Kidnapping All Mankind

: 250 Wu Qingchen's Strategic Advantage

In the People and the Great Hall of the People, the historic moment of Wu Qingchen's inauguration of the Astronomical Events Committee did not broadcast to the outside world simultaneously.

This is not for confidentiality. ——For the majority of the people on the earth, Wu Qingchen, the **** kidnapper, let alone be a 20-year-old member of the committee, and even 10-year-old became the nominal president of the earth, no matter how envious and envy you are, you can basically understand, and Hold your nose and hold it.

The reasons for confidentiality are mainly ten days ago. Due to rush and inadequate preparations, the first United Nations convened a conference for the Astrological Event, and when Wu Qingchen's identity was confirmed, there were even explosions in the people, the Great Hall of the People, and the whole world People are heartbroken.

Now, Wu Qingchen ’s earth and safety in the Middle Ages have been guaranteed, supernatural clues have emerged, and there is hope in the future. Everything is developing in a better way. Of course, the Earth ’s decision-makers do not want another important conference to be held in case again. Contradictions and conflicts at the national level have been exposed to the public, which has affected the situation of being more or less stable and disturbing people's hearts that have not been easily soothed.

Now that the meeting is going well, the propaganda department will produce clips step by step. At most about an hour, ordinary people can learn about this unity, victory, justice, and great meeting from various media channels.

Of course, the delay is only for the people, and the departments related to the astronomical incident have not been affected.

For example:

About two kilometers away from Wu Qingchen, a certain transformation bus.

The training team, the members of the tenth group of logistics, watched the complete meeting process of the people and the Great Hall of the People from beginning to end.

Special Adviser, Council Member, Committee Member ...

As government and government staff, everyone in the bus knows the weight of these three positions.

"Hmm ..." At the tail of the bus, near the window, Xiao Zhao said with emotion: "As soon as Director Jiang took over, he received such a big hand ..."

"Big hand ..." Next to Xiao Zhao, Lao Liu also said with emotion: "Big opportunity, big-trouble ..."

"Trouble?" Xiao Zhao was a little bit suspicious, and his brows frowned slightly, and soon he stretched out again: "Also yes ... Director Jiang would have had a headache just by arranging training subjects, and now he has to coordinate decision-making time."

"It's more trouble than just coordinating time?" Old Liu shook his head: "Do you know why Mr. Wu Qingchen was asked to join the interim committee on the sky phenomenon?"

"It's very simple?" You can see that Xiao Zhao must have carefully considered this question, and the answer came out: "The time ratio of 30: 1, Mr. Wu Qingchen is naturally the whole earth who knows the Middle Ages best. Now, with With the improvement of Mr. Wu Qingchen's status, the region, personnel, environment, and situation involved are becoming more and more complicated, and more and more Middle Age affairs-especially urgent, sudden = affairs-the earth must let Mr. Wu Qingchen participate in decision-making . "

"This is just the premise." Old Liu continued to shake his head.

"That ..." Xiao Zhao hesitated a bit, "Ten days of training on Earth, two months of practice in the Middle Ages, Mr. Wu Qingchen's progress is very fast, especially this time dealing with half-way thieves, Rev. Ackerford, Colinburg exchanges, etc. In an emergency, Mr. Wu Qingchen proved his ability. "

"This is just the premise." Old Liu shook his head again: "If only in these two aspects, giving Mr. Wu Qingchen the full right of advice to the Middle Ages can be resolved, there is no need to give the authority of the committee that directly affects the earth."

"Why is that?" Xiao Zhao was curious: "Uncle Liu, tell me?"

"The Interim Committee on the Tianxiang Event is the highest decision-making body in the world. Every position is the result of a strategic game of strategic deterrence and strategic situation." Speaking here, the old Liu paused for a moment, then said slowly: "Mr. Wu Qingchen can become 27 One point, that means: Wu Qingchen's strategic deterrence has reached the level that the major powers of the earth must respect with respect under the current strategic situation. "

"Uh ..." Xiao Zhao's expression was unclear.

"First is strategic deterrence." Old Liu explained in detail: "Do you understand Mr. Wu Qingchen's strategic deterrence?"

"Of course." Xiao Zhao nodded. "Human-shaped nuclear bombs can be destroyed with the earth at any time."

