The sky was blue with white clouds, and the sun was hanging high in the sky, illuminating the entire earth.

A ray of sunlight shone through the dense woods and onto the face of a little boy under the woods. The little boy looked to be about ten years old. At this moment, his eyes were closed and his whole body was lying flat on the ground, seemingly in a deep sleep.

I don't know how long the little boy slept until a group of birds chirped over his head. His eyelids began to twitch, and he slowly woke up.


Chu Yufan was still lying on the ground, staring blankly at the dense leaves and the bright sunshine, his mind was empty and he didn't know how to react.

"here it is……"

Chu Yufan sat up, rubbed his eyes with both hands, and shook his head gently, trying to get rid of the dizziness in his head. After doing this, he began to look around and found that he was in a forest. The forest was very quiet, and the beautiful environment could make people feel relaxed and happy.

However, what Chu Yufan was thinking about at this time was not how beautiful the environment of the forest was. Instead, he was thinking about where this place was and why he was here.

Chu Yufan frowned and tried to recall what happened, but he couldn't remember it anyway. In the end, he had no choice but to give up, but he remembered his name, Chu Yufan.

As for other things, we can only talk about it later. Now we must first figure out where we are.

Chu Yufan stood up, found a direction in the forest and walked over. There seemed to be no human habitation in the forest, but Chu Yufan always felt that something was staring at him.

Not long after walking, Chu Yufan walked out of the forest and came to a yellow dirt road. As soon as he walked to the dirt road, Chu Yufan saw a tragic scene, a carriage overturned on the ground. The personal belongings on the carriage, the transported goods, human corpses and blood were scattered all over the ground. The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, enough to make people nauseous.

However, Chu Yufan, who was only ten years old, did not feel any discomfort when facing the scene in front of him. Even he himself felt incredible, perhaps because of his amnesia.

Chu Yufan walked through the corpses all over the ground, and he would look at the face of each corpse when passing by. His intuition told him that he might have some relationship with the people in this carriage.

As he walked, he suddenly stopped. Chu Yufan saw a middle-aged man lying on the ground on his side. The man was covered in blood and had stopped breathing. His right hand was still tightly holding an axe, as if he was fighting something when he was still alive.

Looking at his face, Chu Yufan only felt a hint of familiarity but still couldn't remember who it was.

"Tap tap tap……"

""Oh my! There is actually a lost child here!"

A voice accompanied by footsteps reached Chu Yufan's ears, and Chu Yufan looked towards the source of the voice. A sturdy man holding a long knife was slowly walking over. His wretched face did not look like a good person.

"Wow! He is still a cute little boy. Do you want to go home with me? I will love you very much!"

After the strong man approached, he saw that Chu Yufan was a little boy. His face turned red and he licked his lips. Chu Yufan almost vomited on the spot when he saw his excitement. Obviously, the smell of blood did not make him feel uncomfortable.

"No need, uncle, I can go home by myself."Chu Yufan knew that this guy couldn't be trusted, but he still answered very politely, hoping that he could leave.

The sturdy man was obviously stunned by Chu Yufan's answer, but he still approached Chu Yufan with a smile on his face. Just as he approached Chu Yufan, the sturdy man suddenly kicked Chu Yufan's stomach with one foot.


The sudden attack by the sturdy man made Chu Yufan completely unable to react. His whole body flew out in an instant and rolled on the ground for several rounds before stopping. Chu Yufan, who was just trying to prop himself up, couldn't help but spit out

"Boy, you don't think I will let you go if you say this, do you? Hehe, uncle will take you to do some fun things, hahaha."

The sturdy man was angry, obscene, and smiling at the same time. His speed of changing his face was first-class. Chu Yufan could feel that the sturdy man in front of him would not let him go, but what could a ten-year-old child like him do?

But soon Chu Yufan found something wrong. The kick from the sturdy man just now was indeed very fierce, but Chu Yufan felt that he didn't seem to be hurt much. So Chu Yufan tried to stand up again, but he didn't expect that he could stand up directly this time.

"Haha, you seem to be very strong! You are a little different from other kids! Maybe you can play longer this time.……"The sturdy man couldn't help but get more excited when he saw Chu Yufan recover quickly after being kicked by him.

Chu Yufan didn't reply. After all, he didn't know what the sturdy man meant after losing his memory. But his intuition told him that it must not be a good thing. What he had to do now was to stay away from this sturdy man, or... kill him!

Chu Yufan's eyes kept scanning the surroundings, and then he fixed his eyes on the axe in the middle-aged man's hand.

""Come with uncle!" The sturdy man shouted loudly while rushing towards Chu Yufan.

Chu Yufan, who was prepared, took a deep breath and rushed towards the sturdy man. Just when the two were about to come into contact, Chu Yufan slashed through the sturdy man's crotch and came to the middle-aged man and picked up the axe in his hand. Chu Yufan felt a chill on his back. After getting the axe, he didn't dare to look back and rolled forward to avoid the fist of the sturdy man.

"Humph... He has a strong sense of resistance. We'll have to teach him a lesson after we catch him." The strong man looked at Chu Yufan with an axe in his hand and didn't take his behavior seriously. He's just a kid. What can he do with an axe? Can he chop off my head?

Chu Yufan began to breathe continuously. He felt that as long as he breathed, all the cells in his body would emit a very refreshing feeling, as if he had become very strong.

"I'm coming!" The strong man didn't wait any longer, and opened his arms again and rushed towards Chu Yufan. Chu Yufan just watched the strong man coming, but didn't make any move.

Still as a mountain, moving as thunder.

The strong man only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then the whole world in his eyes suddenly became upside down. It was not until his head rolled into a puddle that the strong man found that his head was separated from his body, and the axe in the hand of the child in front of him was dripping with blood.

The strong man couldn't believe that his head was chopped off by a child like this.

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