The empire is now roughly divided into three forces.

The first force is naturally the puppet emperor supported by Minister Ernest, who has under him two great generals, Esdeath and Budd, who are known as the strongest in the empire. As well as the army under the generals, the imperial assassination force, the guard team, etc. It is the most powerful of the three forces now.

The second force is the revolutionary army located in the far south of the empire. Because the philosophy of the revolutionary army resonates with some people with lofty ideals within the empire, many former imperial generals now choose to join the revolutionary army, such as Nadezhda.

In order to deal with the assassination forces of the empire, the revolutionary army has tried many methods. Hiring the Oberg killer organization was one of the methods. After the demise of Oberg, the revolutionary army summoned the internal imperial tools to form the assassination organization"Night Raid" and handed it over to Nadezhda to lead.

The third force is the emerging force formed by Chu Yufan and Alisa.

The reason why Chu Yufan and Alisa formed their own forces is naturally because���Neither the Empire nor the Revolutionary Army can agree with them.

Needless to say, the Empire is a good thing. Some actions of the Revolutionary Army are also incomprehensible to the two.

In order to increase the bargaining chips against the Empire, the Revolutionary Army can understandably form an alliance with the Western ethnic minorities. After all, the overall strength of the Western ethnic minorities is weaker than that of the Revolutionary Army.

The problem is that the Revolutionary Army has also united with the ethnic minorities in the north and south. That is a large ethnic group that has coexisted with the Empire to this day, and there have always been various blood debts and conflicts between the Empire and the Empire.

Although now because of the pressure of the Empire, the ethnic minorities in the north and south choose to form an alliance and cooperate with the Revolutionary Army. But what if the revolution succeeds and the Empire falls? Will the two sides, who have no common enemy, really go back to their own homes in peace?

With the current policy implemented by the Revolutionary Army, when conflicts arise with the ethnic minorities in the north and south, the strategy adopted is most likely to return the land previously occupied by the Empire from the ethnic minorities to them.

Just kidding, the struggle between the Empire and the ethnic minorities is not a matter of one or two days. This can certainly bring temporary peace, but it also weakens its own ability to resist.

This will only leave endless troubles after overthrowing the empire.

The idea of Chu Yufan and Elisa is also very simple. The empire is not short of good officials, but because of Minister Ernest, these people have nowhere to display their abilities.

Therefore, as long as Minister Ernest and others are solved, all problems will be broken.

Different strengths will have different views on things.

If the revolutionary army has a strong combat power that can fight Esdeath, there is no need to choose to unite with foreign nations to increase its overall strength.

Similarly, if Chu Yufan does not have the power to fight Esdeath. The two might also take the alliance route of the revolutionary army?

It can only be said that different strengths have different ways of dealing with things and different ways of achieving goals.

In order to quickly establish a strong intelligence network, Elisa deliberately introduced the so-called"White Death" title after discussing with Chu Yufan.

As the number one enemy of the empire and the person the revolutionary army wants to win over the most. In order to find the true identity of the"White Death", both sides sent a large number of secret detectives to investigate.

This gave Elisa, who was hiding in the dark, an opportunity, and she used various means to obtain the composition of the spies of both sides.

With the composition of the spies of both sides, it became easy to hide one's own power. At the same time, on this basis, one can also establish an intelligence network belonging to the organization.

Now, whether it is the empire, the revolutionary army, or large and small forces in other parts of the empire. Elisa's intelligence network covers all of them. She is worthy of being a person who has put all her skill points on IQ.

With Chu Yufan's strength and Elisa's wisdom, the potential of their new power is undoubtedly huge.


"I have understood the situation. Anyway, you are welcome to join us, Tatsumi, Sau, and Iyeas."

After Tatsumi and Leone returned to the night raid base in the suburbs of the imperial capital, they met Najeta. After understanding the whole story, Najeta also welcomed the three to join.

After all, the Revolutionary Army is always short of people.

"According to the latest news,"Zank the Beheader" is dead, and the imperial weapon he was carrying has been lost."Leone reported to Najeta

"Do you know who did it?" Nadezhda asked

"It was not done by the Empire. After all, they are also looking for the traces of the Zanke Emperor. If there is anyone who can do this,……"

"White Death... Never mind, this is better than the Imperial Tool falling into the hands of the Empire." Nadezhda then said to Tatsumi and the other two.

