Kidnapping All Mankind

: The first volume Part "Head" 245


May 17, 2012, 7:43 am.

Dedicated underground base.

Wu Qingchen opened his eyes on the bed ten times more than rushing iron.

"I haven't seen you in a long time, Wu Qingchen / Loss ..." A fixed greeting came from the door: "What do you want to eat in the morning?"

"What to eat ..." Wu Qingchen got up, his expression was dull, and Xiao Xingsuo said: "Hey ... whatever you want ..."

"In a bad mood?" Ji Mingming asked.

More than a bad mood?

7 billion humans watched the little boy sacrifice his bare **** to me, shamelessly covering the world ...

Wu Qingchen was bitter and downcast.

"You can look at this in a bad mood ..." Then, Ji Mingming put a portable display next to Wu Qingchen and turned towards the door: "I'll say hello outside."

Wu Qingchen picked up the display at will, and his heart became weary with only one glance.

grass! It really is this!

In the display, two little boys, one touched his chin in confusion, the other tipped his toes and added beeswax.

What do you mean? Which pot does not open which pot?

No, Ji Mingming won't be like this, otherwise it is impossible to let go of the **** picture.

So ... what does this mean?

Wu Qingchen involuntarily looked towards the constantly refreshed discussion forum:

"When I saw Mr. Wu's pay slip, I guessed that such a thing would definitely happen in the future ... I just didn't expect it to be so fast!"

"The companies in Japan, Thailand, and Germany must have a common language with the parish."

"Sure enough! Regardless of the region, the country, or even the planet, the interests have always been the same shameless face."

"Whatever it takes, Mr. Wu Qingchen has worked hard."

"The weekly payroll of the earth, beeswax was added in the middle of the night, horizontally: beautiful girl child."


While brushing his teeth, he looked quickly all the way, and the depression on Wu Qingchen's face gradually became surprised.

In the comment area, public opinion generally holds that: Shirley ’s fat cows eat tender grass, or the little boy is timid and offers his buttocks. For the ruling class, whether the earth or the medieval world, it is just a common appetizer The side dishes are a thousand miles away from the real shamelessness and absurdity. Most people feel that Wu Qingchen's experience is completely free of blunders, and should not be ridiculed, and there is no need to sympathize, because they are just a few poisonous weeds that are encountered on the road to power.

This is quite correct! At least, this is a very good recognition for yourself! Wu Qingchen rejoiced at the same time, but also slightly doubted: so correct, so rational understanding, there are occasionally two or two on the Internet. Fortunately, now this overwhelming, unified thinking ... What should the relevant departments do?

For example ... the salary slip that appears many times in the comments ...

"Police Officer ..."

When I thought about it, Wu Qingchen had finished washing and walked out of the bedroom. Wu Qingchen asked, "What's the hot topic you show me, what does the payroll in it mean?"

"Pay slip ..." Wu Qingchen heard a familiar voice: "Of course it means Mr. Wu, your remuneration."

"Ah! Director Jiang ..." Slightly tilted his head to see the person coming in. Wu Qingchen quickly took the first two steps and took the palm of Jiang Fengming's outstretched hand.

"Very good, thank you for your concern." Jiang Fengming answered with a smile.

Wu Qingchen looked carefully. Jiang Fengming was steady, ruddy, and powerful. The fatigue a few days ago was swept away, and he returned to his calm and capable appearance when he first saw him.

"Mr. Wu, this is your payroll ..."

While the staff members arranged the steaming early, after shaking hands, Jiang Fengming signaled the accompanying staff to push a mobile display: "It's a bit long, please take a look."

Hundreds of countries pay special five- to seven-digit special allowances with reference to United Nations dues!

Medals, medals, honorary titles, honorary positions, and even actual positions in dozens of countries!

The laurel, scepter, and Wu Qingchen's head are huge commemorative coins on the bottom version. Wu Qingchen and other gold sculptures are on the pocket, and the Fed banknote printing machine in the pocket version!

Sports cars, yachts, private jets ...

Countless top luxury ...


Although I have a certain psychological preparation, knowing that the earth can never be mean to myself, but ten minutes have passed, and the catalog and profile have not been turned 1/3. Wu Qingchen was a little surprised: "... all for me ? "

"Of course." Jiang Fengming nodded.

"Well, compared with this handwriting ..." Wu Qingchen pouted his mouth: "The 'gifts' of the two castles in the medieval world can really only be regarded as pediatrics ... Is this commonplace?"

"No." Jiang Fengming shook his head, reached out and clicked the "bookmark" virtual button on the display: "Luxury is nothing ... seeing the following is not strange."

The world's top brand, comes with beauty designers!

World famous horses with beautiful jockeys!

Exotic flowers with beautiful gardener!

"Uh ..." Wu Qingchen's eyes widened: "The gifts are so rich. Buy one get one free?"

Read on ... Jiang Fengming gestured with his eyes.


Lubricant company with German strong man ... strong, strong man?

cos props with Japanese beauty ... Gender: Male?

What the hell! That's it!

With these companies that should kill thousands of swords ahead, it ’s no wonder that the people of the earth are no longer fussing about the "little boy entertainment" in the medieval world.

"Parlay these **** ..." Wu Qingchen couldn't help crying. "Should I thank, or should I vomit blood?"

"Of course I should be grateful." Jiang Fengming replied with a smile: "You don't think the committee can't keep a payroll secret?"

"Uh?" Wu Qingchen responded quickly: "You mean these companies are intentional?"

"It is not easy to judge whether the company is intentional or not." Jiang Fengming shook his head: "However, the countries where the companies have passed the preliminary examination and the decision-making center of the committee that decides to publish some payrolls must have anticipated the current demand."

