"……Now that your true identity has been revealed, it seems like we can only fight to the death." Marin looked at Sailu and said

"So why don't you wear a mask?" Chu Yufan complained in his heart

"Don't worry about your life, I will punish you with justice!" Saiyu pointed at the two and said

"Damn it? When did justice become so cheap? What a weird guy." Chu Yufan stuffed a snack into his mouth and complained again in his heart

"My father died fighting against vicious thieves like you...and so did my master, Captain Ouka!"

"Oka...it seems like I did it." Chu Yufan thought guiltily.

"Absolutely! Unforgivable!" Sai Liu said with a grim expression.

"Well, kill her."

Chu Yufan still hated being remembered by others. Since he was the one who killed Ouka, and this Sailu was bent on revenge for him, there was no reason for him to let her go.

Hatred is the driving force for people to move forward. Although Chu Yufan did not think that Sailu would be a threat to him in the future, this did not prevent Chu Yufan from wanting to cut the grass and wipe it out completely.

But before that, Chu Yufan was more curious about the combat effectiveness of the two"night raid" imperial artifact users in front of him.

Chu Yufan had seen quite a lot of imperial artifact users, but except for Esdeath and Bud, the level of other imperial artifact users did not seem to be very good.

Like the previous Gozizi, if Bud had not been in charge of the empire's pursuit at that time, Gozizi would not be his opponent even if he had the imperial artifact Murasame.

Later, when he returned to the imperial capital, when Chu Yufan broke into the palace for the second time, Bud had already They are no longer his opponents. If it weren't for Bud who has been protecting the conscience faction of the empire, the empire would have long ceased to have such a figure as General Bud.

Before he broke into the palace for the last time and encountered Esdeath. He also ran into the so-called Three Beast Warriors of Esdeath's army. The three of them were also imperial weapon users, but they were just three small fry. Later, because of the appearance of Esdeath, Chu Yufan was unable to kill the three.

So angry, either he can't kill them, or he can't kill them. This is too infuriating.

So there is no doubt that Celia will die today. Chu Yufan said that even if Alyssa comes, she can't stop her.

While Chu Yufan was daydreaming, Maine and Hill had already started fighting with Celia.

Maine took the lead in attacking, and the romantic turret [Pumpkin] in her hand sent out an energy wave to cover Celia, but Celia did not dodge but stood there as steady as an old dog.


The puppy-like creature next to Celia blocked Celia directly, and in an instant, it expanded its body and turned into a large dog-like creature twice Celia's height, blocking Myne's attack.

""Main, that is indeed an imperial weapon!" Hill stood in front of Main and said

"Ah, it looks like a biological imperial weapon.……"Myne said

""Sailu took out two strange-looking guns and shot at Myne and Hill.

"What the hell? It's just a simple shooting, but it has to be named? Doesn't this make the sneak attack meaningless?"Chu Yufan was shocked.

As Chu Yufan said, an attack like this from Sailu would naturally have no effect.

"Xiao Ke! Prey!"

The imperial weapon Xiao Ke jumped out instantly, opened its bloody mouth and bit Hill.

Hill, who had entered the combat state, was no longer innocent. The moment Xiao Ke approached, Hill used the scissor-shaped imperial weapon [Soul-stirring] in his hand to cut Xiao Ke into two pieces.

"Sorry."Hill said after doing all this.

Just when Hill thought he had dealt with Xiao Ke and was approaching Sai Liu, Sai Liu showed a ferocious smile again. Xiao Ke, who had been broken into two pieces, stood up again. Hill turned around and saw the regenerated Xiao Ke, and was stunned for a moment.


Myne's pumpkin fired again, and the huge energy wave forced Xiao Ke back to Sailu's side.

"It's written in the literature, right, Hill! If the core of a biological imperial weapon cannot be destroyed, it will continue to regenerate."Main said

"If you don't have a heart, even if Akame comes, there's nothing you can do."

"What a troublesome opponent."Hill said

"This biological imperial weapon is not controlled by telepathy? What effect can it have? Give orders to let the opponent know what attack you are going to launch?"Chu Yufan observed the situation in front of him and complained

"But this regeneration ability is quite interesting. If I transfer this ability to my knife, can the knife regenerate even if it is broken?"

