"Hoo! Hoo! Damn it! We lost him!" Abbott said, panting while holding a tree with one hand and holding a dagger with the other. Zorn and Wex behind him were also panting.

After Molly was captured by the unknown creature, Chu Yufan was the first to rush up and chase. Abbott and the other two were slow to react and could only chase after Chu Yufan, but they soon lost Chu Yufan.

"Let's look around! There must be traces of them!" Zorn suggested.

"Okay, let's look around here." Abbott said, and Wex nodded in agreement.

The three began to search in the nearby bushes and soon found Chu Yufan's footprints, and then continued to track them.


Chu Yufan quickly followed the traces of Molly being captured. When he saw the hunting method of the dangerous species, Chu Yufan roughly knew what kind of dangerous species the other party was.

Trapping spider, a low-level dangerous species. It is good at using the corpses of small animals to set traps to attract prey, and when the prey approaches, it detonates the spider silk in the corpse of the small animal to entangle the prey.

However, when this kind of spider catches prey, it will not eat it immediately but will reserve food. Therefore, Molly will not be in too much danger for the time being, and Chu Yufan has time and opportunity to rescue her.

Chu Yufan soon chased to an abandoned forest hut. There were many spider silks wrapped around the outside of the forest hut. It seemed that this was the nest of the trapping spiders.



A familiar cry for help caught Chu Yufan's attention. He looked up and saw a huge black spider lying above the forest hut. The two spider legs below its head were entangled with its prey, and that prey was Molly who had just been caught.

Molly was quickly entangled into a cocoon by the spider silk of the trapping spider. Although Molly was entangled in the spider silk and couldn't speak, it seemed that she would not be suffocated at least.

Chu Yufan didn't want to rescue Molly now. After all, the only weapon Chu Yufan had was a short dagger that Scott distributed to all the children before entering the forest. It was too advanced to use this weapon to get rid of a low-level dangerous species by one person.

And Chu Yufan also knew that Scott was investigating who killed four rebels in the village. Therefore, Chu Yufan knew very well that he could not expose his strength too much.

So Chu Yufan observed nearby. After about a few minutes, the trapping spider seemed to sense something and suddenly walked in other directions of the forest.

"Have the opportunity……"Chu Yufan saw this and knew his chance had come. So he quietly approached and crawled to where Molly was, and carefully cut the spider silk with a short dagger.

"Chu Yufan! Wow...……"

""Shh! Shh! Keep your voice down! The trapped spider hasn't gone far yet! Let's get out of here!"

After cutting the spider silk covering Molly's face, Molly saw that it was Chu Yufan who came to save her. She couldn't help crying out loud, but fortunately Chu Yufan covered Molly's mouth in time so that no sound came out.

After hearing what Chu Yufan said, Molly nodded while crying to show that she understood, and then cooperated with Chu Yufan to successfully clean up the remaining spider silk on her body.


Chu Yufan jumped down from the forest hut holding Molly, and after landing, he quickly left in the opposite direction of the spider trap. Molly's originally pale face, which was held by Chu Yufan, turned red. After all, this was her first time to have such close contact with the opposite sex. However,

Chu Yufan did not notice these, because his attention was completely focused at this time, listening to whether there would be any dangerous species or other dangers that would suddenly appear nearby.

"There is a sound of fighting... It seems to be... Abbott?"Chu Yufan quickly turned around and moved in another direction.

When Chu Yufan saw Abbott and the others, the expression on his face looked very helpless. Seeing Chu Yufan's expression, Molly curiously followed Chu Yufan's line of sight and was startled.

The trapped spider just now was in front of Abbott and the other two, constantly spitting out spider silk to attack the three. Faced with this situation, the three could only dodge the attack of the spider silk everywhere.

"well……"Chu Yufan sighed helplessly. He originally thought that he didn't have to fight the trapping spiders, but now he had to fight.

It was obvious that Abbott and the other two came here and encountered the trapping spiders because they were worried about the safety of Chu Yufan and Molly. If Chu Yufan just abandoned them and chose to leave, wouldn't he be the same kind of person as the rebels who killed people and robbed goods?

"Molly, stay here. If you encounter any danger, flee immediately. Do you hear me?" Chu Yufan put Molly down and told her. Then he adjusted his breathing and rushed towards the battlefield like a spring.

"Water Breathing, Type 4, Striking Tide."

The eight legs of the trap spider were very hard, and it was impossible to cut them off directly with just one chop of the dagger in hand. So Chu Yufan used the Type 4 of Water Breathing to chop at the same position of one of the legs of the trap spider continuously, successfully cutting off one of the legs of the trap spider.


One of its legs was suddenly cut off, and the trapping spider cried out in pain, and its speed slowed down slightly. At the same time, it also noticed Chu Yufan under its feet and spit out spider silk towards him.

"Cut off its legs quickly! This way we can win!"Dodge the attack of the spider silk, Chu Yufan shouted to Abbot and the other two.

"Good!"Without time to say hello, the three of them began to disperse and rushed towards the legs that trapped the spider.

"Shit! So hard!"

"MD! It can’t be cut off!"

"Cut more at the same spot! Quick!"

��After a brief panic, the four of them slowly began to cooperate. They quickly cut off five of the trapped spider's legs, and the trapped spider could no longer get up.

The battle finally ended when the dagger was inserted into the trapped spider's head.

""Huh! Huh! I almost died!" When Abbott saw the trapped spider lying on the ground motionless, he collapsed to the ground.

"Phew! Fortunately, I won……"Zorn covered his chest and said with lingering fear.

"Is everyone okay?"Molly saw the spider fall down and hurried forward to ask

"Everyone is fine, Molly, I'm so glad you're okay too." Weeks was relieved to see that Molly was fine.

"Fortunately, Chu Yufan saved me, right?"Mo Li said as she looked at Chu Yufan.

"We are all partners, this is what I should do." Chu Yufan heard Molly's words and replied with a smile.

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