Kidnapping All Mankind

: Part I, The Head 246

The immersive Wu Qingchen easily understood the hint, but many onlookers were fainted by Jiang Fengming's "heaven" and "heaven".

Villagers activity center, chess and card room, a village counterpart analysis team.

"Brother Li ..." Ye Yi pushed Li's shoulders gently. "What does this new director mean?"

"The new director? What's new ... This is Jiang Fengming! Mr. Wu Qingchen was responsible for the previous few trainings!" Li glasses tilted his head, and his face seemed to smile with a smile: "It's not to give you more time to go Looking through the previous video? Is this the result? The host does not know? "

"Uh ... I'm looking forward from the back, but I haven't had time to see the new ... coming director ..." Ye Yi scratched his head and shifted the subject bluntly: "First talk about the meaning of this director Jiang chant."

"Well, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is right in front of ..." Li glasses frowned: "Brother, let's cheer together!"

"I will." Ye Yi nodded again and again. Since supernatural clues appeared in the medieval world, Li glasses have lost a lot of arrogance, got a lot closer, and made a lot of demands by the way: "It's over. I'll finish later Go and see. "

"Be sure to remember." Li glasses emphasized again, before turning back to answer the previous question: "Director Jiang talked about heaven, mainly for two meanings ..."

Speaking, Li glasses compared to two fingers: "First meaning, from the pictures of the kingdom of God and the description of the Holy Bible, the dominance of the medieval world, although possessing supernatural powers, the total amount of military performance, The power and the threat are quite ordinary, and the earth is fully capable of countering it. As for life, the earth is more capable of throwing its kingdom of heaven out of eight streets. This is to tell Wu Qingchen that there is no need to be overly afraid of the master. "

"Well ..." Ye Yi thought for a moment, and nodded.

"Second meaning." Li glasses continued: "Although supernatural forces do not perform well in military and daily life, if the earth works out the principles, especially the principle that governs the church to empower through positions and to contribute to health through faith contributions , Will inevitably bring earth-shaking changes to the earth, and it is likely that ordinary people from the country Z outside Wu Qingchen and ordinary earth people will accelerate into the "heaven" Wu Qingchen is facing at this time. "

"Eh? Is there such an exaggeration?" Ye Yi could not help but widen his glasses: "It seems that the priest with the highest value has only increased by about 20%? In this era, physical fitness is stronger, and one for three is very useful?"

"The steam engine was originally used to pump water from mines, electricity was used to light bulbs, computers were used to calculate trajectories ... and the supernatural powers that dominated it?"

Li glasses clenched his fingers: "'Giving health', 'tree bread', 'regeneration of limbs', for the earth, once the principle is researched, life biotechnology will make rapid progress. 'Prayer response', 'Language unity' 'It clearly belongs to ultra-long-distance communication technology. In addition, the use of all these divine magic is obviously supported by ultra-long-distance energy investment. "

"These supernatural forces in the Middle Ages have been thoroughly analyzed, which is the epoch-making biotechnology, communication technology, energy investment technology, and even material investment technology! If any one of them makes a breakthrough, the productivity of the earth will immediately increase ...

"At that time ..." Speaking of this, Li glasses paused, operated the computer, opened the "Wu Qingchen Weibo photo analysis" just made by the media, and then pointed at the luxury car, flowers, angry horses, and brand-name packages in the picture. Said: "By then, it will be very simple to give everyone a set of" Heaven "that exceeds this small standard."

"very simple?"

"It's very simple." Li glasses smiled slightly: "In 2012, a single room with water and electricity, plus a mobile phone life, was a myth and a paradise for the people of the earth two hundred years ago."

"Oh ..." This time, Ye Yi not only understood, but also immediately thought: "The second meaning of this Director Jiang is to remind Mr. Wu Qingchen that his current job is fighting for the kingdom of heaven for the global humanity! "

"Yes, that's it." Li glasses smiled and nodded: "After the appearance of supernatural forces, Mr. Wu Qingchen made his first public appearance, the first round of training venues, and chose the villa in this villa. The attitude of the staff was clear at a glance."

