Kidnapping All Mankind

: Volume I Part "Brain" 247 Second Voting

When Li glasses and Ye Yi chatted here, in the live video, they watched several rooms full of "wages". Jiang Fengming guided Wu Qingchen to the third floor of the villa.

After climbing the stairs and standing in front of another room, Jiang Fengming grabbed the doorknob, and while Li glasses, Ye Yi, and hundreds of millions of onlookers began eagerly discussing what strange treasures were placed in this room, Jiang Fengming suddenly hit Gestures.

The live signal is interrupted.

The video page in front of everyone suddenly switched, and started to introduce Wu Qingchen's upcoming training subjects, and made a detailed analysis of the reasons, uses, and difficulties of these subjects.

This is the usual part of every live broadcast of "Wu Qingchen Training" in the past, and it is also a popular content that most onlookers are more concerned about.

However, this time, everyone is not buying it!

After more than an hour of over-standard treatment display, everyone has concluded that from the lawn, to the villa lobby, to the first floor, and to the second floor, Uncle Wu Qingchen's "wage slip" generally follows wave by wave. Dazzling, waves are more precious than waves.

This is especially true in some popular areas ...

"Grass! Hang your appetite?"

"Oh! Uniform girls on the lawn, tights girls on the first floor, three-point girls on the second floor, why the third floor suddenly shuts down! Oh! Is it all naked?"

"Jealousy envy hate ah!"

"Would you be so mean? Look at the dead?"

"Well, don't be too greedy. It's enough fun to show everyone the three-point style. Be content with being a man!"

"Wu Qingchen continues to enjoy him, and I have no opinion! See if it doesn't work? Anyway, he should have been used to live broadcasting anyway!"

"Che, do you think people are willing to broadcast live?"

"Cut it, whether he wants it or not! Well, count him ruthless! The earth can be closed, and he has been a monk in the Middle Ages if he has the ability! As long as he finds a woman in the Middle Ages, I see how he will be closed when that happens!"

"Reported! Wait for the letter of apology!"

"No need to apologize, are you envious? Send this boy a dozen beauties of the Middle Age model!"


At the villagers activity center, watching the video page quickly tumbling over the comment content, Ye Yi licked his lips involuntarily: "Oh, this beautiful blessing ..."

"No ..." Li glasses also wondered: "No matter how much we need to strengthen Mr. Wu Qingchen's concern for the earth, the hint just now is enough ... The earth doesn't need to go shirtless to arrange such a show ... right?"

"What do you mean?" Ye Yi tilted her head, her face full of curiosity.

"Nothing ..." Li glasses waved their hands, ignoring Ye Yi, thinking for a moment, Li glasses suddenly flashed in front of his eyes: "... Can you say ... Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here?"


I have to say that Li glasses feels very sharp.

Simulation training base, "Jiangshan Yipin" villa area, third floor.

Jiang Fengming pushed open the door.

This is an extremely wide flat floor. The room is very large. In the space of thousands of square meters, there are rows of seats on the left and a fairly large conference table on the right.

The room was very empty, with only a few ladies standing scattered.

If put on the street, these ladies may be worthy of the title of beauty.

However, compared to lawns, lobby, first floor, second floor, carefully selected stunners from all countries, all of a sudden fell to the average level.

Wu Qingchen's attention was not on them either.

Entering the room, Wu Qingchen immediately felt an extremely familiar feeling.

"Mr. Wu, please come with me." Said, Jiang Fengming walked to the front and took Wu Qingchen to the left.

Following Jiang Fengming, walking towards the rows of seats, Wu Qingchen's feeling of familiarity grew stronger.

About half a minute, walking in front of the rows of seats facing the only seat facing them, Jiang Fengming falsely quoted with his right hand: "Mr. Wu, please sit down."

As if a flash of lightning flashed through my mind, looking at this seat, Wu Qingchen immediately remembered: This scene, not the first day of the astronomical incident, was escorted into Beijing by the army, helicopters, fighters, and transport planes all the way. Don?

Except for fewer seats and lower floors, most of the layout here is a simulation of people and the Great Hall of the People!

