Seven days after Alisa informed Chu Yufan of Esdeath's return to the capital, Esdeath returned to the capital on a flying dangerous beast.

Esdeath, the"strongest" general on par with Bud. A super combat maniac with an S personality, his hobby is torture.

Therefore, the first thing Esdeath did when she returned to the capital was to go to the torture room specially built by the minister. After spreading her torture literature in the torture room, she came to the palace to meet the emperor and Minister Ernest.

"General Esdeath"


"You have done a great job suppressing the north. As a reward, I have prepared 10,000 gold for you."The emperor said as he looked at Esdeath who was kneeling on one knee.

"Thank you for the reward, Your Majesty. I will give it to the soldiers who are staying in the north to defend the country. They will be grateful to Your Majesty."Esdeath said respectfully.

"Although you just came back, I'm sorry to give you a new job. Recently, there are"Night Raid" and"White Death" in the imperial capital. I hope to use the general's force to eradicate them."The emperor said

"White Death……"

Hearing this name, the wound on Esdeath's back began to ache slightly, and the murderous aura in her body began to surge unconsciously.

"General Esdeath!!"Minister Ernest shouted, and the murderous aura in the palace disappeared instantly.

"I have just overstepped my bounds, and I hope Your Majesty will forgive me." Esdeath said

"Phew! Phew! No…it’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it.……"The emperor felt the murderous aura and could not bear it, but he still said

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the thieves you just mentioned. I have a request. I heard that all the thieves are Imperial Equipment users. If you want to deal with Imperial Equipment... only Imperial Equipment can be used."

"Please gather all the imperial weapon users and form a security patrol team consisting only of imperial weapon users." Esdeath said

"All... the Imperial Equipment Users?"Although he was a puppet emperor supported by Minister Ernest, he was also aware of the special nature of the Imperial Equipment Users. And this time, Esdeath wanted to gather all the Imperial Equipment Users at once.……

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured of General Esdeath's words."The minister suddenly interrupted

"Well, if you say so, then I am relieved. You will be responsible for arranging this matter."


"Esdeath has no interest in politics and power. Defeat and ravage the opponent in battle is everything to her... The country under my control can continuously satisfy her wishes, which is the best way to achieve common interests!"Minister Ernest thought to himself as he looked at Esdeath.

"By the way, I heard that the minister seems to be in some trouble. You can ask him later."The emperor said

"I see"

"Thank you for your help, General." Minister Ernest said.

After a while, Esdeath came out of the palace, and the three beastmen knelt down to salute when they saw Esdeath.

"I have a new order for you, although it is slightly different from the ambitions you have had so far.……"Esdeath looked at the three beast warriors and said slowly

"If you have anything to say, please tell me, Master Esdeath."Leva said

"We three are the loyal servants of Master Esdeath."Neu (male) said

"No matter what order is given, we will obey it."Daidas said

"That's great!"Esdeath smiled when she heard this.


Next day——

"Alisa, it's time to eat."

""I'm here, sir."

After Esdeath returned to the imperial capital, Chu Yufan asked Alyssa to come to his hut to handle the affairs. If there is any special situation, she can respond immediately.

After all, the only one who can fight Esdeath one-on-one is Chu Yufan.

"As soon as Esdeath returned, the organization's lack of combat power became apparent. Although there is the"breathing method" trick you taught me, it will take some time for the"hidden" troops to fully master it."Alisa said while eating barbecue

"We can only think of attacking the enemy's imperial weapon. As the saying goes, if the weapon is not good, then we have to take care of the enemy."Chu Yufan said

"Indeed, but even if you have an imperial tool, it takes time to get familiar with it... It seems that I can only take it slowly."

"By the way, is there any news after Esdeath came back?"Chu Yufan asked

"There was no movement for the time being. After meeting the emperor, Esdeath went to stroll on the street, and then went to the torture room to torture the prisoner."

"Were the three beastmen following her?"

"No." Elisa replied

"Does your intelligence network have any information about the movements of the Three Beast Warriors?"

"No news received yet...……"When Alisa said this, her face gradually became solemn.

That's right! Ever since the three beast warriors and Esdeath went to the palace to meet the emperor, Alisa has not received any information about the three beast warriors.

Although today is only the second day since Esdeath and the three beast warriors returned to the imperial capital, but with Alisa's intelligence network, as long as the three beast warriors show up somewhere in the imperial capital, Alisa can get the information in the first place.

"It seems that Minister Ernest has already started to take action.……"Chu Yufan frowned and said

"I have made some preparations in this regard, and I have also asked Mr. Nahasu to strengthen the protection of the conscientious officials.……"

"If I remember correctly, Bud's protection can only play a certain role in the imperial capital, right? What about the officials who are active outside the imperial capital?"Chu Yufan looked up at Alyssa and found that her face was a little pale at this time.

"The former minister, Qiao Li, is currently out of the imperial capital and will return to the imperial capital in the next two days.……"

Joly was a minister appointed by the previous emperor. During his tenure as minister, the empire's economy and politics���People's livelihood has reached a revival. Jolly himself is also well-known in the empire for his fairness, integrity and self-respect.

Unfortunately, after the previous emperor died suddenly, Ernest used the young emperor to dismiss Jolly's position as minister.

Although he retired because of the abolition of his position, Jolly is still the biggest representative of the conscientious officials of the empire. At the same time, Jolly has been using his connections and doing his best to fight against Minister Ernest, so he is regarded as a thorn in his side.

"Although there are masters in the Bud army and the secret protection of the"Hidden" troops, there is no chance of winning against Esdeath's three beast warriors. Damn it! I was too focused on Esdeath's movements and ignored the actions of the three beast warriors!"Alyssa said in annoyance

"Where is Jolly's current approximate location?" Chu Yufan opened the map and asked Alyssa.

"According to their pace, they should be passing this village right now." Elisa looked at the map and pointed to a location west of the imperial capital.

""Alyssa, I'll go over and take a look now. You tell the Hidden Troops to catch up as quickly as possible!" Chu Yufan said, and immediately rushed out of the door.


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