Kidnapping All Mankind

251: The Head 251

"and so……"

About two minutes, Xiao Zhao felt like he wanted to understand: "Those" elderly people "would push Mr. Wu Qingchen to the position of" member "in exchange for Mr. Wu Qingchen's best efforts?"

"How can it be so simple ..." Old Liu shook his head: "The position of" committee member "does have emotional investment, showing the effect of sincerity, but this is only the first step. It is the key for Mr. Wu Qingchen to redouble his efforts and even do his best. "

"Huh?" Xiao Zhao threatened for the third time.

"Look at this ..." Old Liu clicked to open a page: "These are Wu Qingchen's friends. Look, what are the characteristics?"

"Hmm ..." Combining the topics under discussion, Xiao Zhao responded very quickly: "They are all very young."

"Yes!" Old Liu clapped his hands repeatedly: "The main problem facing the" old people "now is that due to their class and age, Wu Qingchen's social relationship is relatively simple, and the objects they care for are generally very young, don't say 'old people' ',' Patient ', even' Middle-aged ',' Sub-health ', it is difficult to stimulate Mr. Wu Qingchen's emotional community. "

"What then? You can't inject viruses or senesin to these friends, Wu Qingchen?"

"Well ... you thought ..." Lao Liu took a surprised look at Xiao Zhao, thought for a while and said, "Maybe there really is an" elderly man "who will consider it, but now I don't need it, the" special consultant ", the" member country " All the motions of the "members" were passed. There were so many upright methods, and we definitely don't need to engage in these crooked ways. "

"A lot of ways? For example?"

"Like ..." Old Liu again pointed to the page just opened in front of the display: "Just how do you feel, Mr. Wu Qingchen's ability to make friends?"

"Not so good." Xiao Zhao shook his head: "There are less than 5 good friends and less than 20 ordinary friends."

"Look at this again ..." Lao Liu controlled the console and opened a clip of a decision-making meeting of an interim committee next to the background behind the conference table. Lao Liu asked: "Counting, the consultant team behind these representatives how many people."

"Well ... at least fifty people."

"At least fifty people!" Old Liu repeated this number: "Fifty people, a 'members' decision-making meeting' would require a special representative and a senior advisory team composed of at least fifty people, and ten times, one hundred times less. Other members who are eligible to show up ... "

"However ..." pointing to Wu Qingchen's friend list, Lao Liu continued: "As far as Mr. Wu Qingchen's number of friends is concerned, he doesn't care about the distance and ability, and all of them can't fill the advisory seat."

"And this is just the top team, only the manpower needed for the decision-making meeting ..." Saying this, Lao Liu scribbled his hands diagonally to compare the shape of a pyramid: "Actually, from the agreement reached by the 27 countries, 'Committee members 'Authority, each participating country must give at least one deputy-level authority. Do you know how many staff members are required for 27 deputy-level units to operate ...'

"Uh, I don't know the vice-national level ... but ..." Xiao Zhao recalled a little: "I remember that a city-level prefecture-level city seemed to have nearly 1,000 department-level cadres, plus section-level and stock-level cadres. Over 10,000. "

"Actually ..." Pointing at Wu Qingchen's friend list again, the old Liu said, "Mr. Wu Qingchen, now there are even fewer staff in these 27 countries to serve as full-time posts."

I am!

Hearing here, the hard to suppress envy and jealousy rushed to Xiao Zhao's heart:

Ordinary people ... no, even the second generation official! In the official life, it is difficult to climb up to the main hall level for a lifetime. Wu Qingchen has a lot of deputy national level members who can't get out!

"So ..." Thinking of this, Xiao Zhao also understood the meaning of Lao Liu's words: "Most of the staff who helped Mr. Wu Qingchen fill are 'old people'?"

"You don't need to be so deliberate." Old Liu shook his head: "Hundreds of thousands, millions of civil servants, just a normal proportion, already have enough 'elderly' resources."