"Let Leone take you to visit the base first, and get to know your colleagues."

Although it is a secretive unit, the base of the Night Raid is quite high-profile. A mountain was hollowed out and a tall building was built inside. With the cover of the mountain, even creatures scouting in the air cannot easily find the base.

Everyone came to the meeting room of the Night Raid. At this time, Hill was sitting alone in a chair reading a book. Seeing everyone coming, he put down the book and stood up.

"Naturally stupid... a hundred ways to correct it? ?"Tatsumi stole a glance at the book that Hill had placed on the table and thought to himself

"Hi! Hill, these three are new members, come over and say hello."Leone waved to Hill.

"Is that so? Welcome to join... Ugh!"

Hill pushed his chair away and was about to go forward and shake hands with Tatsumi and the other two. But before he could take two steps, Hill performed a flat fall on the spot.

"How did they do this?!"

Tatsumi and the other two looked at the smooth and even rough ground and thought in shock.

""I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" Hill hurriedly stood up and kept apologizing. Tatsumi and the other two hurriedly expressed their comfort.

At this time, a girl with pink twin ponytails walked in from the side door of the conference room.

"Leone, who are these three?"

"Oh! Myne, these three are newcomers, they are Tatsumi, Sau and Iyeas"


After hearing what Leona said, Maine stared at the faces of Tatsumi and the other two. The three of them felt a little uncomfortable. After a while, Maine turned around and said

"They are not qualified! These three people don't look like the type to work with a very dedicated, shooting genius, and super professional like me."


"What's with this arrogant look?!"

"He's just a little dwarf!"

"Shut up! How can a newcomer talk back to his boss! Also, who are you calling the dwarf? Asshole!"

"Hahaha, what a friendly exchange. Let me take you somewhere else!"

Leone stopped the four people from making noise, and pulled the three people out of the meeting room with both hands and came to where Brand was.

"Oh oh oh oh oh———"

At this time, Brand was wielding a spear and training in the training center.

When Tatsumi and the other two saw Brand, their eyes were a little solemn, and they obviously felt that Brand's strength was extraordinary.

"The one sweating all over is Brand"

"Oh! It's Leona, what's wrong?" Hearing the voice, Brand also stopped training and turned around to greet

"This is Brand?!"

Tatsumi and the other two looked at Brand's shiny crew cut and thought of the short-haired handsome guy in the wanted poster photo. For a moment, the three of them wondered if Leone had made a mistake.

"I am Brand, please give me your guidance!!"Brand stepped forward and shook hands with the three people.

Not sure if it was an illusion, Tatsumi and Iyeas always felt that Brand seemed to have shaken hands with the two people for a little longer.

"Be careful, this guy is gay, right?"Leone said.

Well, Tatsumi and Iyeas knew that the feeling just now was not an illusion.

"Hey, hey, if you say that, won't people misunderstand me?" Brand said, but the mysterious blush on his face made Tatsumi and Iyeas shudder.

"As for Lubbock, you have already met him in the Imperial Capital, so I will not take you to find him. He is probably in a trap now.……"Leone said as he walked in front.


"Lubbock has the idiotic habit of peeping at the female team members bathing. By the way, Sau, you should be careful when bathing. Although there are many traps set for Lubbock near the female bathing pool, you still have to be careful not to be seen by him!"Leone explained

"Who are these people?……"Tatsumi and the other two complained in their hearts

"Ah! Found her, she is the last member of the night raid��"A super beautiful girl who loves food, Akame!" Leone said, pointing at Akame who was grilling meat in front of him.

""Akagi! Let me introduce you to these three newcomers who just joined Night Raid!" Leone said

"……Nice to meet you, I'll give you some meat." Akahime held a meat leg in her mouth and threw three pieces of meat to Tatsumi and the other two.

"Leona, eat it too."

"Oh! Thank you!"


While eating meat, Akahime stared at Tatsumi and the other two, which made Tatsumi and the other two wonder if Akahime in front of them also had any special hobbies.

"I haven't seen it before... Why do I feel so familiar with it?" Chi Tong thought to himself.

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