This forest is quite large. After Chu Yufan and his companions trapped the spider and extracted its materials, they continued to search for other dangerous species in the forest. The second dangerous species they encountered was the rock bear. As the name suggests, the rock bear is a bear with skin as hard as rock. It is a low-level dangerous species.

Fortunately, they had combat experience against the same low-level dangerous species, the five of them were able to deal with the rock bear with ease. They quickly killed the rock bear and obtained its materials.

Not long after, the five of them encountered the third dangerous species and quickly dealt with it.

"Finally it's done!" Zorn said happily.

"Phew! It's finally done. Now we can go back." Abbott said

"Let's leave quickly after we get the materials."When the others relaxed, only Chu Yufan remained alert and reminded the others.

The other four nodded and quickly extracted the materials before running out of the forest.

The journey back was quite smooth, and there was no roadblocking or material robbery. Each member was very serious about honing themselves. In order to avenge the rebels, there was no shortcut on this road.

"Chu Yufan, Abbott, Zorn, Wex and Molly, mission accomplished!"Scott, who was originally following Chu Yufan, returned to the entrance at some point, looking as if nothing had happened.

"Great!" Several people shouted happily

"You guys go take a rest nearby, and then go back together after the other kids finish." Scott said to the five people with a smile.

Then the five people found a big tree and sat down.

"I didn't expect that we were the first team to finish."Albert said, looking at the others.

"It shows that we are very powerful!" Zorn said excitedly

"Ah! Speaking of which, I have to thank Chu Yufan! If it weren't for him, we might have been eaten by the trapped spiders!"Wex remembered something and said

"Yes! I was saved by Chu Yufan, thank you so much!"Mo Li also stood up and thanked Chu Yufan with a red face.

"No, no, no, this is the result of the joint efforts of the five of us. Don't forget, if it weren't for Abbott and the other two attracting the attention of the trapping spider, I wouldn't have had a chance to succeed in the sneak attack." Chu Yufan listened to what they said and quickly waved his hand to explain.

"In short, this is not just my achievement, it is the result of our joint efforts!"

Soon, the remaining five groups of children also completed the task one after another.

"I declare today's training a success! Everyone did a great job!" Scott announced in front of everyone.

"There is another thing to announce. The next training and subsequent tasks will be group actions! Today's team of five people has been registered here, and we will act according to this team in the future!"


"OK! Let's go back!"


Time flies, and another half a year has passed.

During this period, it is still daily training, and hunting new dangerous species. As time goes by, each child has a more or less murderous aura.

And today is the day for these children to carry out their real mission.

"After more than two years of training, everyone has grown into a person who can stand on his own feet. I am very pleased about this. However, the next task is still full of dangers. I hope everyone will be more cautious."

Scott was standing on the podium at this time. The thirty children below the podium were divided into six groups and neatly arranged. Each child was wearing a black uniform at this time. Some children had a long sword hanging around their waists, while others had a short sword hanging around their waists, but they had a gun on their backs.

The gun is the most common long-range weapon in the empire, and is generally used by people with weak melee ability. As the training time goes by, some children with poor physical fitness are assigned to long-range support personnel, and the short swords on their waists are used for self-protection when the enemy gets close.

Now a group of members is divided into two forwards, two long-range, and one defender. For example, in Chu Yufan's group, Chu Yufan and Abbott are forwards, Zorn and Molly are long-range support, and Wex is a defender.

This configuration can be said to be quite perfect, but it also tests the tacit understanding between the team members.

"The mission this time is to wipe out the rebels entrenched in the mountains. Although the rebels are small in number, they have the advantage of terrain, so I emphasize again that everyone must be alert and be on high alert!"

"At the same time, remember to cooperate with each other between members and teams! Only in this way can the task be completed, understand?" Scott asked loudly


"Very good! Now let's start laying out a detailed battle plan!" Scott said


""Huh! I'm a little nervous," Zorn said with a sigh in the carriage.

"There is nothing to be nervous about, because there is nothing better than destroying the rebels with your own hands."Knowing that this mission is to destroy the rebels, Abbott's smile is gone, replaced by endless murderous intent.

"Don't be nervous, don't be anxious, and stay calm."Feeling Abbott's mood, Chu Yufan said to him slowly.

"Phew! I understand. I really envy you for being able to stay calm at all times.……"Abbott knew what Chu Yufan meant. After all, they were companions.

"Because only in this way can we survive and accomplish more things."Chu Yufan then said to the others

"The first thing to do when you encounter the rebels is to stay calm and observe the opponent carefully before responding. And be vigilant and support each other. If you encounter members of other groups, you must ensure your own personal safety before considering helping them. Do you understand?"

""Understood!" The other four nodded.

Soon the team arrived near the hill where the rebels were and dispersed. Six teams would attack the mountain from six different directions.

"Chu Yufan's team! Arrived at the target location!"

""Start moving!" Chu Yufan heard the coachman's words and said to the others.

Five people jumped off the carriage, Chu Yufan and Abbott in front, Zorn and Molly in the middle, and Cox at the end of the team. The five people spread out their formation and moved quickly towards the mountain.

""Who are you?" The two rebels guarding the entrance saw Chu Yufan and his men rushing towards them and shouted at them.

Chu Yufan and Abbott rushed towards the two rebels from the left and right, and the two rebels were killed before they could react.

"So, get started, rebels."

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