison group is the bureaucratic group led by Archford. These master groups of the same ruling class have taken out photos and put them together with the church group. The comparison is also very obvious: all clergy with higher church positions have a height The strength data such as weight, muscle strength, and muscle strength are significantly higher than those of the territorial bureaucrats. For clergy with high beliefs and relatively high contributions, vital data such as vital capacity, blood pressure, and nutritional levels also clearly exceed that of the territorial bureaucrats.


Earth, country z, country capital, a suburb.

Wu Qingchen special underground base, 200 meters away.

"That's it, this is it, this is it!"

The Interim Committee of the United Nations, the head of the medical regiment said three times, and held his forehead: "I just said ... the working conditions in the medieval world are so bad, Mr. Wu Qingchen still suffered minor injuries in the first half of the month, and became a Praia half student All of a sudden, nothing happened. It turned out to be this reason! "

"No wonder Mr. Wu Qingchen is so capable of self-healing!"


At this time, it is already the country Z of the earth, around 7 am.

China, Hubei, Luo County.

First citizen hospital, inpatient department.

During the rounds, I heard such a blast of news. After examining several beds, the attending doctor was not in a hurry to leave, so he stood quietly by the window and watched TV with the families of the patients.

"So it is ..."

After watching the broadcast news from bbc, an intern next to the attending doctor suddenly realized: "3% of Mr. Wu Qingchen, oh ... the third development that was booming in the past two days, the root was here ..."

"What is 3%?" Another intern next to him sneered: "The host hinted three times, 3% for the priest, 7% for the priest, 12% for the deacon, and even 20% for the priest!"

"20%!" Another intern yearned: "By that time, my rhinitis will almost heal itself, right?"

"I can relax my arthritis, too?"

"Doctor!" The mother's face was full of hope as she approached the bed near the windowsill and grabbed the hem of the attending doctor's white coat.

"Uh ..." bowed his head, the doctor in charge shook his head with a grin, "This hasn't been confirmed yet ..."

His mother's face quickly faded.

Unbearable, after thinking for a while, the attending doctor pointed to the TV: "If this guy didn't talk nonsense, the lame leg would definitely hope for a bigger one."

"How big?" The mother's eyes widened.

"This ..." the attending doctor began to groan.

"Just say it!" My mother lowered her voice. "I won't mess around ... you see, I haven't given you any trouble ... well, my old Liu, I will definitely have a mind.

"Heh ..." Hesitated for a few seconds, the attending doctor moved his footsteps calmly, and approached his mother: "3% of the effect can restore the nerves in the thigh's leg. At 7%, the hope of standing up again is It's big. "

"7%?" A quick glance at the TV, his mother couldn't help but rejoice: "Wasn't that just a formal pastor?"

"Well." The attending doctor nodded extremely slightly. "Don't underestimate the figure of 7%. This is pure. At present it does not seem to have any side effect gains ... even the current 3%. There are few drugs in the world. This effect ... 90% of the drugs are not available. "

"That's it!" Looking at the video, Wu Qingchen's influence lightened his mother's eyes.


The situation in hospitals is obviously not the case.

Church positions, as well as the amazing benefits of faith contribution have emerged, and the attitudes of 7 billion ordinary people around the world are unprecedented.

Who doesn't have a patient or two or a distant patient relative? Even an lonely and ruthless guy would not dare to say that he is absolutely healthy. In the Middle Ages, this could directly make his body strong and important health benefits exposed. Under the premise of Wu Qingchen's life safety and quality of life, The **** of almost all the earth people collectively sat down:

"Church, church, church!"

"Mission, mission, mission!"

"Go all out and settle in the parish!"

"From the priest to the priest, from the deacon to the priest!"

"Priest Wu Qingchen, priest Los!"



A staff member looked at the briefing delivered by the public opinion guidance office in real time. A staff member bit his rear molars severely: "I have to work overtime again!"


"Ah!" The staff sighed in the sky. "Annoying! Paralyse earlier! The strategy after the exchange of territories and castle interests has just been adjusted ... Paralysis, selling blood for nothing!"

"Oh!" The staff next door was already lying on the table directly: "While the leaders didn't come, let's sleep for a few minutes ... Oh! Now, Master Wu Qingchen's ass, it's 100% on the church . "

"It's okay, okay!" Some staff members rejoice: "Either the territory, the church, or whatever is the ruling class, there are not too many places that need to be adjusted."