"Romantic Turret [Pumpkin], the greater the danger the user encounters, the greater its power will be. However, it will overheat after that, and is a relatively limited imperial weapon."

"If the user's willpower is weak, the pumpkin will not be able to exert its maximum power. If the user's willpower is strong, the pumpkin's hardware is not enough to support such a great power, and it may even cause injury to the user."Chu Yufan made an analysis based on the imperial equipment literature and the on-site battle situation.

"The stronger the user is, the stronger the effect of the imperial tool will be."

"Xiao Ke! Arms!"Xiao Ke received the order from Saiyu, and his arms instantly became thicker.

"So disgusting... In this case, I can only rely on that, right? Hill."Ma Yin said

"I see"

"Smash it!" Sailu pointed his finger, and Xiaoke swung his fist the size of a gas tank at Maine.

"What is this! There is nowhere to escape!!!" Seeing Xiao Ke approaching her, Mayin panicked. Her small body of 1.55 meters could not withstand a punch!

""Main! Come behind me!"

Hill stood in front of Main, holding the Ecstasy horizontally in his hand and blocking it in front of him. As soon as he did this, Xiao Ke's fists fell on the Ecstasy like raindrops.

"Ugh...! It's so heavy……!"

"Beep———"Seiyuu took out his whistle and gave a signal.

"The storm-like attack, and the call for reinforcements, is simply a big crisis... So go ahead!!!"Feeling Marin's sense of crisis, Pumpkin instantly burst out with great power. The energy wave was launched to cover Xiao Ke who kept attacking, but Marin's attack still failed to penetrate Xiao Ke's core.

"It started to regenerate again. What a terrifying vitality.……"Myne said

"Haha, don't underestimate the vitality of the imperial tool……?!"Before Saiyu could finish his words, Hill appeared in the smoke behind him.

"Imperial tools are just tools……"Hill said calmly

"Were you coming for me from the beginning?!" Sai Liu hurriedly stepped back

"Use secret techniques to defeat her in one go!!"

"X-Scissors: Ecstasy!"

The imperial weapon in Hill's hand instantly burst into a dazzling light, which made Chu Yufan, who was watching the battle, stare at it with shining eyes. A weapon that can glow, how cool is it!!

"Um... this kind of attack……"Sai Liu instantly felt that his titanium alloy dog eyes were about to be blinded, but Sai Liu's strength was indeed not weak. Even so, he still relied on his senses to use the gun in his hand to resist Hill's attack. On the other side, Xiao Ke felt that his master was in danger and was about to step forward to help, but was entangled by Marin.

""Ah!" Without noticing, both of Sailu's arms were cut off by Hill, but a gun came out of Sailu's wound and pointed at Hill.

"Human body modification?!"

"Justice will definitely win!!!"


"What?!"Saiyu had never expected that such a close-range gun attack could be blocked by Hill.

"Damn it! I can only use my ultimate move!"

"Xiao Ke! Secret Skill"Frenzy"!!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh———"Xiao Ke's body power increased again, and then he opened his mouth and let out a huge roar. This caused the bodies of Mayin and Hill to pause for a moment.

Xiao Ke stretched out his arm and instantly grabbed Mayin in his hand.

"Xiao Ke! Crush her!!!"


Although Mayin tried her best to resist, she was unable to break free. At this moment, Hill used his imperial weapon to cut off Xiaoke's arm and saved Mayin.


"Fortunately, I made it in time."


"call out"



Seeing that Hill was unprepared, Sailu shot at Hill, but the bullet was blocked by a small stone halfway.

Hill did not react until then. As soon as he turned around, he saw a man in a black cloak who appeared there at some point, revealing a white mask under the cloak.


"They were completely defenseless in the battle. The so-called"night attack" is nothing more than that."Chu Yufan said to Hill and Mayin who was lying on the ground, then turned around and looked at Sai Liu and Xiao Ke.


Feeling the enemy's murderous intent, Sailu was about to order Xiaoke to attack.……

"Breath of the Moon, Form 8, Moon Dragon Wheel Tail."

The huge sword energy enveloped Sai Liu and Xiao Ke. After the sword energy dispersed, there was nothing left on the ground except Xiao Ke's imperial weapon core.

Sai Liu was turned into ashes by the sword energy released by Chu Yufan.

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