"Uh ..." Wu Qingchen was surprised: "If I read correctly, the date on this payroll was three days ago, right?"

"You read that right." Jiang Fengming nodded.

"Three days ago ... three days ago on the earth ..." Wu Qingchen contemplates.

"To be precise, it was 61 hours ago from the earth ..." Jiang Fengming corrected and directly said what Wu Qingchen thought: "At that time, the effect of honeycomb on buckwheat was just discovered by the aborigines, and it was still far from Mr. Wu you were appointed a priest In 15 days, based on speculations about the style of the ruling class in the Middle Ages, a part of your payroll has been selectively announced. "

"It really washes the ground in advance ..." Wu Qingchen was a little bit emotional.

"Public opinion orientation is just a side effect ..." Jiang Fengming shook his head again: "The main purpose of the announcement is the last round of security audit."

"Last round of security audit? What do you mean?"

"Meaning ..." refers to the chopsticks in Wu Qingchen's hands, Jiang Fengming said with a smile: "After eating this bun, you can get your first salary."


It can be seen by the interim committee and transformed into an aklee simulated village. The area where the training base is located is obviously a rare place in the suburbs of the capital.

Obviously, such precious resources cannot be let go by real estate developers. As early as four or five years ago, this area was swallowed up by a certain real estate brand as a whole. The brand covered most of the land for appreciation and only opened a few villas to fool the planning bureau.

After the astronomical incident, whether it is land or villa, it belongs to Wu Qingchen ... Well, it belongs to the training team.

After breakfast, about ten minutes, Wu Qingchen's convoy drove to the villa named "Jianshan Yipin".

According to Jiang Fengming, "Jiangshan Yipin" is the most comprehensive, highest-grade and most extensive real estate in all villas in the area.

At the same time, "Jiangshan Yipin" is also the closest villa real estate to the simulation village of Acre-only five minutes drive from the parking lot of the simulation base-it is clear that this is a simulation village of Acre The palace has been prepared for Wu Qingchen.

"Since it's all mine ..." Wu Qingchen asked for the last time before the team entered the door: "Then let me handle it?"

"Of course." Jiang Fengming nodded without hesitation.

"OK." Wu Qingchen pulled out his phone.

After two minutes.

"Wu Qingchen's Weibo is online!"

Wu Qingchen's Weibo, which had already exceeded the ten-digit number of followers, was just launched, and all software immediately sent a reminder popup.

In this total of eight villas, each villa has independent swimming pools, home theaters, an expo room, an archery range, a thug apartment and other functional rooms ... and share the comprehensive supporting facilities such as the racing track, race track, golf course, zoo, etc. In the villa area, the next hour, the earth dazzled the rich world and ushered in a special day.

Wu Qingchen's Weibo first exposed, 100 million toll recharge reminder confirmation interface, and three billion balance reminder interface.

"100 million calls! Three billion balance!"

"One sun three!"

"Where are the three?"

"Without super authority, can you recharge more than 100,000 at one time?"

Wu Qingchen took a second photo on Weibo, and took a photo with his solid gold sculpture in the lawn.

"Grass! How heavy is this?"

"This gloss, this color, is he really charming?"

"Five tons? Ten tons?"

"I don't know, anyway, if you don't use tools, three or two thieves can't move!"

Then: the beautiful tailor tailored to the weighing size; the beautiful jockey hugged to consolidate the equestrian; the beautiful instructor hugged to adjust the swimming posture; the beautiful engineer held a finger to drive the sports car ...

"A hundred, more than three digits!"

"Goddess, pure goddess team!"

"Every type!"

"Jealousy envy hate ah!"

If there are still traces in the history of Xuan Fu in the past ten years, we will officially enter a new height of Xuan Fu!

In the expo room, Wu Qingchen was dressed in uniform. The medals and medals presented by various countries were full of the front. At the same time, he held several laurels in his left hand and a large scepter in his right hand.

"Russian Medal!" "Molding Medal!" "Knight Medal!" "Courage Medal!"

"Welcome everyone to watch the introduction column of the highest medals of various countries!"

"Prince of the West Prince!" "Crown of the Prince of Britain!" "Swedish scepter!" "Holy scepter!"

"Welcome everyone to watch the introduction columns of the power symbols of the kings!"

Then, more than three meters long and more than one meter wide, incense super commemorative coins, Wu Qingchen opened ten fingers and stepped on the "billion euro" letter with a smile.

"The largest denomination banknote, dedicated to the best!"

"Step on small country gdp!"

Next is a series of pictures. With the assistance of the Federal Reserve staff, Wu Qingchen transports special banknote printing paper, adds special banknote printing ink, and uses a compact version of the banknote printing machine to print a lot of US banknotes and cut them by hand.

"Do you think you can print money? Wu: ​​I can!"

"Ask for money? Come on, print him a ton!"

"Oh my god, the scissors are crooked! The scissors are crooked! The scissors are crooked!"

"Don't lose your scissors! Brother, give it to me, don't burn it, don't! I want it!"



Due to customs, security, audit and other reasons, in the "Jiangshan Yipin" area, only one percent of the "salary" has been received for the time being. However, an hour has passed, and even if you browse around, Wu Early in the morning I just saw half.

Wu Qingchen did not continue to watch the rest.

Within this hour, Jiang Fengming had informed Wu Qingchen of two "supernatural clues" in the Middle Ages, Fort Axford and Fishgard Parish, and analyzed them in detail.

He specifically informed at this time that Wu Qingchen certainly understood Jiang Fengming's suggestion:

Mr. Wu, the master of the Middle Ages can promise heaven, but the earth-at least in front of you-is already a kingdom of heaven.

Pancreatitis has recurred and is in the hospital code.

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