"Liva, Niu, Daidas……"

"You lost... that means you are too weak. It is only natural for the weak to be eliminated. Even as my subordinates, there is nothing I can do about it."

"White Death... I'll remember this account."

Esdeath, who was squatting in front of the tombstone of the three beast warriors, stood up and turned to leave.

Just like Najeta asked the Revolutionary Army for help, Chu Yufan wanted to enhance the combat effectiveness of the"Hidden" troops. Esdeath's goal of gathering all the imperial weapon users was finally achieved today.

"The new imperial weapon user... who will come?……"

Imperial Capital, Central Avenue

"My name is Will, and I'm a man fighting in the Imperial Navy!"

"The reason I'm here is because the Empire is setting up a special force, and I'm transferred here as one of the team members."

"This was my first time in a big city. In order not to be looked down upon by the city people, I wore the coolest clothes at home and brought the most expensive fish specialty at home. It can be said that it was foolproof.……"

"……Is it my illusion? Why do I feel like everyone is secretly looking at me? Forget it, I am not a man who will be shaken by such things!"

I have to say that Will has a lot of inner drama. Tatsumi and the other two did not have so many inner dramas when they first came to the capital.

By the way, the reason why people around secretly look at Will is because they recognize that Will is a country boy.

""Huh!" Will arrived at the meeting place and took a deep breath to calm his heart.

"Among them... are the ones who are going to become my companions. This is our first meeting, so I can’t let them look down on me!"

"Hello everyone! I am from the Imperial Navy.——?!"Will froze in the middle of his words.

In the conference room, there was a man wearing a torturer's uniform, sitting quietly on a chair. The two of them just stared at each other.

"Sorry, I went the wrong way."Will closed the door and slumped down on the floor.

"It's so... so embarrassing that I actually walked into the interrogator's room by mistake... Haha... Really... I didn't walk into the wrong room! Wait, so the person sitting inside just now is my colleague?!"Will took out the note and looked at the number on the door again. After confirming that he had walked into the right room, he suddenly became scared.

"Really... It's worthy of being the capital. This kind of bandit-like dress is common in big cities. Anyway, don't provoke him to go in first."

Will trembled and reopened the door, then whispered"hello" and sat down in the seat farthest from the man.

"Hey, hey, hey...what's going on?! Why is he looking over here?"



A girl with short black hair opened the door and walked in. She had a long knife on her waist and some vulnerable parts of her body were covered with armor.

""It's an ordinary girl!" Will thought happily.

The girl didn't say anything, but walked straight to the seat opposite Will and sat down, and put a big bag on the table with"Hei Tong's Snacks" written on it."

"Hello, you are also a summoned imperial weapon user, right? My name is Will.……"

"I won't give you snacks." Hei Tong looked at Will, hugged his snacks and said

"This little girl is really weird!"

Will was speechless.

"Sorry to bother you.……"Seeing Hei Tong's strange look, Will apologized and returned to his seat.

Just as Will sat back in his seat, the door of the room opened again. This time a young man walked in and sat down next to Will.


"Don't talk to me casually, you bastard."

"No... sorry."

After the boy sat on the chair, he took out a book and started reading.

"Who are these people? A little girl who keeps eating snacks, an interrogator who keeps staring at me, and a boy who reads books and calls others trash.……"

Will had already begun to doubt his life.

The door was opened again, and a large number of rose petals floated in from outside the room. Just when Will was confused, a greasy man with glasses and heavy makeup on his face walked in.……

"Paying attention to your image at any time is the cultivation of a fashionable man……"The man walked in, muttering

"Is this a fake girl this time?"Will complained

"Ah, although I can tell at first glance that you are a country boy. But you look good. I will train you well. Please give me your guidance. The man pushed his glasses and looked at Will and said

"……It's over, I think I'm being targeted."

Will was a little disappointed.

After a while, the last team member came in.

"Hello everyone, it seems that I am the last one to arrive."A handsome young man said politely to everyone

"Hello, my name is Will.……"Wilson greeted helplessly.

"Hello, my name is Lan, please give me your advice."Lan replied politely


Will was resurrected with full health and grabbed Lan's hands

"Great!!! Finally I have a normal colleague!!!" Will thought happily, while Lan was puzzled.

"Um... I made some tea for you all." The interrogator brought six cups of tea to the others and said

"I'm so sorry, I was the first one to come but I didn't speak... Because I'm a very shy person, so I was very nervous"

"But I should be the oldest... This can't go on... As both of us are imperial weapon users, I hope we can get along well. I'm Borus from the Burning Corps." Borus introduced himself to the others.


The door of the room was kicked open, and a man wearing a white mask rushed into the room.

"Who is it?!"

Will had just stood up from the chair when he was kicked away by the masked man. Seeing this, the others did not act immediately, but stared at the masked man in front of them.

The masked man rushed towards Lan again, using his hands and feet to attack Lan. Seeing this, Lan quickly retreated and blocked.

"Good response……"The masked man commented


Hei Tong held a snack in his mouth, stepped on the table, pulled out the knife from his waist, and slashed at the masked man.

The masked man leaned back and supported himself with his hands, then kicked Hei Tong. Hei Tong reacted quickly and raised his arm to block the kick.

""It's a joke, isn't it?" The young man who was reading a book came to the masked man in an instant and cut off the mask on his face with a knife.

"As expected of Bud's adjutant... It's been a while since we last met, Nahasu." Esdeath's face appeared under the mask, and she said

"I haven't seen Lady Esdeath since the last visit to the ruins." Nahashi said

"Is this person my boss?!"Will, who was kicked to the ground, looked at Esdeath and thought to himself

"Why is even my boss so weird?!"


"Did the prank just now scare you?" Esdeath said as she walked at the front of the team.

"I think a simple welcome would be too boring."

"Haha... I'm used to being treated roughly." Will said helplessly.

"Well, after we go to see His Majesty, let's have a party."

"What?! I can meet the emperor on the first day? This schedule is so exciting!"Will was shocked

"It's better to solve the troublesome things as soon as possible, and leave the self-introductions to the party."Esdeath said

"By the way, Master Esdeath, have we decided on the name of our team?"Dr. Fashion, the pseudo-girl, pushed up his glasses and asked

"We are an organization with unique mobility, hunting down vicious bandits without mercy.……"

"Special Police Hunter!"

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