
After dealing with the three mice, Chu Yufan also let out a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the frostbite caused by Esdeath has healed, and I can finally continue to practice the Breath of the Sun."Chu Yufan thought to himself.

The last time he ran into the palace and encountered Esdeath, he used the Breath of the Sun to successfully cut her back. However, Chu Yufan was also injured by Esdeath's imperial weapon, so after that, Chu Yufan temporarily stopped using the Breath of the Sun to fight.

"The"Hidden" team members were relieved when they saw the three beast warriors being killed by Chu Yufan. At the same time, they also had a preliminary understanding of their leader's strength. Well... that is very strong.

"The other five players……"Chu Yufan came up to the crowd and asked softly

"They sacrificed their lives to buy us time.……""Hidden" the team member lowered his head and said

"However, we will move forward with their will!"

"We will win. Chu Yufan patted his shoulder and walked in front of Qiao Li and Sibiya.

"……You are the"White Death" on the wanted list of the imperial capital, right?"Qiao Li looked at Chu Yufan in front of him and asked

"Yes, I am the person you are talking about." Chu Yufan did not hide anything, but admitted it frankly.

"……"Although he expected it, Jolly was still a little surprised.

"Young man, thank you for saving my daughter and me." Qiao Li said sincerely

"Thank you for saving us, Mr. White Death." Sibiya also thanked

"It is not suitable to stay here for long. If you two trust me, follow me to a safe place."Chu Yufan said

"Then, I'll trouble you to lead the way, young man." Qiao Li said directly without any doubt.

As a former minister, Qiao Li's vision is naturally not too bad. If the young man in front of him wants to harm him, there is no need to go through so much trouble.

"Those three guys just now all have imperial tools on them, remember to retrieve them." Chu Yufan said to the"Hidden" team members before leaving.



Chu Yufan led everyone to another hidden base in the suburbs of the imperial capital, let everyone rest for a while, and asked the"Hidden" team to contact Alyssa.

After waiting for about two hours, Alyssa came over.

"Grandpa Qiao Li! Sister Si Biya, are you okay?"Alyssa pushed the door open and rushed in. She was relieved to see that Qiao Li and Si Biya were safe.

"You are... Sister Alisa?!"Sibi Ya recognized Alisa and was immediately surprised. After all, Alisa had been confirmed dead in the empire's announcement.

"Alisa...you are Edward's daughter?!" Jolly also remembered who the girl in front of him was.

"Great! Great! Sister Alyssa, you are still alive!" Sibiya stood up and hugged Alyssa.

"Sister Sibiya, I'm so glad you're safe too." Elisa's eyes were moist.

"So you guys know each other……"Chu Yufan looked at the two girls hugging each other and said to Qiao Li

"Alas... Edward and I are old acquaintances, but unfortunately, when Edward needed my help the most, I couldn't help him."Jolly looked at the two women hugging each other with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Elisa's father, Edward, was also a well-known conscientious faction of the empire. Unfortunately, except for Elisa, the rest of the family had been forced to death by Minister Ernest.

"I didn't expect that Alyssa would be with you. It seems that you are planning to do something big, right?" Qiao Li looked at Chu Yufan and asked

"Grandpa Jolly, let me explain the details. Although it was a joy to meet a good friend again, Alyssa knew that there was something more important to explain now.

"Alisa, you are now……"As soon as the four of them sat down, Qiao Li couldn't help asking

"Don't worry, Grandpa Jolly, I am not a member of the revolutionary army."Alyssa knew what Jolly meant, so she answered directly.

"Revolutionary Army?"

"The so-called rebels in the Empire are now a huge force. However, I do not agree with their policies and ideas, which are too idealistic."Elisa replied. The high-ranking officials of the revolutionary army are too naive to overthrow the Empire by signing an agreement to form an alliance with foreign nations.

Profits always come first.

"So, your goal now is……"

""Root out Minister Ernest and others. Then let the conscientious faction return to power!" Elisa's words made Jolly's eyes light up. The Conscience

Faction of the Empire can be said to be a rather pathetic force. Although General Budd sheltered the Conscience Faction, his stubborn ideas meant that he would not provide military support to the Conscience Faction.

Coupled with the oppression of Minister Ernest, most of the Conscience Faction basically fled the imperial capital with endless regrets. Except for people like Jolly and Edward who were no longer afraid of life and death and stayed in the imperial capital.

But this actually didn't work. The final result of the Conscience Faction was either being killed by Minister Ernest or being recruited by the revolutionary army that overthrew the empire.

For Jolly, he had devoted too much effort to this country throughout his life. He did not want this country with a history of more than a thousand years to perish just like that.

Now, Chu Yufan and Elisa have set a goal. For the people of the Conscience Faction of the Empire, there is undoubtedly a glimmer of hope.

"Do you want me to support you secretly?" Qiao Li looked at Alyssa and asked slowly.

"Yes, we need the support of the Conscience Faction right now. When we get rid of the garbage under Minister Ernest, we need officials from the Conscience Faction to replace them."Elisa explained.

Although in the last Zibul incident, with the help of Nahashu, officials from the Conscience Faction were successfully arranged to replace most of the positions.

Unfortunately, Nahashu himself is not particularly good at politics. If he often does such things, it is easy to be caught.

Therefore, as a representative of the Conscience Faction and who understands political operations, Jolly became the best choice.

"I can help you do these things, but there is one condition……"Jolly said

"What conditions? Just tell us what we can do."Alyssa said, she knew that Jolly would not make any excessive demands.

"I hope you can take care of my daughter.……"

"Father, I……"

"I know what you are going to say, my daughter. But if it weren’t for Elisa’s people risking their lives to save us, and Mr. White Death arriving in time, I’m afraid we would have been……"

If it weren't for this attack, Jolly would definitely not let his daughter leave his side. But now it is clear that it is safest for his daughter to stay with Elisa and the others.

"Only if you are safe, I can help Alisa and the others without any worries."

"……"After listening to what Jolly said, Sibiya replied after a moment of silence.

"I know, father."

"Don't worry, Grandpa Jolly, I will take good care of Sister Sibiya."Alyssa assured her

""I feel relieved when you say that."

After discussing for a while, Qiao Li began to return to the imperial capital under Chu Yufan's protection. Sibiya and Alyssa returned to the organization's base.

The death of the three beast warriors will once again cause a shock to the empire.

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