"Impossible! Impossible! Impossible! How could I be killed by a little devil! This is impossible!" The strong man, with only a head left, wanted to open his mouth and say something cruel in the puddle.

But how could a severed head make a sound? So the strong man could only shout wildly in his heart.

Chu Yufan looked at the strong man's body and head that had been separated, and the eyes that were staring at him fiercely. His face was calm, as if the person being looked at by the strong man was not himself.

This made Chu Yufan even more curious about who he was. When the strong man pounced on him just now, his mind was clearly blank. But his body sensed the coming of danger and took action on its own, and then the axe in his hand cleanly cut off the strong man's neck directly.

Is this the so-called muscle memory?

Returning to the dead middle-aged man, he put the axe back in his hand. Chu Yufan closed his eyes and put his hands together to pray for him. After all, he was saved by this axe.

After doing all this, Chu Yufan did not stop and began to move forward along the dirt road, hoping to find a place to stay.

This walk lasted for three days and three nights. During these three days, Chu Yufan drank river water when he was thirsty, and ran to the forest to catch wild animals to eat when he was hungry.

Of course, it was quite dangerous to catch wild animals, but it was not difficult for Chu Yufan. It’s just that the meat of wild animals is more or less unpalatable, but there is no way to force it down when you are hungry. During this period, Chu Yufan also realized one thing, is he a little too strong as a child. Even a wild boar that is two heads taller than him can be knocked down with one punch. Isn’t this a bit outrageous?

And although he has lost his memory, his language ability and survival ability are still there. He simply forgot what he did before, what friends and relatives he had, and why he appeared here. He did n’t remember anything.

After walking on the dirt road for three days and three nights, he still didn’t see any towns or villages, let alone a trace of human figures. This made Chu Yufan feel a little lonely, but fortunately he finally saw someone on the fourth day.

""Old man! Old man! Are you okay?" On the right side of the dirt road, an old lady was shaking an old man sitting under a tree, muttering to himself.

The old man seemed to have fainted, and the old lady next to him was terribly scared. She kept shaking the old man's body gently, but the old man did not respond at all.

Chu Yufan saw this scene and hurriedly stepped forward to ask

"Grandma, is there anything I can help you with?"

"……The old man suddenly fainted while walking. I can't help him up by myself. Can you help me carry him back to the village?" The old lady was a little hesitant when she saw that the person coming was a child, but when she saw the child's clear eyes and there was no one else to help, she could only agree.

"Of course you can!"Chu Yufan nodded in agreement, and then he held the old man's right hand and wanted to help him up. Seeing this, the old lady hurriedly helped to hold his left hand. The two successfully helped the old man up and walked towards the village.

"Little boy, you are so strong! What's your name and how old are you?"

"My name is Chu Yufan, and I am... about ten years old this year. What's your name, grandma? What's your name, grandpa?"

"My name is Hesha, and this old man is called Herbert, my partner. Alas, we originally planned to go to a nearby town to buy something, but the old man fainted halfway. Thanks to the help of little brother Yufan."

Hesha said thankfully, if Chu Yufan hadn't happened to appear there, she wouldn't have been able to take the old man home by herself.

"Grandma Hesha, where is this place?"

"This is a remote area outside the empire. The old man and I live in a village at the end of this dirt road."


"Yes, this is the territory of the Empire. The Empire is a country that protects its people... at least it used to be like this."While Hesha was talking, her eyes dimmed, and she looked very disappointed with the Empire.

Chu Yufan did not take over Hesha's words. After all, he knew nothing and did not know what to say.

In this way, Hesha and Chu Yufan supported Herbert on the left and right, and after walking on the dirt road for about half an hour, they finally arrived at the village where Hesha lived.

"Hunter! The old man fainted on the road, come and have a look!"Hesha and Chu Yufan had just helped Herbert into the village when Hesha hurriedly shouted

"Let me take a look!"

The young man named Hunter heard Hersha's shout and hurried over to check. After a series of checks on Herbert, he was obviously relieved and said to Hersha

"Grandpa Herbert is fine, he just had a slight heat stroke, the reason he fainted is mainly because he is a bit old, but he just needs to rest for a while"

""That's good, that's good." Hesha said with a sigh of relief.

"Who is this kid?"

"I met him on the way. He helped me get the old man back. I am so grateful to him."

"Oh! So that's what happened. Little brother, grandpa is fine now, thank you for your help."Hunter heard Hesha say this, so he reached out and touched Chu Yufan's head and said

"Little brother, where is your home? It's too dangerous to go home alone, I'll take you home!"Hunter said to Chu Yufan with a smile.

"I... don't remember where home is, or even where I came from……"Chu Yufan then told Hunter and Hesha about his amnesia. After hearing what Chu Yufan said, they couldn't help but show sympathy.

"Poor child, you can stay at my house for a while, and wait until you remember what happened."Hesha looked at Chu Yufan and said to him gently

"Well, it is true that the only people in the village who have time to take care of you are Grandma Hesha and Grandpa Herbert." Hunter also sighed and said to Chu Yufan

"……"Thank you, Grandma Hesha, for taking me in." Chu Yufan was silent for a while, then bent down to express his gratitude to Hesha.

Chu Yufan himself didn't know what to do now, nor did he know where he should go. Instead of wandering aimlessly outside, it would be better to find a safe place to stay temporarily. Wait until he recovers his memory or finds a goal.

So, Chu Yufan was taken in by Hesha and Herbert in the village, and spent the first year smoothly.

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