Led by Leona and Lubbock, Tatsumi and the other two came to a small shop located in the outer part of the imperial capital. This was the hidden contact point of Night Raid in the imperial capital. On the surface, it was a small shop selling books.

"Well, this way there won't be any other problems with the wound."

After arriving at the contact point, Leone asked Lubbock to find the revolutionary army doctor hiding in the imperial capital to treat the wound on Iyeas' shoulder.

"Thank you, Leona." Sau thanked Leona

"You're welcome, I promised you this. Leona waved his hand and said

"I originally wanted to take you out of the city, but it was daybreak. Plus your companions needed treatment for their wounds, so I took you here to stay temporarily. We will leave the city after you have rested enough."

"Do you live outside the city? What do you do?" Tatsumi suddenly asked Leone.

"This... um... never mind, it doesn't matter what I say now, we all need to know it anyway." After thinking for a while, Leone took out the wanted poster posted on the city wall. It was the wanted poster for Akame, Brand, and Hill.

Leone originally planned to take the three to the night raid base and then reveal his identity. But now...……

"You must have seen these three wanted posters, right?"

"Of course! There are wanted posters all over the streets of the capital." said Shayou

"The three of them are my companions with Lubbock, and the two of us are also members of the night raid."Leone said


There was no surprise as expected, nor was there any fear or shouting as expected. Tatsumi and the other two just looked at each other and then remained silent.


Leone and Lubbock also remained silent upon seeing this, and both sides fell into an eerie silence.

"Um... don't you guys want to say anything?" After a while, Leone couldn't help asking

"What to say? What should I say at this time? Should I say something like"What a coincidence! My master is also a killer!"?"Tatsumi and the other two complained in their hearts

"Ahem... If you are a member of Night Raid, then the so-called high-paying job I mentioned last time is……"Shayou asked

"Just join the Night Raid and become a killer." Leone replied

"So that's it……"

If they hadn't discovered that Chu Yufan was also a killer in the capital, Tatsumi and the other two would have probably rejected Leona's request.

But now they know that Chu Yufan is a killer in the capital as the"White Death", so Tatsumi and the other two are not so opposed to being a killer.

After all, if Tatsumi and the other two find Chu Yufan, they will probably follow him to become killers.

"By the way, is the"White Death" on the wanted poster also the one you attacked at night?" Shayou asked

"No,"White Death" is a killer independent of Night Raid. He has no contact with us, but we hope to contact him."Labok answered for Leone.

After the appearance of"White Death", Night Raid and the Revolutionary Army have been trying to find his whereabouts and want to win him over. But they all found nothing, just like his title"White Death", he came and went without a trace, leaving no trace.

"Well...if we can't find the master even during the night raid, then there's no way we can find him with just the three of us.……"Tatsumi thought to himself, and then looked at Sau and Iyeas.

The two also looked at Tatsumi, and the two exchanged opinions with their eyes.

"How much is a killer's salary?"

"The minimum monthly salary is 1,000 Imperial Coins. If you entrust enough people, you can get more."Leone said

"If there are three people, they will have an income of 3,000 imperial coins, which is equivalent to the village's monthly income.……"Tatsumi and the other two thought to themselves, and then answered Leona:

""Okay, the three of us will join you. But before we assassinate the target, we need to know the other party's information to decide whether to carry out the mission." Tatsumi said. During the days in the imperial capital, the three of them had heard about the night raid.

Although the night raid claimed to assassinate some corrupt officials who arbitrarily exploited and killed the people, these things were just hearsay. Tatsumi and the other two did not want to be used to assassinate those conscientious officials who acted for the people.

"Don't worry! That's no problem. You can check the information at will.……"Leone stretched out his hand to Tatsumi and the other two and said

"On behalf of my boss, I welcome you to join the Night Raid."

Seeing this, Tatsumi and the other two also stretched out their hands to shake hands with Leone, which meant that Tatsumi and the other two had joined the assassination organization of Night Raid.


That night……

""Sir, Tatsumi and the other two have chosen to join the night raid." Alisa reported to Chu Yufan expressionlessly.

It must be said that the intelligence network in Alisa's hands is too powerful. Tatsumi and the other two had just chosen to join the night raid in the hidden contact point in the morning, and Alisa received the news that night.

You know, the way to transmit information in the empire now relies on flying creatures such as falcons to transmit.

"Is that so? As expected of Alyssa, she is well-informed! She is really super awesome!"When Chu Yufan saw Alyssa's expressionless face, he immediately smiled ingratiatingly and gave her a thumbs up.

Don't blame Chu Yufan for being so cowardly when facing Alyssa's anger. After all, the reason why Chu Yufan can live such a comfortable life every day after establishing the organization is all due to Alyssa's operation and management.

It can be said that the current organization can live without Chu Yufan for a day, but it cannot live without Alyssa for a day.


In the face of Chu Yufan's flattery, Alyssa remained expressionless. Her face seemed to be saying,"Don't talk about these useless things, let's take some practical action."

"Dear Miss Alisa, my injuries have almost healed and I can carry out the mission at any time."Chu Yufan knew that his happy days of slacking off were gone forever, so he could only say with a helpless expression.

Seeing Chu Yufan's helpless expression, Alisa's mouth corners unconsciously curled up slightly, and then quickly returned to an expressionless look.

"Then, sir, please get ready to get busy!"

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