Thirty or more ...

"It's quite a lot ... office office, preparation office, comprehensive office, logistics office, decision-making conference office, training office, information office, staff office, appraisal office, liaison office ..." Just a few glances, Wu Qingchen said Some dizziness, involuntarily tilted his head to Jiang Fengming: "So many departments ... how can I fill in?"

"Of course it is up to you to decide." Jiang Fengming replied calmly: "This is the internal affairs of the Republic of Sierra Leone and the internal affairs of your subcommittee's office, and no one has the right to interfere."

"Internal affairs ... internal affairs ..."

With such a big name, Wu Qingchen swallowed involuntarily.

"That is to say ..." Wu Qingchen calmed down: "How can I fill it in?"

"Yes." Jiang Fengming nodded.

The problem is, just looking at this watch, Lao Tzu ... can't even do it casually.

Wu Qingchen was helpless: "At least give me some suggestions."

Of course there are suggestions.

"The affairs of the Middle Ages need to consume a lot of your time and energy. It will save you a lot of time in the future by arranging the personnel you are familiar with for the posts responsible for communication."

"Okay, pretty good." Wu Qingchen nodded immediately: "I remember I have ten ... ten ..."

"Sixteen." Jiang Fengming interface: "At present, a total of sixteen friends who have a better relationship with you have arrived in the capital."

"So ... how many people can join the members' office?"

"It's okay." Jiang Fengming answered quickly.

"Uh, you can ..." Wu Qingchen was a little puzzled. "Aren't they working in the psychological group of the medical team?"

"This is not a problem." Jiang Fengming said with a smile: "Your commissioner's office has an independent subordinate medical team. And ..." After a slight pause, Jiang Fengming continued: "The office is the first-level institution and the medical team is the third level."

"Oh?" Wu Qingchen brightened in front of her eyes: "Wait a moment, wait for me to ask ..."

"Okay, please ..." Jiang Fengming beckoned, and the staff next to him immediately sent Wu Qingchen's cell phone.

The call was quickly connected.

"Lao Chen ... I'm Wu Qingchen. There is such a thing ..."

"Member's Office, right?" Before Wu Qingchen had time to finish speaking, on the other side of the phone, Chen Wenming's excited shout came: "We have been told above, good things, great things!"

"Uh ... Looks like you guys would come over, right?"

"Yes! Yes!" Liu Tao, Huang Zhong, Deng Jun ... a dozen people agreed to each other, and their enthusiasm could be felt across the radio waves. ——Wu Qingchen is sure, several of them are less eager to answer the questions of the emcee at the wedding ceremony.

"Up to n levels, silly is not willing!"

"And a full-time job ... a full-time job!"

"Positive job?" Listening to the excited shouting over the phone, Wu Qingchen tilted her head again.

"Yes." Jiang Fengming nodded, and then explained: "To save time, the position responsible for communicating with you, of course, must be a full-fledged position of each department."

"This ..." Wu Qingchen frowned slightly.

At the other end of the phone, my friends are excited. Wu Qingchen's current city government will certainly not directly jeopardize the scenery and damage his foundation.

Silently accompany the friends to look for a while, after hanging up the phone, Wu Qingchen only asked Jiang Fengming: "If you are responsible for making the shot, Chen Wenming, they are okay?"

"It's ok."

Jiang Fengming understands Wu Qingchen's concubine: "After joining your member's office, Mr. Chen's behavior is the internal affairs of the Republic of Sierra Leone and the internal affairs of your committees ... unless you decide in person, no one can hold them accountable. . "

"Huh ... this way ..." Wu Qingchen breathed a sigh of relief.

"In fact, you don't need to worry." Jiang Fengming continued: "The key issues of the astronomical incident will definitely be decided by the committee's decision-making meeting, and the secondary matters will definitely be given to Mr. Chen with sufficient, suitable and professional deputies. What could go wrong. "

"That's good." Wu Qingchen was more relaxed.

"So ..." Speaking of this, Jiang Fengming pointed to the display: "Please decide on the deputy."


"Mr. Chen and their deputies ..." Jiang Fengming pointed to the upper left corner of the display. This specially separated position, the upper third of the box, has been filled with "Chen Wenming", "Liu Tao", "Huang Two-thirds of the names of "Zhong" and "Deng Jun" are still blank.

"You don't know." Wu Qingchen spread his hands. "Where do I know a suitable and professional deputy?"

Jiang Fengming stopped talking.

"Well ..." Waiting a few seconds, Wu Qingchen hesitated and said, "Suggest?"

Of course there are suggestions.

Jiang Fengming signaled that the staff immediately operated, and in the large display screen, the dense resumes of the staff quickly appeared.

