Five days after the death of the three beastmen……

""One! One! One, two, one!"

Tatsumi, Iyeas, and Sau were training on a mountain near the night raid base.

Although the recent missions were relatively easy, the three of them still worked hard to train whenever they had free time.

"These three people started again……"Lubbock looked at Tatsumi and the other two and couldn't help but complain.

Thanks to the internal competition among Tatsumi and the other two, the other people in the night raid had to increase their own training. After all, no matter what, they can't be overwhelmed by the three newcomers, right?

But this is hard for people like Lubbock who like to slack off, which is why he complained just now.

""Extra! Extra! Important news!" Leone's voice suddenly resounded throughout the base, causing Tatsumi and the other two to stop.

Five minutes later, all members of the Night Raid gathered in the conference room.

"……The three beast warriors of Esdeath's army are dead?" Najetta looked at Leone in surprise and said

"Are you drunk? Be careful or I will deduct your salary!"

"It's absolutely true! Boss, the bodies of the three beast warriors were transported back to the imperial capital this morning, and even the imperial tools on the three were taken away."Leone said

"……What's going on? Please explain it clearly."Najta looked at Leone's very sure expression and said

"Five days ago, the White Death attacked the carriage of former Minister Jolly in the suburbs of the imperial capital, and was accidentally spotted by three beast warriors of the Esdeath Army."

"The three beast warriors were brutally killed by the"White Death" in order to protect Jolly, and Jolly's daughter Sibia also died in this battle."Leone explained.

Jolly returned to the imperial capital intact, and the three beast warriors died on the way. If Jolly goes back like this, he will probably be killed by Minister Ernest soon.

Therefore, after discussing, Chu Yufan and Elisa decided to put all the blame on the"White Death" and hide the existence of Sibia. As for Jolly, it would be reasonable for him to get injured before returning to the imperial capital.

Although this would not fool the ministers, it would fool Budd, the stubborn general. Doing so would allow Budd to protect Jolly in the imperial capital, at least preventing the ministers from using this matter to attack Jolly.

However, this would make the"White Death" have a bad reputation, but Chu Yufan didn't care about it.

"……"Nadezhda frowned upon hearing this.

The White Death slaughtered officials of the Conscience Faction, and the three beast warriors sacrificed themselves to protect the Conscience Faction. Only outsiders would believe this, and those who knew the inside story would just treat it as a joke.

However, with the death of the three beast warriors, Esdeath would have no one to use. But Minister Ernest would probably give Esdeath some reinforcements.

It's time to ask for more combat power. When facing Esdeath, the more people the better.

"I need to go back to the headquarters. Akahime, you will be in charge of the affairs in the base for the time being. Having made up her mind, Najeta stood up and said to the others.

""Understood, Boss!" Chi Tong replied


Chu Yufan and Alisa on the other side were also quite distressed. After all, the actions of the three beast warriors this time exposed a very serious problem, that is, the serious imbalance of the organization's combat power.

Although Chu Yufan exists, Chu Yufan is the trump card against Esdeath after all.

And there are still many imperial tools users in the empire.

How should these people deal with it? You can't let Chu Yufan fight alone, right? The imperial tools that the organization has now obtained are the Five-Sighted Universal [Observer] obtained from Zanke, the Warcraft Transformation [Hundred-Armed Giant] of Seleu, and the two axes of the three beast warriors [Belwak], the military music dream [Scream] and the water dragon possession [Black Marlin].

These five imperial tools have certain requirements for the users. For example, the observer, Belwak and the hundred-armed giant all have high requirements for the strength of the wearer. Scream is an auxiliary type, while Black Marlin has requirements for both the user and the use environment.

Imperial Tool Water Dragon Possession [Black Marlin], an item that can freely control the liquid in the things it touches, in layman's terms, it can control the water flow to attack the enemy.

However, this imperial weapon cannot create water out of thin air, which means that it is useless in a waterless environment. On the contrary, if the user is in the sea or lake, it can exert great power.

Of course, blood is also included in the controllable liquids. However, you cannot control the enemy's blood through the air, but you can control your own blood to attack the enemy.

Although there is also a"breathing method", it takes a certain amount of time to learn it before you can form combat effectiveness.

"Is there any way to quickly improve the combat effectiveness of other members?" Chu Yufan asked Alyssa.

"Sir, do you think I am someone who knows about this kind of thing?"Alyssa rolled her eyes when she heard this. She herself was so weak, how could she know about this kind of thing?

"Oh, this is troublesome.……"

"Hello! Good morning! Boss Chu and sister Alyssa!"Since Sibiya stayed in the organization, she followed Alyssa to Chu Yufan's cabin to stay temporarily.

"Sister Sibiya, are you back from training?" Alyssa asked with a smile

"Yes, after all, this is all I can do now."Sibi Ya said helplessly.

Unlike Alisa, who put all her skill points into IQ, Sibi Ya obviously put all her skill points into force. Therefore, Sibi Ya couldn't help with the organization's affairs. She had nothing to do and could only train herself.

"Ah, come to think of it. Sibiya, you came from the Royal Fist Temple, right?"Chu Yufan remembered something and asked

"Yes, Boss Chu. I am a master of the Royal Fist Temple! Although I may be no different from an ordinary person to you."Sibi Ya said helplessly.

Sibi Ya's strength is actually quite good, but unfortunately the three beast warriors are high-end enemies, and Sibi Ya can only be regarded as a mid-range player at best.

"So you have the level of the Four Rakshasa Ghosts?"

"How is that possible? The Four Rakshasa Ghosts are capable of fighting Imperial Equipment Users with bare hands. I definitely can’t reach that level." Sibiya shook her head and said

"So... you can't freely control your body to attack the enemy?" Chu Yufan thought of Goziqi before and asked

"I can, but I only know the basics. If you want to control every part of your body at will, only the fourth level of Rakshasa can do it."Sibiya replied.

"So that's it……"

"Boss Chu, do you have any ideas? Tell me about it!"

Different from being well-behaved when Qiao Li was present, Sibiya now felt less restrained in front of Chu Yufan and Alyssa.

"I know a"breathing technique" that can improve my strength, but if the"hidden" troops want to learn it, it will take a lot of time."

"I heard from Alisa that you were a disciple of the Royal Fist Temple, so I wanted to ask if you have any skills that you can teach the"Hidden" troops, so that I can increase the combat effectiveness of the team in a short period of time."

"Breathing method? I haven't heard of it. Can you tell me more about it, Boss Chu?" Sibiya asked curiously.

"Of course you can."

Looking at Chu Yufan and Sibiya who were talking happily, Alyssa frowned slightly.

"Should I find a reason to transfer Sister Sibiya to the rear?" Elisa thought.

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