"Sir, I have something I want to ask you." Elisa looked at Chu Yufan and said

"Hmm? What's up?"

"Aren’t Tatsumi, Sau, and Iyeas joining the night raid now?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"If I remember correctly, there was a person named Akagi in Night Raid. He was your teammate when you were working in the Empire, right?" Elisa asked again.

"That's right"

"If that's the case, then this Akame should be very familiar with your fighting style. And you taught Tatsumi and the other two, so wouldn't it be easy for Akame to recognize them?"

"To be precise, Tatsumi was most likely to be recognized. After all, I used Water Breathing and Red Eyes most often for combat training at that time."Chu Yufan said

"Why?……"Alisa asked in confusion

"……It's nothing. As a former teammate, I just want to let her know that Sister Cole and I are still alive. However, I didn't expect Tatsumi and the other two to join the night raid."Chu Yufan shrugged and replied.

"However, Tatsumi and the other two should also know your identity, after all, the knife in the wanted poster photo is too conspicuous. But, sir, aren't you worried that Tatsumi and the others will tell everything?"

Now Chu Yufan was the one who felt strange. With Elisa's IQ, she shouldn't ask this question.



"Chi Tong is looking for Chu Yufan, what does it have to do with the White Grim Reaper?"

"What?"Alyssa was confused.


Night raid base at this time……

"It's over... I'm screwed... What should I do... How should I answer? Help! Sau! Iyeas!"After hearing what Akame said, Tatsumi instantly roared in his heart.

However, what Tatsumi didn't know was that Sau was happily shopping with Mine at this time, while Iyeas was studying the biological knowledge in the book with Lubbock Bookstore.

So, in the end, Tatsumi had to bear all the responsibility alone.

"Tatsumi! Do you really know Chu Yufan? Where is he now? Is he accompanied by a sister named Cornelia?"Akagi understood immediately when she saw Tatsumi's look. After all, Tatsumi's face was full of...

I know! But I was so panicked!

"Tatsumi?!"Akagi saw that Tatsumi still had no reaction, so she couldn't help but grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard a few times.

Ever since Chu Yufan and Cornelia fell off the cliff, there has been no news of them. Neither the Empire nor the Revolutionary Army has found the two.

This matter has always been a thorn in Akagi's heart. Sometimes she feels extremely painful when she thinks about it, but she can't do anything about it.

The former team is now gone, some dead, some left, and they can never be reunited again.

But Tatsumi didn't know these things. Tatsumi and the other two didn't ask too much about the past of Chu Yufan and Cornelia, otherwise he wouldn't be unaware of Akagi.

"Damn it! Is the master's identity going to be revealed... No, looking at Akame's current appearance, she should just be acquainted with the master and doesn't know that the"White Death" is the master himself.……"

Tatsumi's brain finally reacted and resumed normal operation.

Because Akame's current appearance clearly showed that she was concerned about whether Chu Yufan was still alive, rather than Chu Yufan's identity.

If you understand this, everything else will be easy to say.

"Akame! Calm down! Listen to me!"Tatsumi said

"Sorry, Tatsumi...……"

"Well, let's find a place to sit down, and I'll tell you everything I know." Tatsumi regained his composure and said to Akame

"Chu Yufan is the master of me, Shayu, and Iyeas. The moves I use were taught by my master."Tatsumi said

"Well, I can see that. When I was in the Empire Elite Assassination Team, Chu Yufan and I were teammates. At that time, I often conducted actual combat training with him, just like today."

"So I remember his moves. After all, the moves you used were also his most commonly used ones at that time."Akagi said

"I see……"

"By the way, how is Sister Cole now?"

"Sister Keer is fine. Although she broke one arm, she survived and is now living in the village where I live."

"……Is that so? That's great." Akahide was obviously relieved.

"So, what about Chu Yufan? Is he living with Sister Ke Er now?"Chi Tong asked

"……No, Master disappeared after teaching us how to fight. The three of us came to the imperial capital to find him."Tatsumi lowered his head and said.

How should I put it? You said Tatsumi didn't lie, he did hide the fact that Chu Yufan was the White Death God. You said he lied, Tatsumi really didn't know where Chu Yufan was now.

"So when did he disappear?"

"Two months before we arrived in the capital."Tatsumi answered.

The truth was that Chu Yufan disappeared one month before Tatsumi and the other two arrived in the capital. However, in order to avoid Chu Yufan being associated with the White Death, Tatsumi said that the time was two months.

"So that's it……"Akahime murmured.

Akahime did not doubt that the White Grim Reaper was Chu Yufan in disguise, but there was no way to prove it.

Although the time when Chu Yufan disappeared as mentioned by Tatsumi was a full month away from the time when the White Grim Reaper appeared in the imperial capital, it did not mean that the two characters had no connection at all.

It seems that we can only investigate slowly, but……

"It's great that they're both alive.……"Red pupil raises his head���To the sky, muttering to himself


"What? Akame already knows about the relationship between the three of us and the White Death?!"Sauyu was shocked when she heard what Tatsumi said.

"To be precise, it should be our relationship with the master, not with the white death god. Akame didn't know that the master was the white death god. Tatsumi shook his head and corrected him.

"Phew! It's good that we can keep it a secret. After all, we don't know what our master is going to do. If they knew that our master was the White Death, I don't know how Ma Yin and the others would react."Sayou patted her chest and said

"Come to think of it, what have you been doing all day? I'm the only one being questioned by Akame, I'm so panicked."Tatsumi thought of something and asked while looking at Sau and Iyeas

"Me? I went shopping with Marin today. Hehe~ Now I can gain Marin's trust even more."

"No, no, no, you just want to go shopping, right?" Tatsumi said.

"As for me, I went to the imperial capital today to investigate the situation with Lubbock."Iyeas said

"No, no, no, you definitely went to the hidden base in the imperial capital, right?"Tatsumi rolled his eyes and said.

After all this time, the two of them just went on vacation.

Tatsumi said, after all, I took it all on my own!

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