"Choice of the Preparatory Office ... Zhou Jian, citizen of country z, male, 57 years old, served as the director of the Preparatory Office of Minhe National Development Zone from 2007 to 2008, and the director of the Preparatory Office of Huamei University from 2009 to 2010. Education, * Professional *, organizational evaluation * ... "

"Preparatory Office Options ... John / Mishill, U.S. citizen, male, 62 years old, served as U.S. Ambassador to Iraq from 2004 to 2006, and director of the Middle East Strategic Research Office from 2007 to 2008, education *, professional *, Intelligence assessment * ... "

"Preparatory office options ... Vasily / Sergey / Oleg / Ivan, Russian citizen, male, 43 years old ..."

"Preparatory office options ... Mary / Stuart, British citizen, female, 53 years old ..."

"How do I choose this?"

Looking at the dense photos, name, experience, evaluation ... Wu Qingchen's scalp was numb.

Jiang Fengming shook his head.

"Suggest?" Wu Qingchen tried again.

Jiang Fengming continued to shake his head.

What a joke!

Wu Qingchen's member's office, the various departments of the preparatory group are in their official positions. Jiang Fengming, or the interim committee standing behind Jiang Fengming, can recommend Wu Qingchen to choose a friend he knows. This is because these 16 friends are indeed Wu Qingchen's best friend. Trusted people.

Then, the deputies of the departments of the preparatory group can also give a large list of deputies to be selected through Jiang Fengming. This is because Wu Qingchen does not have human resources in this area.

In the end, as for those who have entered the large list, who will eventually become the deputy, and any political figure who has no brains will not interfere in this last step.

With the support of resources from 26 countries in the agreement, it is foreseeable that Wu Qingchen ’s member office will inevitably grow into a huge interest group in the future, and friends of Wu Qingchen, these sixteen positions are limited to their ability and experience, and the future is very long For a period of time, a large part of the power had to be surrendered to the deputy.

——Even a few years later, even if Wu Qingchen's full-time friends have completed their studies and truly mastered the power, at this moment, the deputies who entered Wu Qingchen's field of vision at the preparatory stage will also have great influence.

It is so gracious to recommend such a key position to such a core position. Trying to interfere in the last step will actually trigger the vigilance and resentment of this interest group.

"No suggestion?"

After reading the list for a few minutes, Wu Qingchen asked Jiang Fengming again.

"Really not." Jiang Fengming smiled bitterly: "You must decide for yourself."

To the extreme, Wu Qingchen's final candidate, even with his eyes closed and messing up, or writing his name as a paper ball, is better than a serious analysis of other countries. ——Tianda's opportunity, Tianda's knowing grace, no one is qualified to replace Wu Qingchen's decision.

Anyway, the candidate deputies who can enter the big list have long passed the test of professional ability and professional quality. Different competitors have only good differences in their fields and do not have a comprehensive ability to compete.


After twenty minutes.

Brazil, an office.

La Rouf bowed her head slightly, her eyes closed, her fingers crossed, her chest moving, her lips moving slightly, and she was missing words.

"Congratulations! Mr. LaRuff!" An assistant rushed in, waving a thin sheet of paper, and yelling while running: "Commission fax: you are selected!"


Mr. Laruff, who was over fifty, jumped up instantly, grabbing the documents in his assistant's hands.

Browsing quickly, Larouf kissed a dozen times while holding the file, and then trembled his lips and instructed the assistant: "Notify the news center immediately, prepare to hold a press conference ... contact the center immediately, the team gathers ... contact the airport immediately, Prepare special plane ... "

Remembering the long string of commands issued by La Rufu in one breath, he also saw the water rise, and the assistant, who was also pleasantly surprised, stepped out.

With excitement, he repeatedly punched and circled in the office. After a few minutes, Mr. Laluf was only a little calmer.


Mr. Laruff remembered something important and quickly dialed the phone.

The call was connected a few seconds later than usual.

Larouf just frowned, and the voice on the phone immediately made Larouf's eyes wide.

"Congratulations, Mr. Laruff."

It's a call from Committee member Gert himself!

As if being fiddled with an invisible big hand, Larouf stood upright instantly: "Salute to you, Commissioner Gert."

"Haha, don't be so polite." The voice from the phone was very mild. "Everyone is doing their best for the astronomical event."

"Thank you for your recommendation for giving me this opportunity."

"Hehe ..." Commissioner Geert smiled. "My recommendation is worth only a small part of your thanks, most of the remaining thanks. Keep it to thank your father."

"Ah?" LaRuff paused.

"Your father, gave you a good name." Commissioner Grant laughed heartily: "Five minutes ago, the information I just got from Agenyan: His Excellency Commissioner Wu Qingchen, a fighting game character he liked when he was a teenager , The same name as you. "

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