Chu Yufan and Elisa's goal is to uproot all corrupt officials such as Minister Ernest and let the officials of the conscience faction return to power.

This is equivalent to a major purge within the empire's politics. The benefit of doing so is also obvious, that is, it can minimize the bloodshed and sacrifice of civilians.

The former minister, Jolly, as an important figure who once made the empire revived, is also the biggest representative of the conscience faction. His existence is very important to Chu Yufan and Elisa.

For this reason, Elisa specially sent 20 members of the"Hidden" force to secretly protect Jolly. Together with the elite guards sent by the Budd Army, the protection for Jolly can be said to be quite sufficient.

It's a pity that this time they are facing the three beast warriors of the Esdeath Army. Although the three beast warriors are equivalent to three small fish for Chu Yufan, this is only Chu Yufan's opinion.

Even if it is a night raid, it may not be possible to kill the three beast warriors without any loss, let alone a group of elite guards and"hidden" troops without imperial tools.


At this time, Jolly did not know that he had been listed as an assassination target. He still took a carriage to the villages near the imperial capital to investigate the living conditions of the people.

The current situation made Jolly feel very distressed. Unlike the prosperous scene when he was a minister, the people's lives have now fallen into hell.

"This village... life is so hard, it's a rich country. It's a pity that most of the empire's wealth is controlled by that minister and his cronies.……"Jolly said as he looked at the situation in the village.

Although Jolly used his connections to fight against Minister Ernest in politics, it was a pity that the minister was now so powerful. Jolly basically lost more than he won in his fight with the minister.

However, Jolly was not discouraged. He had long vowed to fight against Minister Ernest to the end for this broken country and for these poor people, even if he sacrificed his life.

"A father who worries about the people so much and still returns to the imperial capital, which is known as the nest of poisonous snakes, is really great."

Beside Qiao Li in the carriage sat a girl holding a spear. She was Qiao Li's daughter, Sibi Ya.

"The country is about to fall apart, and now is not the time to worry about your own safety. I will definitely eradicate the minister, this cancer that harms the empire, in my lifetime."Jolly said firmly

"I will protect my father."Sibiya said confidently.

Sibiya had practiced in the Royal Fist Temple for a period of time, and when she went out with her father, Sibiya also fought against some bandits.

Therefore, Sibiya's strength is not too bad, and she is also quite experienced in commanding. This is why Qiao Li can return safely every time he goes out.

"I really gave birth to a good daughter, but it's a pity that she is too brave and can't even find a good husband. It's really a headache!" Qiao Li suddenly changed the subject and said

"Well, that has nothing to do with this matter!" Sibi Ya retorted with a blushing face.

"Besides, I'm not brave or anything... I just know a little bit about shooting. Why do those blind date partners take a detour when they see me? I just beat up a few people who like to make trouble. I'm not saying that I will beat up anyone I catch, is there any need to be so scared of me? And if I can find a good partner, I think we can get married right away... Huh?!"

Just as Sibiya was mumbling to herself, the carriage she was riding in suddenly stopped. Sibiya looked forward through the window of the carriage and saw three figures blocking the road ahead.

"……Are they bandits again? No matter how bad the public security is, there must be a limit!"Looking at the three figures, Qiao Li couldn't help but curse.

"Everyone, pay attention! Deploy your formation as before and defeat them one by one. Don't be careless!"Sibi Ya picked up her spear and got off the carriage directly, and ordered the guards.

Under Sibi Ya's command, the guards began to deploy their formation with Sibi Ya as the center of the formation, and looked at the three people in front of them with vigilance.

"Daidas."Looking at the formation in front of him, Liva said

"Oh, oh."Knowing that Liva wanted him to lead the charge, Daidas seemed quite excited.


Seeing that the opponent was about to attack, Sibiya decided to strike first, and everyone relied on the formation to attack Daidas.

Daidas calmly took out the imperial weapon, the two axes [Belwak], which were tucked behind his back. This was a weapon that only people with extraordinary arm strength could wield, and it also had extremely strong attack power.

In the face of absolute power, any formation is as fragile as paper. Daidas just swung at the formation, and all the guards except Sibiya were killed instantly.

"Um...too strong...with my strength……"Although she blocked Daidas's attack, Sibiya was also injured in the abdomen and could not fight anymore.

"Hey... Sister, you are so amazing that you can survive Daidas' attack. But...……"Niu (a man) squatted in front of Sibiya, took out a knife from his arms and said

"If you think about what's going to happen next, maybe it's better to just die."

On the other side, Liva chopped the carriage in half with his hand, and Jolly fell off the carriage.

"You are... a soldier of the Empire!"

"Exactly. I admire your political skills very much."

"Then...then why did you attack me?!"

"Because the master's orders are absolute."Riva said calmly.

Just as Sibiya and Qiao Li were about to die, twenty ignited bombs suddenly flew out from the piles of dirt on both sides of the road and fell around the five people.

"Bang Bang Bang……"

Bombs continued to explode and produced a large amount of smoke, obscuring the three beastmen's vision.

""Hurry up and save them!"

Twenty figures in black suddenly appeared, and ten of them raised their guns and shot at the approximate position of the three beastmen. These twenty people were the"hidden" troops that Elisa arranged to protect Jolly in secret.

"Oh? The sewer rat finally showed up?"

"I didn't expect them to show up so soon."

It's obvious that the gun attack didn't have much effect on the three beast warriors, but it was obvious that the"Hidden" team members didn't intend to stay where they were. Four members rushed into the smoke, carried Sibiya and Jolly out, and then all the"Hidden" team members began to retreat.

However, it was not easy to escape the pursuit of the three beast warriors just by doing this.

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