End of Volume One, Phase Two (Ass)

Middle Ages, Uncle Wu Qingchen ’s trip to the village of Akeli, Fishgard Parish, the goodness of church positions and belief contributions, 7 billion Earth people have recovered from disasters, and major benefits of prolonged life have emerged, forcing the planet to adjust its response Strategy.

Wu Qingchen's **** finally made a final decision between the earth, the Middle Ages; the free people, the master; the territory, the church, and other decisions.

The third stage of the first volume and the last stage of this volume, the "head" part is about to begin.

Working hard to promote faith and climb church posts must be Wu Qingchen's next main task.

One radish and one pit.

What achievements should Wu Qingchen make, what network to weave, and what measures can be taken to resist all kinds of guns and arrows, resolve all kinds of slang words, and smoothly climb to a high position?

In other words, Master Wu Qingchen, what kind of mean and shameless measures should he take, playing with the insinuations of what people and gods are angry with, and what dark and cruel guns and arrows to be released, so that everyone can rise to the high level without anger and words.

Stay tuned!


and many more!

Butt part seems to have a bit of aftertaste ...


Middle Ages.

The dinner was over, and Wu Qingchen's second castle stroll was over.

Sending Wu Qingchen into the room, Lohalin climbed up the spiral ladder and quietly entered Teacher Talma's room.

Sure enough, Talma's room was still brightly lit.

Closing the door, Lohalin had eagerly looked at Deacon Talma: "Teacher ..."

"Well ..." Deacon Talma nodded. "The letters I said before, you write now."

Then write it.

In front of Deacon Talma, sheepskin rolls and writing instruments had been set on the table. Lohalin sat down, grabbed the sheepskin rolls, and began to write intently.

About half an hour, the letter came out fresh.

Seeing Wu Qingchen's ability, Luo Harin's letters were quite well-behaved. Apart from touting Wu Qingchen and requesting support for the village of Aikeli, there was nothing inappropriate.


About an hour, spreading out the letter written by Lohalin, Deacon Talmar examined it carefully: "That's it."

Dropping the letter, Deacon Talma suddenly smiled, "Are you spending the whole night with the priest Los?"


Anyone who finds anyone knows that he accompanied Wu Qingchen to make two laps in Fort Collin, and Lohalin nodded obediently.

"Having the priest Los been placed in the room?" Deacon Talmar continued to question.

"Yes." Rev. Lohalin nodded again.

"Uh ..." Deacon Talma nodded, and after a moment of hesitation, he said, "Parish ... Uh ... the whole church hasn't been very good all these years ... Usually it doesn't matter, but now it is Los and you Do n’t overdo it at a critical moment. "

"Well!" Rev. Lohalin Zhun shook her head quickly: "Teacher, please rest assured."

A few seconds later, Lohalin added: "I've inquired, Lord Rose, and I'm not interested in pretty girls."

"That's good." Deacon Talma nodded comfortably.


at the same time.

Fishgard Parish, three floors of Fort Collin.

The moonlight was crooked outside the window, it was late at night.

It's time to rest, and Wu Qingchen climbs onto the bed.

The door suddenly rang "Tuk Tuk Tuk ..."

"Come in." Wu Qingchen sat up, a young boy about the same age as Wu Qingchen pushed open the door.

"Master ..." The little boy walked into the room. "Is candlelight okay?"


Wu Qingchen raised his head. Like Fortford, the Fishgard parish, Colinburg's lights and candles are also beeswax fuel, smoke and fog, quite bright.

"No problem," Wu Qingchen replied.

"It's okay now ..." the little boy who came in said with a smile. "But it's dark later."


Nonsense, how many hours can biofuels work?

"So ..." The little boy walked to Wu Qingchen's window: "Master Luohalin, let me come and help you add beeswax at night."

Tim beeswax?

Wu Qingchen didn't quite understand: "I'll fall asleep when I wait. What more beeswax?"

"Uh ..." The little boy's face was instantly red.

"What do you mean?"

What's so shy about this? Wu Qingchen didn't understand.

"Master Lohalin ... Master Lohalin ..."

The little boy slurped slowly into the room, stomped his feet, and added beeswax to each candlestick.

Then ... he took off his robe regardless of it and climbed onto Wu Qingchen's bed.

Then the little boy took off all his clothes.

Then, in Wu Qingchen's dull eyes, the little boy covered his face, lay on the wicker bed, and said shyly, "Master Luoharin said, let me listen to you."


I! Huh! you! Zu! Zong!

I knew that this position would rather feed the dog than give you this bitch!

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