"That's right," Lao Liu continued. "The strategic deterrence of a humanoid nuclear bomb can guarantee that Mr. Wu Qingchen has full autonomy and will not be strongly interfered by various countries."

"Hmm ..." Xiao Zhao has a certain understanding in this regard: "Like the oversized North Korea, although it is hated by the United States like Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria, those countries have all been blown into ruins, with nuclear bombs, and with China. The United States can only stare at North Korea that Russia cares about. "

"That's it." Lao Liu nodded in approval, and then said, "However, strategic deterrence alone is not enough. No matter how North Korea jumps, the United States is a little more cautious about Northeast Asian affairs. Other international affairs, even recent Southeast Asian affairs, North Korea's say is also very small ... Before the supernatural clues appeared, Mr. Wu Qingchen's status was similar. "

"Before the supernatural clues appeared, the goals of the nations on the earth were highly consistent with those of Mr. Wu Qingchen, and they were doing their utmost for the minimum right to survival. At that time, Wu Qingchen's strategic deterrence could no longer be realized ..." Lao Liu looked up slightly and continued, "Like North Korea, it's normal to try hard to develop a nuclear bomb to protect yourself, but even North Korea is not crazy enough to hold the nuclear bomb to threaten the world. If you don't send flowers, you will be exposed ... Mr. Wu Qingchen also Similarly, the natural tendencies and survivability of animals, the sociality formed in the past two decades, and the guidance in the normal range make it basically impossible to make self-harm claims. "

"Well ..." Xiao Zhao groped his chin: "Strategic deterrence can only guarantee that Mr. Wu Qingchen will not be placed under house arrest or locked into a soft plastic room."

"It's not so miserable, but in essence it can only guarantee sufficient autonomy and living treatment ... but the strategic situation is different ..." Lao Liu continued: "In the medieval world, supernatural clues appeared, especially the parish department. Immediately after Limburg ’s supernatural clues emerged, the horoscope event changed from crisis to crisis and opportunity co-existed ... Mr. Wu Qingchen's strategic attitude also changed immediately. "

"Huh?" Xiao Zhao was ignorant again.

"The supernatural phenomena, priesthood, and belief of Kolinburg are directly related to physical fitness and health ..." Then, the old Liu suddenly asked: "Xiao Zhao, what did you think of when you heard this?"

"Uh ..." Xiao Zhao thought for a moment: "Children, patients, and old people are saved."

"Nice." Old Liu smiled slightly: "The key to the change in strategic situation is here, especially the 'elderly people.'"

"Old man? What do you mean?" Repeating the word, Xiao Zhao asked in his mouth, but his mind flashed.

Old Liu smiled and shook his head without answering.

Old man ... old man ...

Xiao Zhao's head turned quickly:

20% of the world ’s population is elderly ...

The remaining 80% of the population also have elders ...

Most of the humans who control wealth are old people ...

The majority of humans in power are the elderly ...

Wu Qingchen's progress in the Middle Ages, the supernatural force, the most urgent need is undoubtedly also the elderly!

Before the emergence of supernatural clues, global humans, including Wu Qingchen, had the same goals and worked hard to survive without forced.

After the emergence of supernatural clues, according to the differences in age and health, the goals of different groups of people quietly differentiated.

——Of course, Wu Qingchen will also work hard to pursue priesthood and faith, but time, efficiency, security, and pace ... different schemes are very different, and it is extremely difficult to quantify. Moreover, no matter how good the scheme is, it will eventually need to be executed by Wu Qingchen. This gentleman has powerful strategic deterrence and cannot be forced at all!

For the elderly, the most extravagant is time.

Wu Qingchen's strategic advantage is here.

Wu Qingchen didn't need to scream, growl, or self-harm like North Korea ... just a little delay, or even no delay, as long as he didn't exert his subjective initiative, he could casually improve the priesthood and expand his faith--or, Physique, health promotion time is two to three years behind.

——Easily, a large number of old gentlemen and old women sitting in Jinshan and Yinhai, accustomed to holding power, are isolated from the welfare of supernatural powers, and perish before the dawn of heaven.

Get back to health.

Warm up today ...

During the hospitalization, there are two more chapters owed in April. In the next half month, Xiaoyu will work hard to make up!

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