Listening to Li Guang ’s “at a glance”, Ye Yi looked blank.

For a long time, Ye Yi tentatively asked, "Do you mean live broadcast showing off rich?"

"Um." Li glasses nodded slightly.

"Uh ..." Ye Yi continued to scratch his head: "Let everyone see, Mr. Wu Qingchen, who led the world to run into heaven, was not only not abused, but also treated well?"

"Ha!" Li glasses laughed uncontrollably, and when Ye Yi was getting a little bit embarrassed, Li glasses stopped and patted Ye Yi's shoulder: "This angle ... I didn't really think about it just now, but you When it comes to saying, it really makes sense, and indeed it can be shown to some conspirators. Mr. Wu Qingchen not only received good treatment, but also lived in a good mood when he showed off his wealth! "

"Also, did you notice it?" With a smile, Li glasses continued: "Living live to show off your richness is a temporary good mood for Mr. Wu Qingchen."

"Actually, even if Mr. Wu Qingchen did not broadcast live ..." Speaking here, Li glasses pressed the keyboard a few times, and the full video of Wu Qingchen's tour of the villa area appeared on the display: "This villa, these luxury cars, these scepters, These luxury products, as well as these diverse Chinese and foreign men and women ... you can still see them from the live broadcast of the training group, but also professional photographers, high-definition multi-angle, ten times better than Mr. Wu Qingchen's mobile selfie! "

"Yeah!" Ye Yi said in his heart, "Is this private life? I used to play only part of Mr. Wu Qingchen's training, and never involved his privacy? What kind of ghost is this time?"

"It's very simple: build momentum." Li glasses answered: "The staff team started to build momentum for Mr. Wu Qingchen."

"What power?"

"You look at this first ..." Li glasses opened a page: "Everyone's attitude towards Mr. Wu Qingchen's live broadcast."

Li glasses opened a special page dedicated to real-time hotspots, thousands of comments on the latest progress of the astronomical event, according to the number of "likes" to express the sympathy, ranked from top to bottom.

The real-time hotspot at this moment is obviously Wu Qingchen ’s Weibo live broadcast of the rich event.

Along the fingers of Li glasses, Ye Yi looked all the way:

Hard work-Mr. Wu, you worked hard

Ten days of rest for an hour-behind the carnival is sadness

Confirmation of supernatural clues

After 981 difficulties, I finally got serious-Wu Qingchen received this treatment, I am convinced

Why can't I get the salary I earned?


"Yeah ..." Ye Yi was a bit surprised when he saw this completely one-sided positive comment: "What is this ... technically dealt with?"

"Maybe there are factors in this area ... but ..." As he said, Li glasses scrolled the middle mouse button and scrolled down several pages. It was always a neat positive evaluation: "To achieve this effect, the public's attitude is also very obvious. Li: Everyone thinks that Mr. Wu Qingchen really deserves this exaggerated treatment.

"Of course!" Ye Yi nodded for granted, pointing to the right side of the screen, the first comment hot words: "Mr. Wu Qingchen is really hard!"

"Yeah, it's hard." Li glasses also nodded: "The serf agreed, and said goodbye to the heavy manual labor completely; supernatural clues were determined, and physical fitness and health were expected; double happiness is coming, and hard work is really good. opportunity."

"Uh ..." Ye Yi asked puzzled, "What do you want to say, Brother Li?"

"Once the supernatural forces of the Middle Ages are realized, Mr. Wu Qingchen will take the lead in achieving extraordinary results."


"Extraordinary means health and physical fitness ... or simply, a qualitative breakthrough in life!"


"Mr. Wu Qingchen, has since formed a huge difference with ordinary earth people ... like the superheroes in the movie, there is a huge difference in life, or inequality."

"Compared with the inequality of life levels in the future, Mr. Wu Qingchen now lives in a better house, drives a better car, eats better food, and spends more time with his pretty sister. All can only be regarded as appetizers ..."

