As a result, most of the children in the village were willing to go to the city for education, about 30 people, including Chu Yufan.

After getting the exact list, Orrick told everyone to prepare their belongings tonight and take the two carriages to take the children to the city tomorrow morning.

"Yufan, this bag contains your clothes. This is for snacks and other things. You have to take good care of them, okay?"

That night, Hesha packed things for Chu Yufan to go out, and kept reminding Chu Yufan of the purpose of these things.

"I know! Grandma Hesha, I am not a child anymore!"

"Haha, you are only eleven years old, of course you are still a child!"Herbert couldn't help laughing when he heard Chu Yufan say this.

"Hum... Although I am a child, I can still help carry Grandpa Herbert home." Chu Yufan said with a hum.

"You kid……"Herbert was speechless. After all, after the first time Chu Yufan and Hesha helped him home, his health was not very good. He often fainted on the way, and it was Chu Yufan who brought him back every time.

""Okay, okay! Go to bed early tonight so you can get up early tomorrow." Hesha stopped the father and son from talking to each other and said with a smile.

Late at night, normally everyone should have fallen asleep. But Chu Yufan woke up, quietly came out of the room and went to the kitchen. After searching around, he found a slightly rusty dagger, carefully hid it in his arms and returned to the room.

Although he was embarrassed to doubt the village's benefactor, Chu Yufan just felt that Orrick was not a good person. This intuition can be said to be unfounded, but Chu Yufan just couldn't believe him.

So you need to be prepared. Although it is hard to say how much effect this small dagger can have, it can at least increase its own lethality.

The next morning, it was time to say goodbye to the village.

"Yufan, you must be obedient when you get there, understand?" Hesha said gently while tidying up Chu Yufan's clothes for the last time.

"Don't worry, Grandma Hesha, I will be very obedient when I get there."Chu Yufan nodded and said

"Yufan, if you don't become a high-ranking official there, don't come back, understand?" Herbert said with a wave of his hand.

"Got it, Grandpa Herbert. You should also be careful not to faint on the way again."Chu Yufan retorted

"You are such a kid……"

The same family farewells were repeated at the entrance of the village. It was not until the village chief urged the children to board the carriages and head towards the city.


The third carriage in the carriage team, which was very gorgeous in appearance, was the carriage that Orrick was riding now.

"Sir, all the children on the list have been boarded."In the carriage, next to Orrick sat his bodyguard and butler, Scott.

He handed a list to Orrick and said respectfully:

"Hmm... not bad, thirty people have been recruited. It seems that the previous distribution of supplies has been very successful in gaining their trust!"Orik looked at the names on the list carefully and muttered to himself

"My Lord, what should we do next?"

"Let the people below prepare themselves, and when the time is right, we can start the action, and remember to leave no one behind." Orrick closed the list and said to Scott calmly.

"I want these thirty people to become my Orrick's most loyal warriors! Hahahaha……"Orrick laughed unabashedly.

"Scott, the entire task, including the training of these thirty death warriors, is left to you!"

""I obey your command, sir." Scott still answered respectfully.

The servant who was driving the carriage heard the conversation between the two people in the carriage clearly, and a mocking smile appeared on his face.


After a day and a night of marching, the carriage team finally arrived at the city where Orrick was. This is a city on the outskirts of the empire, but even if it is just on the outskirts, it is very prosperous.

At least for children like Chu Yufan who have never left the village, this city is very prosperous.

"Wow! Is this the city? It’s so big!"

"There are so many people! So many big houses!"

"I never thought that I could live in the city."

Even Chu Yufan couldn't help but exclaim in admiration when he saw the high walls, houses, and crowds of the city.

The carriage continued to move forward into the city. About ten minutes later, the carriage team stopped at a mansion, and then someone was heard asking the children to get off the carriage. The children were obviously more excited to see the mansion, and they scrambled to get off the carriage. Seeing this, Chu Yufan also rushed to get off the carriage.

Before setting off, Chu Yufan told himself to be low-key when he came here. Since he wanted to be low-key, he would do whatever others did, so as not to easily attract other people's attention.

""Children, come and line up first. We need to count whether everyone is here." Orrick shouted to the children who got off the carriage. The children ran to him and stood in line.

After seeing that everyone was standing, Orrick took out the list and started to call the roll. After a while, the roll call was completed.

"Next, my housekeeper will be fully responsible for the children's food, daily life, education, etc. Let me introduce him to you first, Scott!"

""I'm here."

A man in a black suit and brown tie walked up from behind Orrick and introduced to the children.

"I am Scott, and I will be responsible for all matters related to the lives of the children. Please give me your guidance." Scott said as he scanned the expressions on the children's faces, and then stayed on Chu Yufan's face for a while before moving his gaze away.

"Is it an illusion?……"Scott thought to himself.

Just now when Scott saw Chu Yufan, he didn't know why his heart hurt for no reason. But when he looked at Chu Yufan again, the feeling disappeared, so Scott regarded it as an illusion. At this time, Chu Yufan himself had goose bumps all over his body. Because the feeling Scott had just seen him was like a hunter who had already set his sights on his prey. Fortunately, Chu Yufan tried hard to control his expression, so he didn't reveal any flaws.

"This guy is definitely not an ordinary butler, he is very strong."This is Chu Yufan's evaluation of Scott's first impression.

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