Since Chu Yufan was taken in by the Hesha couple, the first year has passed quickly. During this year, although Chu Yufan was still in a state of amnesia. But he still learned some things about the world through conversations with fellow villagers. The village where

Chu Yufan is now located is very remote, and the village is under the jurisdiction of the empire, which has a history of a thousand years since its establishment.

The original empire was very rich and powerful, and the residents lived and worked in peace and contentment.

However, as time went by, even the powerful empire had begun to slowly become corrupt.

The villagers were not very clear about what was happening in the center of the empire.

However, the people in this village originally lived in other rich places.

Later, an official from the imperial capital came to the village and used violence to drive the villagers away directly.

The villagers then drifted to this barren place to settle down.

This is also the reason why the village is so remote. Ironically, even in a remote area, the empire's tax collectors can still lead a team to the village on time every month to collect taxes.

The village was originally located in a barren land, and with the increasing taxes of the empire, the villagers began to gradually become unable to afford it. The villagers originally wanted to protest, but they were beaten up by the soldiers brought by the tax collector. As a result, the villagers had no choice but to pay taxes.

However, such days obviously could not last too long, just when the villagers began to discuss moving again. Another senior official from the imperial capital appeared here. It was said that he came to the village specifically to mediate. This made the villagers' lives a little bit more bearable, so the villagers were very grateful to this senior official from the imperial capital.

The senior official called himself Orrick, and after he came forward to mediate, the tax collector rarely came to the village to collect taxes. Instead, Orrick often sent people to deliver some basic supplies to distribute to the villagers, and the villagers who received help were very happy.

"It turns out that there are still good officials in the empire!" This is what Hesha often sighed in front of Chu Yufan.

Chu Yufan, who saw everything, didn't say anything. Although he lost his memory, he also knew that there is no free lunch in the world. The reason why this Orrick did this must have his own purpose. What makes Chu Yufan feel strange is that what benefit can Orrick get from having a good relationship with this poor little village? You can't say that there are some peerless weapons in the village.

However, when seeing the happy expressions on the villagers' faces, Chu Yufan did not tell anyone about his inner doubts. After all, Orrick is now the savior of the villagers. If you say anything to him... Unfavorable words will inevitably become the target of public criticism.

During this year, Chu Yufan also discovered some incoordination in himself. Although he is only eleven years old now, Chu Yufan feels that his physical fitness is a bit absurd.

Whether it is speed, strength, or reaction ability, they are stronger than the adults in the same village. This made Chu Yufan feel very strange, and after a period of observation. Chu Yufan found that his breathing seemed to be different from that of other people. It was as if Chu Yufan would become stronger as long as he breathed.

Although this discovery did not restore Chu Yufan's memory, after Chu Yufan discovered the secret of breathing, it was in his mind. Therefore, all the knowledge about"breathing method" appeared automatically. He finally understood that his body is now in the highest state of breathing method,"Full Concentration·Always in the Middle".

The longer in this state, the slower his physical fitness will improve, which is also the secret of Chu Yufan's strength. And different breathing methods also come with knowledge about swordsmanship, which also makes Chu Yufan more curious about what he did before he lost his memory.

The swordsmanship he knows now is basically beheading moves. Could it be that he was a beheading master before? This is too scary.

In short, in order to have the power to protect himself. Chu Yufan began to secretly practice breathing methods and the accompanying swordsmanship. As for Why practice in secret? Because Chu Yufan's intuition told him that if the breathing method was known by certain people, it would bring him great trouble.

So, Chu Yufan helped the Hesha couple to plant crops during the day. At night, he sneaked to a deserted place to practice swordsmanship and breathing methods.

Chu Yufan spent the first year peacefully in this state, and then the gears of fate began to turn.

One morning, Orrick came to the village again with a lot of supplies. What was different from usual was that he brought two more empty carriages this time. After talking alone with the village chief, the village chief gathered all the people in the village to the small square in the village.

""Fellow villagers! Lord Orrick now wants to gather some young children in the village to go to his city for education. The children who are willing to go with him may not be able to return to the village within two years, so Lord Orrick said that this matter should be carried out on the principle of voluntary participation by the villagers!" The village chief shouted to the villagers.

After hearing what the village chief said, the villagers began to discuss it.

Chu Yufan and Hesha were also in the crowd. After hearing what the village chief said, Hesha said

"Lord Orrick is such a good man, he is willing to accept children from here to receive education in the city."

"Yufan, do you want to go with us?" Hesha said to Chu Yufan with a smile.

"……Grandma, there is nothing bad in the village. We don't have to go to the city." Chu Yufan rolled his eyes and said.

Chu Yufan has always been a little wary of Orrick, so he naturally wouldn't follow him into the city.

But in fact, Chu Yufan was the only one in the village who thought so. After all, most villagers wanted their children to have a brighter future. Therefore, most villagers agreed with Orrick's proposal.

"You can't say that, Yufan, there are many more development opportunities in the city than in our village. Besides, haven't you recovered your memory yet? Maybe you can remember something in the city."Herbert said to Chu Yufan


Chu Yufan did not reply. It was indeed about a year since he woke up. But he did not remember anything, except for breathing and swordsmanship, and he did not even know anything about the world outside the village.

Perhaps he should take this opportunity to look for clues. If he encountered any danger, he should be able to escape with his own abilities.

"Well, I'll go into the city with you guys." Chu Yufan, who had made up his mind, looked at the Hesha couple and answered.

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