"While still being an appetizer, hurry up and let everyone get used to it and form a completely reasonable understanding of giving these unequal material treatments to Wu Qingchen. Then, one day in the future, Mr. Wu Qingchen will face extraordinary opportunities and will soon When inequality in life is formed, the psychological imbalance of most people is kept under control, and the incidence of certain irrational behaviors is reduced from the source. "

"No, right?" Ye Yi understood, but it was difficult to understand: "Mr. Wu Qingchen is working for the benefit of all mankind? Who would be stupid enough to hinder him?"

"Hey, some people. And, of course, they wouldn't be stupid enough to drag their backs, and the reasons would be bright."

"Huh?" Ye Yi was at a loss again.

"Like ..." Li glasses said faintly: "Mr. Wu Qingchen does contribute greatness, but the earth does not need a dictator who is superior."

"Who said it?" Ye Yi replied immediately: "I would be happy to have such a person!"

"Your kid is not good, Lord ... well, let's change it another way." Li glasses continued to give an example: "Mr. Wu Qingchen's safety cannot be overemphasized, and it is absolutely not allowed to try to achieve extraordinary results directly! Be sure to let The sacrificing forerunner has tempted a path without any danger! "

"This makes a little sense, but this sacrificed pioneer ..." Ye Yi keenly asked, "Who on earth is it?"

"Haha, your boy doesn't believe in leaders ... OK, change another one!" Li glasses again exemplified: "In order to make the cooperation between the earth and Mr. Wu Qingchen more secure, mutual benefit and more foundation, in order not to bury hidden dangers for the future, Wu Mr. Chenchen had better make sure of the earth. "

"How to guarantee?"

"How?" Li glasses froze over. "Looks like you just want one of these guarantees?"

"How can I?" Ye Yi flushed: "I just ask ... just ask! You don't want to say it!"

"Actually, I don't know any guarantee ..." Li glasses shrugged. "Maybe ... hostage?"

"Hostage? Chen Wenming? Huang Zhong? Liu Tao?" Ye Yi remembered that because an author was unwilling to write about the length of the family, the manufacturer of "Wu Qingchen" was unknown, the manufacturer was unknown, there were no relatives, only a few Friends: "Some of them are indeed good friends of Mr. Wu Qingchen, but they are just good friends. If it really matters, these hostages are not good enough?"

"It's not so good ... but the fact that there are no suitable hostages today doesn't mean there is no future."

Speaking, Li glasses knocked on the keyboard a few times, and the display immediately jumped out of nearly a hundred different people. Each country was carefully selected, including many types of girls, women, beautiful men, and strong men. Pointing at these guys and girls, gentle, or domineering, Or pure, or arrogant, or swallowing mountains and rivers, or charming and touching, or neutral handsome, or pitiful face, Li glasses said coldly: "These are the most readily available hostages. So many beautiful men, good girls, do not believe Wu I missed one early in the morning. "

"Ah! Originally the" salary slip "still has this consideration?" Ye Yi opened his mouth: "This ... this is too shameless!"

"Maybe someone will think about this, but it is certainly not the original intention of the staff ..." Li glasses shook his head. "Those people are not so short-sighted ... But as long as there are a few of these people, they are at the same time as Wu Qingchen. Well, the earth does n’t need to threaten anything at all. Their natural earth identity is enough to make an impact on Wu Qingchen ’s decision. ”

"Uh ... okay ..." Ye Yi nodded slowly and had to admit that Li's concerns are indeed very realistic: "You're right ... well, in this world, the most important thing is **** and baddies. "

"But don't worry too much."

Li glasses patted Ye Yi's shoulder: "Either the excuse of the dictator, the concept of stealing security, or the hidden tricks of hostages ... These tricks can only be built on Mr. Wu Qingchen's prestige, but no It belongs to its own political strength, under the premise of being alone. "

"Now, depending on the great efforts of the staff and the over-standard living treatment, Mr. Wu Qingchen's political treatment is estimated to be amazing."

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