"This ..." Wu Qingchen did not sit down, tilted his head, and looked at Jiang Fengming in wonder: "What are you doing?"

"Several votes related to you are about to take place." Jiang Fengming gestured, and a staff member immediately walked over and handed a thick stack of documents to Wu Qingchen.

Wu Qingchen didn't want to pick up these documents.

Wu Qingchen took the documents with a calm face.

"Relax ..." Seeing Wu Qingchen's expression of hesitation, Jiang Fengming smiled and comforted: "Absolutely good!"

"Oh ... good thing ..." Wu Qingchen barely smiled, looking at the file.

Skip the file numbers and simple instructions above. The bold font in the middle of the first page is the directory:


1. Agenda No. * of the UN General Assembly * Meeting: Additional votes by members of the United Nations.

2. Agenda No. * of the UN General Assembly * Meeting: Additional vote by the executive state of the United Nations Astrological Event.

3. Agenda No. * of the UN General Assembly * Meeting: Additional members of the UN Interim Committee on Astronomical Events take office.

4, ...


1. Agenda No. * of the * Interim Committee of the United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events: For various individuals, organizations, regions and countries in the near future, adopt various methods to simulate the discussion of religion, divine art, and prayer rituals in the medieval world.

2. Agenda No. * of the * Interim Committee of the United Nations Interim Committee on Astronomical Events: A discussion on whether Grace / Moore (a, 4) was directly under the leadership of Archford in the core human resources of the Middle Ages.

3, ...


Looking at the directory, Wu Qingchen frowned.

(2) The general category, the agenda of the interim committee, questions about religion, divine art, and prayer rituals in the medieval world, as well as Grace's work arrangements, can indeed provide a little advice ...

(1) In the broad category, the addition of members of the United Nations, the addition of astronomical event enforcement states, and the appointment of members of the interim committee ... this, it's my fault!

"Mr. Wu, please wait a moment, it will be all right soon ..."

Noting Wu Qingchen's doubtful look, Jiang Fengming made a slightly more calm gesture and used the throat microphone and earphones to communicate quickly. In about half a minute, Jiang Fengming stopped the throat microphone and turned back to Wu Qingchen: "Okay, almost everything is ready there All right."

"Ready over there? What over there?"

"It's like this ..." Jiang Fengming gestured to the staff around him and several women in the room who were already prepared, and said to Wu Qingchen: "Recently, UN meetings have been held in the People's and the Great Hall of the People. Press It makes sense that you should be there for today ’s vote too ... but, for security reasons, countries have agreed two hours ago that you can vote here. "

"What vote, especially, has anything to do with me?"

"Of course it matters." Jiang Fengming answered with a smile: "Have you forgotten? You are also one of the representatives of the United Nations."

Of course I remember! The country that sent the explosive voter!

"Stop ... stop ..."

"Republic of Sierra Leone."

"Yes, this is the bird country ..." Wu Qingchen showed a slight disgust on his face: "What happened?"

"Look ..." Jiang Fengming pointed to the front seat.

I don't know what the entourage around Jiang Fengming was, and what the ladies did ...

A few seconds later, in front of Wu Qingchen, above the rows and rows of seats, at the same time, the screens were raised at the same time, showing the color of skin or yellow or white or black, the expression was ten times more stable than last time. Country representatives.

The closest position to Wu Qingchen was dozens of seats in the center of the front. The screens raised above were naturally marked with Chinese, Russian, English, French, and American delegation seats. -And a black man with a swollen, dark-skinned face, a loss of soul, and atrophy.

Behind these seats, the super large splicing display screen covering the entire wall reflects the situation of the people and the Great Hall of the People at the moment:

In this big screen, Wu Qingchen saw that in front of the people and the Great Hall of the People, a huge display screen was erected in the same position as the podium. Inside it was Jiang Fengming, Jiang Fengming ’s entourage, women who entered in advance, People crowded in the center, sitting in the only seat of themselves.


Thank you for your concern.

Much better, not so much pain.

The doctor said that he would be discharged in two or three days.

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