After rescuing Sibiya and Qiao Li, the"Hidden" troops quickly evacuated along the road. Since there were not many obstacles on both sides of this road, evacuating along the road was the best option.

"You don't think you can escape, do you?"

Three beast warriors rushed out from the smoke and chased after the"Hidden" troops. At the same time, Niu took out her own imperial weapon from her arms.

Niu's imperial weapon, the military music dream [Scream], is a musical instrument-type imperial weapon. The music it plays can manipulate the emotions of the audience. Playing high-spirited music can boost the morale of the audience, and playing sad music can make the audience sad, but if you listen to it repeatedly, you will develop resistance to the music.

When the music started, the twenty people in the"Hidden" troops were obviously affected, and their pace slowed down.

"Let's stop them!"

Without any nonsense, five of the twenty"Hidden" team members stayed behind to stop the three beast warriors. The rest of the people also didn't say any nonsense, but quickly evacuated with Qiao Li and Si Bia.

"The"Hidden" team members all know clearly what they are doing and why they are doing it.

So when someone is left behind to face a strong enemy, the remaining people have only one goal, to complete the task resolutely and not let their teammates sacrifice in vain!

"It's a rare opportunity to catch them, we can't kill them, we must leave them alive!" Liva looked at the"Hidden" team members in black clothes in front of him and told the other two.



"Who are you? Why are you trying so hard to save us, father and daughter?" Qiao Li asked as he looked at the"Hidden" team members who were trying hard to retreat for himself and his daughter.

"Do we need any reason to save a senior official who works for the country and the people?" One of the"Hidden" team members calmly replied:


A violent explosion sounded behind them, making the hearts of the evacuated people tense. They knew very well that the five"Hidden" team members had...

But none of the"Hidden" team members planned to surrender, they were ready to make further sacrifices.

Most of the"Hidden" team members of the organization were a group of aspiring young people. Like the Imperial Conscience Faction, they all hoped to change the country with their own hands.

However, not everyone has such a strong strength as Chu Yufan. Therefore, they can only use their most meager power to try to change this dark era of hell.

"Do they know the difference in strength and choose to self-destruct directly?"Liva looked at the situation in front of him and thought in surprise.

Liva has seen many enemies who chose to commit suicide because their identities were discovered, but everyone would hesitate a little when they were dying.

However, the enemies in front of him did not hesitate at all.

They knew that they would die, and they also knew that their death might only delay the opponent's steps for a moment. However, they still chose to sacrifice their lives without hesitation.

Such a confident opponent is enough to make people feel terrified.

"Phew! It's our turn now.……"Seeing the three beast warriors emerge from the explosion smoke unscathed, five more"Hidden" team members chose to stay where they were to delay time.

"Just put me down and take my daughter away! Their target is me, you don't have to go for me……"Qiao Li said sadly that although he couldn't see the appearance of these people, he could tell from their voices that they were not very old.

"We can't really change this dark age, so all we can do is to do our best to protect those who can change this dark age! And Lord Jolly, you are such a person!"

"The future that we cannot see can only be realized by you who are still alive!"

""Go! Run as far as you can!" The people who stayed behind stood in front of the three beastmen without fear.

Jolly was already in a daze, and his daughter Sibiya was already in tears.

"Are these guys crazy?"Nius said in disbelief.

Riva looked at the"Hidden" team members who put their lives aside and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Riva was once a general of the empire and also the boss of"Night Raid" Librand. He once had the same ambitions and aspirations as these people, but now……


"I'm fine, the master's order is absolute!"Liva shook his head and said.

Just when the"Hidden" team members were about to risk their lives to stop the three beast warriors, suddenly everyone stopped at the same time. Whether it was the three beast warriors, the"Hidden" team members or the people who were running away, they all stopped.

Because everyone present could feel that a huge pressure appeared out of nowhere and enveloped everyone

"This feeling... it's that guy! Why is he here!"Nius's expression at this moment was as if she had seen a ghost, and she even began to tremble.

"……"Daidas beside him did not speak, but clenched his imperial weapon tightly in his hand as if facing a great enemy.

"……So that's it. The group of black-clad men in front of him are not from the"Night Raid" but from the"White Death"?!" Liva finally figured it out, but unfortunately he couldn't take this news away.

"Sorry, I'm a little late.……"

Chu Yufan quickly came to the five"Hidden" team members who were ready to fight to the death, and said

""Thank you for your personal rescue!" The team members said respectfully when they saw Chu Yufan coming, and they were relieved at the same time.

Chu Yufan looked at the three beast warriors, and his face became calm instead. Just now, Chu Yufan took a quick look and found that there were only fifteen of the twenty"hidden" team members left, which meant that five of them had died at the hands of the three beast warriors.

He hadn't been so angry for a long time.

"Is this what the White Death looks like?���The information we need must be passed on!" Liva thought to himself.

Chu Yufan came in a hurry and did not wear a mask, so his appearance was clearly seen by the three beastmen.


"Sun Breathing, One Form, Round Dance."

Daidas had absolutely no reaction at all. His head was lifted into the air by the arc drawn by Chu Yufan's knife. Wherever Chu Yufan's knife passed, even the air became hot.

"Secret Technique, Ghost……"

Niu hurriedly took two steps back and was about to use the secret technique of the imperial weapon, but Chu Yufan came in front of him in an instant.

"I heard that you like to cut off other people's faces alive...right?" Chu Yufan said softly

"Breath of the Sun, Form Two, Azure Sky."

A circular arc like the sun cut out Niu's entire face, but Niu did not die on the spot, but fell to the ground and kept screaming.

"This is the feeling of having your face cut off alive. Since you like having your face cut off alive so much, I will let you experience it."Looking at Niu who fell to the ground and screamed, Chu Yufan no longer cared about him, but looked at Liva who had already run quite far away.

"Huh! Huh! If I know the appearance of the"White Death"... what?!" Liva thought as he ran, and then he found that Chu Yufan had come to his side. The red arc was aimed at Liva's neck, and Liva's head fell straight down.

So far, the three beast warriors were all killed by Chu Yufan the day after they returned to the imperial capital.

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