"How was it? How did you feel after visiting the base?" Najeta asked as she looked at the documents and smoked a cigarette.


Tatsumi and the other two did not reply, but showed a tired expression.

This time, I participated in the night raid on the base, led by the short-haired gambler, and met the natural glasses girl, the unfriendly old employee with twin ponytails, the crew cut brother with gay tendencies, the black long straight foodie who kept eating meat, and the green-haired man who fell into the trap and didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

It was really impressive!

"Hahaha! Don't look at everyone like this. Everyone is very good. As long as you get along for a long time, you three will understand."Najta looked at the expressions of the three people and seemed to know something, so she smiled and comforted them.

"Leona, let's gather everyone, there's a new mission coming"

"Yes, boss!"

"First of all, we would like to welcome Tatsumi, Sau and Iyeas to join our night raid team. From now on, we will be brothers who share life and death together!" Najeta began to speak when she saw that everyone was there.

"Although I really want to hold a welcome ceremony for our new partners, unfortunately the mission will not wait for us in the same place."

"This time the task is for these two people." Najeta said as she placed the photo on the table.

"This person is the boss of an underground trade organization. On the surface, he is the operator of the imperial capital's red-light district. In fact, he secretly sells addictive drugs that are banned and can cause people to become dependent."

"In order to save costs, this man used addictive drugs to control many people in the Rasmus slums west of the imperial capital. While letting them work for him for free, some beautiful women were also sent to other corrupt officials for them to play with and kill."

When he heard about the Rasmus slums, Leone's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Because Leone grew up in the Rasmus slums and had some acquaintances there.

"Another imperial official named Zibul is a subordinate of the minister. He is also the umbrella of the underground trade organization and one of the targets this time!"Najta said


On the other side, Alyssa came to Chu Yufan's cabin with a large piece of information.

"Hi! Alyssa, do you have a mission?" Chu Yufan asked

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry to bother you with the trip." As Alisa spoke, she handed the information in her hand to Chu Yufan for review.

Although Alisa is now the main manager of all the affairs of the organization, Alisa still seeks Chu Yufan's advice on many things.

"……Well, this time it's a big move!"After reading the information, Chu Yufan couldn't help but sigh.

This time, nearly half of the"hidden" troops will be deployed for the battle, and the goal of the battle is to uproot all the relationships of the Zibul officials.

Any officials who accept funds or women provided by the underground trade organization will be completely wiped out by the"hidden" troops.

"Civilians are the most important cornerstone of the thousand-year history of this empire. They are also the important reason why the empire has a thousand-year history. These officials treat civilians as livestock and abuse and kill them at will. Such behavior is intolerable. So this time, I will eradicate them all!"

Different from her previous expressions, Elisa's face was full of murderous intent. When she got the relevant information and saw the tragic deaths of civilians in the information, she felt grief and anger in her heart.

"……Well, although these officials do deserve to be killed. However, do you have a way to solve the problem of the succession of subsequent officials?"Chu Yufan asked.

This action will reduce the number of middle-level officials in the empire by one-fifth. If the subsequent officials fail to take over, it will cause greater chaos. As the saying goes, there is no order without rules. Rotten rules are always better than a dark forest without any rules.

"I have already informed Mr. Nahaxiu about this. At that time, most of the officials' positions will be replaced by officials of the conscience faction."Elisa explained.

Nahaxiu, who wanted to change the empire with his own hands, soon became the greatest adjutant under Budd after joining the Budd Army with his excellent qualities and abilities.

However, Budd himself was a super stubborn person who believed that military generals should not interfere in politics. Therefore, even if Nahaxiu became the greatest adjutant of the Budd Army, the only thing he could do was to protect the officials of the conscience faction from being assassinated by Minister Ernest.

Just when Nahaxiu was unwilling to give up, Elisa found him. Just like the chat between Akagi and Najeta when they first met, Elisa and Nahaxiu also chatted about the people and the country all night.

In the end, Nahaxiu secretly joined the organization established by Chu Yufan and Elisa, and became the biggest insider in the Budd Army.

"Oh? That guy is actually willing to help, it seems that he has finally figured it out."Chu Yufan said in surprise, but he also knew that with Nahashu's help, the aftermath work would probably not be a big problem. By the way, Bonnie, who disappeared in the assassination team, had been secretly transferred out of the imperial capital by Nahashu at that time.

"Will this matter expose the organization?" Chu Yufan asked the second question.

"Don't worry about this matter, sir. Since I have proposed such a battle plan, there will naturally be a way to prevent the organization from being exposed so quickly."Alyssa said confidently

"So, who is my target?"

"The biggest mastermind of the whole thing, Zibul"


"Leone, Tatsumi, Sau and Iyeas, you are responsible for cleaning up the underground trade organization. Maine and Hill, you go and deal with Zibul."After Najeta explained the mission, she issued the combat order.

"Leone, Tatsumi and the other two are on a mission for the first time, you have to take good care of them!"

"Don't worry, Boss!" Leone replied.

"Myne, Hill, the target is well guarded this time. So this time you should use long-range killing as the main means and avoid close combat. Do you understand?"


"Just leave it to me, a shooting genius!"

"Be careful and come back alive!" Nadezhda said



"Although the guards of this Qibul are tight, they are not a target that the"Hidden" troops cannot deal with. Is there any problem?"Chu Yufan looked at the guard configuration of the Qibul mansion and asked doubtfully

"Among the guards patrolling the area, there was an imperial weapon user."

"who is it?"

"Seleucus Eupictus."

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