Five days had passed since Akame learned about the relationship between Tatsumi and Chu Yufan.

During this time, the imperial capital had a rare moment of peace. No one from either side made any moves.

Location: Hunter's Residence

"Ah! Will, you should put the spinach in last, because it will be overcooked if you put it in now."

At this time, Porus was still wearing the torturer-like clothes, which obviously did not match the bear bib he was wearing on the front, but he was an important person in charge of the hunter's three meals a day.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Will was also helping Paul, and after hearing Paul's reminder, Will apologized.

"Oh... I just realized that Mr. Porus is actually a very gentle person."

Porus stopped cutting vegetables, and his face was covered by his clothes, so people couldn't see his expression at this time.

"I'm not that gentle.……"

The other hunters, except Esdeath, were waiting for dinner in the meeting room.

"Oh? So that's how you view this policy. I'm a little surprised."Nahaxiu said to Lan.

Nahaxiu and Lan have similar ambitions. They both want to climb to the top and change the status quo of the empire. Therefore, the two of them had a good chat about some policies and politics.

Hei Tong was still eating his snacks and seemed to be uninterested in other people's affairs.

Dr. Fashion was looking at Nahaxiu and Lan who were talking, wondering what he was thinking.


"Everyone, dinner is ready!" Will and Paulus brought the dinner and put it on the table.

"Today's dinner is fish soup and... Wow! Hei Tong, be careful, it's hot!" Will saw that Hei Tong had picked up the fish soup that had just been placed on the table and drank it directly, and couldn't help but remind him.

""Whew! It's delicious. I'm done!" Will put the empty bowl on the table and said

"You drank it so fast! Wait, you ate all the fish bones directly into your stomach! Is this really okay?!"Will said in shock

"Don't worry, Hei Tong's stomach is made of iron, he can eat anything!"Hei Tong looked at Will and said

"I really don't know what to say……"Will said helplessly


Suddenly there was a loud noise outside, but the people in the conference room were not startled. Because they were used to it.

"General Esdeath has started again."Will said

"Yes, I was shocked when I heard this sound for the first time. I thought it was an enemy attack... Nahaxiu, are you going to watch again?" Lan asked with a smile as he looked at Nahaxiu who stood up next to him.

"The strongest training is not available at any time, and this can also improve your own strength."Nahash said

"Haha, you're right, I'll go take a look too." Will said

"I'll go too."Hei Tong said.

Everyone took a bowl of fish soup and came to the nearby training ground, where they saw Esdeath who was training.

At this time, Esdeath was attacking a fast-moving puppet target, and the puppet target was wearing a white mask on its head.

"That the White Death, right?"

"Is General Esdeath training against the White Death?"

"It is said that this White Death is the only person that General Esdeath cannot catch."

Everyone was talking about the scene in front of them, but only Esdeath was immersed in the battle that night. She kept recalling the details of the battle and making countermeasures.

"In all the battles from childhood to adulthood, you are the only one who can hurt me. White Death, I will become stronger and then ravage you in the next battle!" Esdeath thought to herself.


Location: Chu Yufan's residence

"Hi! Sister Alisa"

"Ah! Sister Sibiya, you are here."Alyssa looked at Sibiya and said

"Who is the girl who just left?" It turned out that when Sibiya was walking along the road just now, she passed by a girl and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Oh, she is"Cha", a spy I planted in the revolutionary army. She came to report the movements of the revolutionary army and some things the commander did in the battle."Elisa said

"What? That girl was instructing Boss Chu on how to fight? She looks so weak, I can knock her down with one hand, right?"Sibi Ya said in surprise.

"Well... I don't have much fighting power, so I don't understand what they are talking about. It seems to be related to how to hide the intention to kill, and"Cha" is also an expert in assassination in the Revolutionary Army."Alyssa explained

"So... how to hide the killing intent? It sounds very profound." Sibiya said

"yes……"Alyssa said.

The conversation between the two did not attract Chu Yufan's attention. At this time, he was digesting what"Cha" had just said about the trick of hiding murderous intentions.

"Hmm... I feel a little different. What's the problem? The biggest problem is that if you don't have the killing intent or momentum during the battle, you will be easily overwhelmed by the opponent's momentum."

""The skills mentioned by"tea" are more reflected in the moment of assassinating the enemy.……"

After sitting in the open space for a long time, Chu Yufan stood up and drew out the knife in his hand.

"It's about to begin……"Alyssa looked at Chu Yufan's actions and said

"What started?" Sibiya asked curiously.

"Sister Sibiya, you will know when you see it."

Chu Yufan began to wield the sword skill of Breath of the Sun. The sword in his hand carried beautiful flames and drew a beautiful arc around Chu Yufan.

" beautiful……"

Sibiya looked at Chu Yufan wielding the sword and couldn't help but stare at him in a trance.


Seeing Sibiya's expression, Alyssa quickly patted her shoulder to make Sibiya come back to her senses.

"Ah! Sister Alyssa! I was so mesmerized by Boss Chu just now!"


Hearing this, Alyssa couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Hmm... I feel like the power is still not up to expectations. When I think about fighting the enemy, I can't guarantee that I can be calm. I can only take it slowly."Chu Yufan put the knife back into the sheath.

"Esdeath... As a battle fanatic, she must be thinking about how to defeat me all the time. If I fall behind too much, it will be a big trouble."

Chu Yufan looked up at the sky and suddenly felt the pressure increased.

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