"Well ... hundreds of thousands, millions ..." Xiao Zhao was very surprised, and suddenly thought: "In other words, the manpower is filled by the country, isn't Mr. Wu Qingchen suspended?"

"Overhead? Wu Qingchen, who only has twenty candidates at hand, still needs overhead?" Lao Liu smirked. "I dare say that the most headache problem in various countries now is how to get Mr. Wu Qingchen at the fastest speed. Really mastering the authority and influence of the 'members' allows Mr. Wu Qingchen to truly identify with these subordinates and form a community of interests of 'physical and health'. "

"So it is." Xiao Zhao fully understood: "No wonder this time, every country must grant Wu Qingchen a vest in a small African country."

"Yeah ..." the old Liu said helplessly: "Country z has taken the huge advantage of Wu Qingchen's country. This time, the other 26 countries will certainly not agree: all of the civil servants of Mr. Wu Qingchen are subordinated by z Chinese fill. "

"There must be other ideas for a vest ..." The thoughts were clear, Xiao Zhao thought divergent: "For example, the 6 million people who were given to Wu Qingchen had 2 million 'elders' ... Unfortunately, they are all niggas. , Mr. Wu Qingchen was afraid it would not be easy to see. "

"Hey ... little experimental field, just warm up Mr. Wu Qingchen, the 'elders' are well-calculated ..." Old Liu Leng said with a smile: "Which one of the world's top political figures has not spent thirty or forty years, it is widely Networking, building up power, how can Mr. Wu Qingchen be fully supported by all countries, at least one tenth of the time? Three or five years later, if Wu Qingchen really has satisfactory achievements in supernatural forces, how can he just be Can a non-permanent seat be settled? "

"At that time, the strategic situation will definitely change again, if it can bring such great benefits to the earth ..." Old Liu Leng said with a smile: "Why are there so many small countries in Asia and the Americas that are all stuffed with Wu Qingchen?"


By the time the conversation in the bus was here ...

People, the Great Hall of the People.

Announcement, congratulations from various countries, read authority, inform duties ...

After a series of established procedures, the UN Interim Committee on Meteorological Events added Wu Qingchen as the 27th member's agenda.

At the UN General Assembly, all the content related to Wu Qingchen also ended.

"Jianshan Yipin", a villa on three floors, simulates a venue.

The ladies in the villa area started to shut down the equipment.

"Congratulations, member Wu." Holding Feng Qingchen's palm, Jiang Fengming changed his name. The congratulatory smile was quite sincere: "From now on, I have to call you a leader."

"Hey ..." Wu Qingchen smiled.

Although I don't quite understand the full meaning of the position of member, but looking at the awesome additions in the surrounding staff and the original respectful look of the ladies in the villa area, Wu Qingchen had to admit: it feels pretty cool.

"Member Wu ..." After congratulations, Jiang Fengming beckoned, and an entourage pushed a large mobile display over: "According to the United Nations astronomical event implementation of the national charter, after becoming a member, each member must be formed as soon as possible, and Inform the Group of 26 of its members' office. "

"Oh? How are they formed?"

"Here ..." Jiang Fengming opened the document that had been prepared.

The two-meter-long, half-meter-high display immediately shows dense posts, permissions, responsibilities ... and countless boxes, lines, arrows ...

"Uh ..." After a few seconds, Wu Qingchen stroked the huge display: "I have to fill this page ... with more than two hundred places?"

"Cough ..." Jiang Fengming coughed, pointing to the lower right corner.

Along the position pointed by Jiang Fengming, Wu Qingchen saw two numbers.


The first is the current page number, and the second is the total page number.

"This ..." At this moment, Wu Qingchen stunned for ten seconds, then said with a bitter smile: "Director Jiang, you must be very clear, the people I know don't have as many boxes as there are."

"Of course." Jiang Fengming nodded in understanding, then pointed to the upper left corner of the large screen: "However, now, you can at least set up a preparatory group for Wu Qingchen's office."

Along Jiang Fengming's fingers, Wu Qingchen saw that there were about thirty squares in this film, which was slightly separated from the surrounding area.

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