The former emperor of the empire used his power and wealth to create forty-eight imperial tools. Except for some auxiliary imperial tools, most imperial tools have the ability to allow the user to fight one hundred. In addition to the imperial tools

, people without imperial tools can only rely on long-term training and honing martial arts to improve their strength. Among the best representatives, the four Rakshasa ghosts of the Royal Fist Temple can freely control various parts of the body and are also the units of combat power.

The reason why the four Rakshasa ghosts are the units of combat power is that the four Rakshasa ghosts have the precedent of killing the imperial tool users with their bare hands.

And those who are less powerful than the four Rakshasa ghosts are basically not the opponents of the imperial tool users. This naturally includes Chu Yufan's"hidden" troops. Although they have the strength of the empire's assassination troops, they are just sending heads when facing the imperial tool users.

Therefore, in the area near Zibul, there are guards with imperial tools. Naturally, Alisa can only let Chu Yufan go out to ensure the mission is foolproof.

"I see. Facing the words of the Imperial Tool User, the Hidden Forces really have no way to deal with it. Then I will carry out the mission. Are there any requirements for carrying out the mission?"Chu Yufan asked

"Most of the current security team members are just following orders.……"

"I know that I will not kill the guards casually unless it is necessary."Chu Yufan knew what Elisa meant.

Except for people like Ouka who have reached the captain level, most of the guards are just cannon fodder who follow orders. Therefore, as long as it does not hinder him, Chu Yufan will naturally not kill people like a butcher.

Of course, the premise is that they do not hinder him.

"Thank you, sir... One more thing"

"What's up?"

"According to intelligence, the Night Raid is also planning to attack Qibul. If you see Night Raid in danger, please lend a hand."Elisa said

"Oh? Isn't Ye Xi a member of the Revolutionary Army? You actually asked me to lend a hand?" Chu Yufan was a little surprised.

"Although the Revolutionary Army united with foreign races to overthrow the Empire, this has nothing to do with the Night Raid itself."

"Judging from the night raid, although they are paid to do their job, they are also a group that eliminates harm for the people. Everyone has the common goal of focusing on civilians, but the positions of both parties are different."Alyssa said

"This is not like you, Alyssa?" Chu Yufan frowned and said

"The White Death helped the Night Raid. What did this mean? Alyssa must have known. If she did so, it would undoubtedly go against their original goal.

"……Do you remember the assassination of Ouka? Ye Xi had actually accepted the assassination commission at that time, but the master had already taken action to solve the problem."

"According to the information from the intelligence network, after learning that Ouka was killed by someone else, Ye Xiu returned all the commission money he had received to the client."

"So, everyone just has different positions and ways of doing things, but their fundamental goal is the same, which is to act for the people!" Alisa explained.

"I see……"

Chu Yufan suddenly realized. After all, in this dark era, it is quite rare to return the commission money to the client.

If it were some officials of the empire, let alone returning the commission money, it would be great if they didn't arrest you directly.

""Sir, what are you laughing at?" Alyssa asked in confusion as she looked at Chu Yufan who suddenly smiled.

"It's nothing, I just think that it's the right decision to let you be my organization administrator."Chu Yufan said

"Didn't you refuse at first?"

"Ahem, it's old stuff, don't mention it again"

"What old story? Wasn’t it just over a month ago?"


Chu Yufan was speechless after being criticized by Alisa


Soon the day of the mission arrived, Leone brought Tatsumi and the other two to the location of the underground trade organization.

Tatsumi and the other two were still a little nervous, after all, the other side had more people. Although the three of them had the blessing of breathing techniques, they were also afraid that they would be beaten to death by random punches.

"Haha, don't be nervous, don't be nervous. These guards are just a little stronger than ordinary people."Leone saw the tension of the three people and comforted them. Before Tatsumi and the other two could reply, a voice came from the house.

"Well... they are all working. Listen carefully! If you work hard for me, I will give you more drugs!"The leader of the organization said to the women who were making addictive drugs in the room.

"Yes, sir.——"

"By the way, remember to select a few women with good skills and send them to Lord Zibul, he has connections to contact"

"Alas, these women will be broken and have to be trained again."

"Humph, what do you know? With this relationship, we can dominate this red-light district and stand firm. Besides, there are plenty of women in Rasmus' place!"Hearing his younger brother's complaints, the organization boss angrily scolded

"Yes, yes, I'll do it right away."

"Sure enough, it's exactly the same as what the client said." Listening to the conversation between the two, Leone, Tatsumi and the other two all showed murderous intent on their faces.

"Now, you are not nervous anymore, right?"Leone asked the three people, and they nodded at the same time.

The four of them waited until the night was darker, and then they began the hunting operation.

The four of them dropped from the sky on the roof and came to the meeting room of the underground trade organization, where the boss of the organization and the guards gathered.

"There are… there are intruders! Kill them!!" At the boss’s command, all the guards rushed forward.

Without any nonsense, Tatsumi and the other two killed all the guards without hesitation. The whole battle was completely one-sided.

Leone on the other side also opened fire. Every punch would knock the guards away and embed them against the wall. Soon Leone grabbed the underground boss’ neck.

"What do you medicine?……"

"We just want your life." Leone smiled and punched him into the wall.

""Huh! It feels so good!" After completing the task, Iyas let out a long breath and said

"Yes, this is the fate that these scumbags deserve."Saya said

"It's a pity that those girls who have become addicted to drugs...what will they do in the future?" Tatsumi said

"That's not something we can control, right?" Leone said.


"Yes, Leona, can't you think of a solution?" asked Shayou.

"……I have a former uncle doctor in Rams, his medical skills are pretty good, I will ask him to help take care of it."Looking at Tatsumi and the other two in front of him, Leone said. If the organization can't help, then I can only use my own connections.

"Great!"Tatsumi and the other two laughed happily when they heard this.

"So, did Myne and Hill complete their mission?"Leone looked up at the sky and thought to himself.


""Phew! He's such a cautious guy. He made us wait for a long time." Marin said as she ran.

"Yes, but being able to deal with it smoothly is better than anything else."Hill replied

"call out"



Myne and Hill noticed the unusual noise and quickly scattered to avoid it. Then two figures, one large and one small, appeared where they were.

"This guy... didn't even notice……"Ma Yin looked at the person in front of her and thought in surprise

"Security team? They are different from the security team I have seen before.……"Hill thought

"……As expected, it was exactly the same as the photo on the wanted poster. It could be confirmed that it was Hill from the"Night Raid". Judging from the imperial weapon he held, it could be confirmed that the person traveling with him was also a member of the"Night Raid"."

"It's worth it that I waited here in the middle of the night for the fish to bite...Finally...Finally--I found it! Night raid!!"

"I am the Imperial Guard, Seleu Eubiquitus! In the name of justice, I hereby sentence you to death for your evil deeds!"Seleu said, looking at Maine and Hill with a ferocious face.

"Alisa just asked me to help, so I just need to make sure the people who attacked at night don't die.……"Chu Yufan sat on the roof again and took out some snacks, thinking

"I wonder if they will pull each other’s hair?"

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