"What? This is too crispy. I thought I could survive this.……"Chu Yufan suddenly felt that he was making a big fuss and was using too much force when he found out that Sai Liu was turned into ashes by the sword energy.

"This...this...what happened?"

"No... not sure……"

Witnessing what just happened, Maine and Hill's brains went blank. They were here just now, with such a large number of guards and such a large! Such a large biological imperial weapon! But now they suddenly disappeared!

Chu Yufan ignored Maine and Hill's computer and walked straight to the imperial weapon core. The imperial weapon core looks like a small plate and can be held in one hand.

Although Chu Yufan can't use this thing for the time being, other people in the organization still need it.

If the organization's combat effectiveness can be enhanced as much as possible, then Chu Yufan can continue to slack off... ahem, then the organization's survivability will be greatly improved.

"Hey! Why are you helping us?"The injured Mayin was helped up by Hill, and Mayin looked in the direction of Chu Yufan and asked

"It's nothing, you're just lucky." Chu Yufan put the imperial core away and replied.

"Okay, let's go quickly, or you'll be surrounded by the security team again." Chu Yufan waved his hand and was about to leave.

"Thank you!" Hill said to Chu Yufan

"……"Chu Yufan did not reply, but disappeared on the spot

"What a pretentious guy."Ma Yin looked at Chu Yufan who disappeared and complained

"Don't say that. After all, they saved us."Hill looked at Marin and said

"I got it……"Marin recalled what had just happened. If it hadn't been for the"White Death", the shot that Celyu had fired would have definitely hit Ciel.

Although Marin was very grateful to the"White Death" in her heart, that was Marin's tsundere personality.

"Let’s get out of here!"



What Chu Yufan and Elisa did undoubtedly caused a huge shock within the imperial politics. One-fifth of the middle-level officials in the empire died mysteriously, and then most of the officials were replaced by the conscientious faction protected by General Budd.

This cannot help but make people outside suspect that all of this was planned by General Budd. And the death of these corrupt officials is undoubtedly a great loss to Minister Ernest in the political rule of the empire.

And for civilians, although the conscientious officials can come to power, it will not change everything in their lives in an instant, but at least it can let civilians see the beginning of the change in the empire.

Although Elisa blamed everything she did on General Budd, Minister Ernest, who can control everything in the empire, is naturally not a fool. He does not believe that Bud has the IQ to do such a thing.

"Haha, this time's opponent is quite interesting……"In the palace, Minister Ernest was still chewing on a piece of fat meat. For him, the loss of those middle-level officials was nothing.

The key point was how to find out the mastermind behind the scenes. As long as the mastermind behind the scenes was found out, all problems would not be problems.

However, it was not easy to find out the other party. At least in terms of force, the ministers did not have many people to fight against the person who could easily kill the imperial weapon user of the guard team.

It seems that we can only start the action after Esdeath returns. Before that, let these sewer rats jump for a while. At the same time, the night raid also received news from the Revolutionary Army.

As Najeta, who once served in the Imperial Army, she could not believe that General Bud, a famous diehard in the Empire, would have such means. In addition to the eyewitness intelligence of the"White Death" brought by Hill and Maine...

Perhaps all this was the work of the"White Death".

But it was the same. This time, both the Revolutionary Army and the Empire still knew nothing about the"White Death".

This is a bit scary. If you want to complete all these actions, it is impossible for the"White Death" to do it alone. There must be a huge organization behind this, but now this organization is hidden without any trace... Does this mysterious organization really exist? If it really exists, is it an enemy or a friend to the Revolutionary Army?

"Nadezhda! Nadezhda!"

"Ah! Sorry everyone, I was distracted just now."Najta kept thinking, and then she realized that she was in a meeting in the conference room of the base. All members of the night raid were gathered here.

"Boss, I can see you are troubled."Leone said

"Well, of course, an organization that you don't know whether it is a friend or an enemy. And you don't even know if this organization really exists. This is really...……"Nadezhda took a long drag on her cigarette and said

"Oh, don't worry, at least we know that the"White Death" is not from the Empire, isn't that enough?"Leone comforted

"That being said……"

"that……"Didn't the"White Death" save Maine and Hill? Then he should be on our side, right?" Tatsumi said.

Tatsumi, Sau and Iyeas all knew who the so-called"White Death" was. However, they didn't know what Chu Yufan was thinking now, so the three of them naturally wouldn't tell Najeta and the others about it.

"No... If that's the case, why didn't the"White Death" join the Revolutionary Army? Forget it, now is not the time to think about this. Just as Leone said, the"White Death" is not from the Empire, and that's enough."Najta took another puff of her cigarette and said

"So, let's continue the meeting."


"Sir, I have an important message for you."Alyssa hurriedly pushed open the door of Chu Yufan's hut and said loudly

"What's the matter? What's the hurry?"

"General Esdeath, who was suppressing the foreign races in the north, set out for the imperial capital with the three beast warriors last night!"

"Phew! What was supposed to come finally came.……"Chu Yufan exhaled lightly and said.

In all the battles Chu Yufan had participated in so far, only Esdeath could confront him head-on. And now that Esdeath has returned to the imperial capital, it means that

Chu Yufan will not only be unable to slack off on a daily basis, but will also most likely have to work overtime.

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