It must be said that the Hunters were the organization that leaked information the fastest. There was no other way, because they had included Nahasu in the team.

Therefore, on that night, all the information about the Hunters was already in Alisa's hands.

"Oh? The Empire has made a big move this time."Chu Yufan looked at the data in the intelligence and said

"It can be said that, except for the imperial equipment users in some important places of the empire, the imperial equipment users of other troops have been pulled into the hunters' team, plus the imperial equipment of Hei Tong and the private soldiers under Dr. Fashion... This lineup can be said to be quite luxurious."Alyssa said

"Hmm... Let's reveal this information to Night Raid first, after all, they are also the target of the hunters."

"Of course, I have arranged for someone to send the relevant information to"Cha". She knows what to do."It turns out that Alisa has already made arrangements.

"Next, we need to think about how to deal with the hunters."Chu Yufan said

"We can't confront them head-on right now, after all, we have Esdeath... But I think they will take some action during the night raid, so we can only let them fight first, and then you can assist them from the side."

"After all, judging from the current strength of Night Raid, they are no match for Esdeath."

"I understand. I can deal with Esdeath, but the Hidden Force can't deal with other imperial weapon users. So they can only push the night raid to the front and let me support it secretly."Chu Yufan said

"That's right, so what we have to do now is to wait for the next move of the night raid."Alyssa said


It has been about half a month since the establishment of the Hunters.

During this time, Tatsumi and the other two have basically become familiar with the other members of the Night Raid.

Especially Sau and Mine, the two of them were at odds at the beginning, but now they have become good friends. Because the two have a common hobby, which is shopping.

After all, the other members of the Night Raid have no interest in shopping, so Sau and Mine naturally become friends with the same interests.




On the main street of the imperial capital, Iyeas came to the door of the shop opened by Lubbock alone. After the two of them exchanged secret signals at the door, Iyeas walked into the shop.

Under Lubbock's guidance, Iyeas came to the hidden basement of the shop.

"It's a bit dark inside, so be careful when you walk!"

"Is this the secret house that Tatsumi mentioned?" Iyeas said excitedly.

"Hoo! Welcome to the secret home of the imperial capital!"Leone came to the basement early and was drunk.

"Sister Leone! You are too relaxed, aren't you?"Iyeas complained when he saw this.

"What are the others doing?"Leone didn't pay attention to what Iyeas said, but asked casually

""Sayu and Mayin went shopping again, while Tatsumi stayed in the base." Iyeas replied.

Among the members of the Night Raid, the four whose appearances were known were Akame, Brand, Hill and Najeta, so they could not walk openly on the streets of the capital and could only stay in the base.

"Well, the most discussed issue in the capital right now is this, right?……"

"The special police called Hunters, a special operations team led by Esdeath herself."Lubbock said

"And they are all imperial weapon users, just like everyone else."

"Of course, after all, only imperial weapons can fight imperial weapons... But now it seems that this is not necessarily the case."Leone suddenly said

"……You mean,"White Death"?"Lubbock said

"Um... what is this"White Death" all about?" Hearing that the two were going to discuss the master, Iyas asked hurriedly

"Oh, Iyeas, you have only been here for a short time so you may not know it. This"White Death" is not an imperial weapon user, but he has a strength far beyond that of an imperial weapon user!"

"According to gossip, this"White Death" broke into the palace three times and escaped successfully. It is said that he seemed to encounter Esdeath when he broke into the palace for the third time. As for the result of the battle, it is unknown, but now the two are still active, and it is estimated that it was a draw."

"He was able to fight Esdeath in the enemy's home turf, draw with her and escape from the palace... What a monster." Leone complained

"Unfortunately, no one knows what this person's purpose is. No one knows his true identity, but judging from the current situation, he should be someone who is rebelling against the Empire."Lubbock said

"Hmm...I see.……"Iyeas murmured to himself

"I wonder what the master is going to do now... Is he strong enough to fight the great general of the empire? No, the three of us have to work hard to become stronger too!"

After this, the internal circulation of the Night Raid became more serious.


On the other side, in the night raid base

"Oh oh oh oh———"

Tatsumi approached Akahime today, hoping that she could practice combat with him. Akahime agreed, and the two of them picked up their wooden swords for training.

"So fast! Although it's still far from the speed of my master, I can only barely cope with it!"Tatsumi thought to himself as he fought with Akame.

"Hmm... As expected of a potential player that Leona has chosen, his fighting ability is not bad."Akagi thought to herself.

But for some reason, the familiar feeling in her heart became more and more obvious.

"Ordinary moves are useless... Let's use combat skills." Tatsumi quickly retreated and began to adjust his breathing.

"Water Breathing, Type 3, Flow Dance"


Akahime watched Tatsumi's movements, and the familiarity became more and more obvious. She was stunned for a moment, and only when Tatsumi came to her did Akahime react and resisted.

"I can do it!" Seeing that Akahime was a little slow to react, Tatsumi felt that he could do it.

Akahime was dodging passively, while his mind was working quickly. He must have seen the moves that Tatsumi just used somewhere!

Akahime kept observing Tatsumi's movements, and gradually a familiar figure came to his mind and merged with Tatsumi in front of him.



The wooden sword in Tatsumi's hand was instantly knocked away by Akado. Only then did Tatsumi realize that Akadomi had not used her full strength in the previous fight.

"I won." Akahime looked at Tatsumi and said

"Oh, Akatsuki, you are so amazing……"Tatsumi could only express his helplessness. He still thought he could do it.

"……Tatsumi, do you really think I'm powerful?"

"yes……"Tatsumi replied.

"You... must have seen people who are countless times more powerful than me... For example……"Akahime stared straight at Tatsumi and asked

"For example, a person named... Chu Yufan……"

When Tatsumi heard Akame mention his master, his expression changed.

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