Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 253: Wu Qingchen

"Cory Wilson seems to have a general or president with the same last name."

"He Zheng's authentic Chinese character face, rest assured at first sight"

"Liang Xiaona is a bit like my junior high school teacher."

"Martin Anderson reads almost like Andre, plus"


"Okay!" Under the mild obsessive-compulsive disorder that most people have, even if he chooses casually, Wu Qingchen always wants to find a reason for the selected person. It took about half an hour, the third floor of the villa, and Wu Qingchen was only so long Tone: "Huh, it's finally done, that's it."

"Mr. Wu"

When Wu Qingchen chose, Jiang Fengming always stood beside him, no matter how absurd the reason Wu Qingchen said to himself, Jiang Fengming kept silent, and only then did he have to remind him: Three. "

The place pointed by Jiang Fengming is on the upper level of the large display screen, which is higher than the "recommended deputy of each country" and parallel to "friend of Wu Qingchen".

"Three positions" Wu Qingchen glanced, and frowned. "I have someone to choose, but I don't see it on the recommendation list."

"Ah?" Jiang Fengming's face changed: "Are there people who Wu appreciates who haven't invited to the capital? Who is it? Xiao Zhang" Jiang Fengming asked Wu Qingchen, leaned his head, and said quickly: "Immediately Contact Jiangxian Field Service! "

"Yes!" Xiao Zhang immediately held the controller of the throat microphone.

"No need." Wu Qingchen waved his hand: "Not those acquaintances in Jiang County."

"That's it" Jiang Fengming groaned a little, quickly recollecting the actors, singers, other public figures, and even some more sensitive political figures recorded in Wu Qingchen's archives, which made Jiang Fengming's heart involuntarily gather towards the middle.

"I have three places"

Just when Jiang Fengming was beginning to feel a headache, Wu Qingchen said, "I want to ask, I don't know about you, Director Huang." Then Wu Qingchen tilted his head and looked to the other side: "There is also Police Officer Ji, are you interested? "


"Interested! Interested!" When Jiang Fengming was surprised, Ji Mingming raised his arms swiftly: "Commissioner Wu, when it is convenient for me, please be sure to change my position. I don't want to be with you anymore. You have breakfast, get up early in the morning, and let off dozens of people fumble back and forth ten times! "

"Ha" Wu Qingchen couldn't help grinning: "No problem, let you go to the inspection department to take a part-time job, let you open a back door for yourself, and let you check and check that someone else's office should have this institution?"

"The name of the security office is different, but it does have the same meaning."

"Okay, then the security office." Wu Qingchen smiled again, then turned his head and looked at Jiang Fengming again: ": Director Jiang, where are you?"

"I'm here" When Jiang Qingming and Ji Mingming talked, Jiang Fengming had returned to God, "Thank you very much for Mr. Wu's value, I personally am honored to be able to join your committee office, but"

"Huh? What's wrong?" Wu Qingchen asked, "please say."

"You definitely know this time, there are still many people on the training team side." Jiang Fengming spoke slowly, leaving Wu Qingchen ample time for reflection: "If I leave, the training group's affairs training group Colleagues may be affected. "

"This way," Wu Qingchen thought for a moment, and quickly answered, "I remember, the preparatory group just now had the training team in it. Can you come here as a whole team to operate?"

"This requires a request from a superior" Just now, Jiang Fengming's ear wearing a headset suddenly moved slightly. About two seconds later, Jiang Fengming said: "But the problem is not big, it should be operational. The overall establishment should be transferred to your member's office and continue. Responsible for skills training in the Middle Ages. "

"Okay." Wu Qingchen smiled and nodded. "Then Director Huang's side"

"It's almost the same." Jiang Fengming's ears with earphones moved again. "I'll give notice."

"Then I trouble you." Wu Qingchen smiled and thanked, "What's next?"

"Next is the committee's decision-making meeting." Facing the third floor of the villa and the location of the large conference table on the right, Jiang Fengming raised his hand and falsely quoted, "Please go this way."

"Okay." Wu Qingchen nodded and came to the front.

One step behind Wu Qingchen, Jiang Fengming's face was still calm, but his heart twitched:

The committee just gave Wu Qingchen tremendous authority and autonomy. Wu Qingchen immediately said that Ji Mingming's followers who were close to him almost 24 hours, and the core training department with which he and Huang Xing were most closely connected, were still the same.

Member Wu Qingchen, is this an unintentional whim, or is it a deliberate investment?

However, regardless of the reason, being able to join Wu Qingchen's office with independent authority and national resources can join the Wu Qingchen's office with unlimited potentials in the preparatory stage and will inevitably grow into a behemoth in the future. For himself, for any bureaucrat It's all obvious good things, great things!

Wu Qingchen didn't spend much time in committee decision-making meetings.

The members of the Group of 26 have a lot of affairs. Apart from the key issues, ordinary attendees are all special representatives dispatched by the members. Wu Qingchen appeared, or in other words, the participants stood up by the first time the camera and projector appeared.

Watching these elites, especially the faces often appearing on TV, complimented himself, Wu Qingchen really felt the weight of the "committee" position.

In order to let member Wu Qingchen, who is participating for the first time, fully understand the operation method and decision-making process of the committee's decision-making meeting, the rotating chairman of the meeting carefully selected several items involving the earth, the medieval world, public opinion orientation, resource allocation, ideology, etc. This area also directly discusses matters related to Wu Qingchen.


Aiming at the multi-person, multi-organization, multi-region, multi-country of the earth, the phenomenon of imitating the prayer rituals of the Middle Ages appeared everywhere in the world, and how to deal with it.

Although experts in various disciplines have unanimously stated that the earth simulates the medieval world to pray, the possibility of a vision is very small.

However, the Commission attaches great importance to matters involving supernatural forces.

As far as Wu Qingchen wanted to come, everyone could see the huge screen in the sky, and the phenomenon of imitation was difficult to monitor. The floods and disasters were bound to be the result, and they could only leave it alone.

The special representatives of members of various countries and the consideration of senior advisers are certainly not as simple as Wu Qingchen thought.

After some discussion, the Committee's decision-making meeting concluded:

Since the phenomenon of imitation is difficult to eradicate, then the Group of 26 simply cooperated to establish an over-spec imitation center, using national resources to comprehensively simulate the details of the medieval world ’s prayer ritual architecture, furnishings, rituals, and language. The possibilities are in your own hands.

In addition, inform the outside world, regardless of individuals, organizations, or countries including the Group of 26, every imitation of the medieval world prayer rituals must be reported to the Interim Committee on Sky Events.

At the same time, the airspace was unreliable, and public relations experts suggested planning several self-directed military attacks, creating several terrible battlefields, official leaks, and public opinion spreading, reminding the world of a violation of the committee's decision.

Another example:

In response to the already large number of supernatural phenomena that have sprung up around the world, how should new sects with Wu Qingchen as their object of worship respond?

In Wu Qingchen's opinion, since these guys worship themselves, let them worship them.

Obviously, Wu Qingchen thought too simple.

Most of these denominations named "Wu Qingchen" are indeed based on Wu Qingchen, chanting and worshiping.

This part is the most harmless, mild mental trouble, and occasionally it can also play a certain social stability effect.

There are also a small number of small parts, but the absolute number is also astonishing. The direct names are Wu Qingchen's brothers, parents, wives and children, and a little more elaborate, they claim to be Wu Qingchen's brothers, parents, wives and children who have been separated for many years. Selling atonement books, cheating money and cheating.

That's okay. When people are trembling, there will always be sediment and people who need IQ tax.

The rest, with fewer sects, is even more terrifying.

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