"Huh! Looks like he really ran away."

Tatsumi and the other two waited for a long time, and only breathed a sigh of relief when they saw no movement. However, what they didn't know was that the escaped Zanke had been beheaded by their master.

"Ah~ I didn't expect to see you again so soon~"

A female voice appeared, which frightened Tatsumi and the other two. The three of them hurriedly picked up their weapons, but then they saw a familiar person appear in front of them.

"Ah, it turns out to be the elder sister who owes the debt. Although Leone has activated the imperial tool and grown ears and a tail, Sau still recognized her at a glance.

And next to Leone is Lubbock. The two of them are divided into a team for this mission.

"Wow... a new girl!"Lubbock looked calm on the surface, but in fact, there was a storm in his heart.

Although he looked calm on the surface, Shayou shuddered for no reason.

"Why do I suddenly feel a little cold?"Sayou pulled her clothes and thought to herself

"You are here to find"Beheading Zanke" too, right? This is very dangerous, so go home quickly."Leone looked at the three people and immediately knew what they were going to do, so he persuaded them.

"We have already met him, but after a brief battle, he suddenly ran away for some reason." Tatsumi explained.

"Oh, that's how it is……"Leone raised his eyebrows slightly, and then he noticed the wound on Iyeas's shoulder, and then narrowed his eyes.

"Are you here to catch Zanke too?" Tatsumi asked

"Yes~ After all, even the guards can't do anything to him~ So we need to come on stage. By the way, your injury was not caused by Zanke, right?"Leone said in a relaxed tone at first, but then he changed the subject and said nervously while looking at the wound on Iyeas' shoulder.

"Yes, is there any problem?"Iyeas asked doubtfully

"Of course there is a problem! Zanke's weapon is coated with chronic poison! If you don't receive treatment in time, your life will be in danger!"Leone said nervously.

And Lubbock on the side seemed to know what Leone was going to do, but he didn't say anything.

"Huh? This……"

""Huh?! Is that true? Big sister, you must save Iyeas!" Sau interrupted what Tatsumi wanted to say, then grabbed Leona's hands and said to her pitifully.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! I have the best doctor there, I will definitely be able to save your companions!"Leone patted his chest and assured him.

"Really? Thank you so much!"Sayu hurriedly said thank you.

At this moment, Leona was pulled aside by Labok. Similarly, Tatsumi and Iyeas also pulled Sayu aside.

"Hey, Leone. I know you plan to let the three of them join the night raid. In fact, I support your opinion. After all, there is a new sister... ahem, after all, these three can fight with Zanke. I think their strength is not too bad, but you can't just trick them in like this, right?" Lubbock said

"It's okay! When they return to the base with us, we will ask them for their opinions. If they still don't want to join the night raid, we can let them work in the rear of the Revolutionary Army. Although the three of them didn't show it, I can still see that they plan to make money in the imperial capital and then save their village."Leone explained

"Moreover, it is obvious that these three people do not know anything about the imperial capital. If they are left alone, they may soon be caught and used as scapegoats for the nobles."

"That being said,……"

"Don't worry, I know my limits!" Leone said confidently.

Indeed, many country folks who came to the capital to make a big move and then return to save the village have died in a foreign land for various reasons. Although using deception is quite excessive, Leone doesn't want to see these three powerful young people die in the capital in such an unclear way. On the other side, Tatsumi and the other two also discussed in a low voice.

"Hey, Shayou, you don't really believe what she said, do you?" Tatsumi asked doubtfully.

"How is it possible? Who would coat their weapons with so-called chronic poison? If Zanke's weapon was really poisonous, Iyeas would have been dead by now."Shayou rolled her eyes and complained

"Then why do you……"

"I think these two people are quite powerful, and they may have a huge organization behind them. If we join them, we may be able to use their intelligence network to find the location of our master!"Shayou said her thoughts.

"But we don't know what they do, so if we join them……"Iyeas said hesitantly.

"It's just temporary. We can get away from them after we find our master. If we can't get away, we can contact our master and ask him to rescue us."Saya explained again.

Tatsumi and Iyeas also understood Saya's purpose. It must be said that although this is quite risky, if it succeeds, it can solve the problem faced by the three people now.

"I think Shayou's idea is worth a try. After all, we are acting aimlessly right now.……"After thinking about it, Tatsumi agreed to Sau's plan.

"Well... as long as I don't get caught and put in jail again, I'll join them for now." Iyeas agreed.

"Okay, it's time for us to set off!" Leona said to Tatsumi and the other two after the discussion.

"Okay, big sister."

"My name is Leone, and this is Lubbock. Please give me your guidance!"

"I am Sau, and the other two are Tatsumi and Iyeas."

In this way, both parties temporarily walked together with their own ideas.


The next day, the body of"Beheaded Zanke" was found by passers-by, and there was also news that his imperial tool was lost.

Chu Yufan, who did all this, had returned to a small wooden house in the suburbs of the imperial capital.

Chu Yufan casually put the imperial tool he got from Zanke on the table, and then got into bed to sleep. Although he was used to staying up late at night, he still needed to make up for his sleep during the day.

"Hmm... I always feel like something is weird……"

For some reason, Chu Yufan couldn't sleep because he felt like he had forgotten something.

"Forget it, I'll wait until Alisa comes.……?!"

Chu Yufan suddenly jumped up from the bed. He finally remembered that Alisa was still on the roof last night. You know, although she is an imperial tool user, she is a person who has turned all her skill points into intelligence.

"It’s over, the good days of doing nothing are coming to an end."Chu Yufan thought as he ran.

On the other side, on the roof

"Wuuuuuu… Damn it… Ahju… Leave me alone… Ahju… Wait for me to come down… Ahju… Watch how I… Ahju… punish you……"

Elisa spent the whole night alone on the roof. At this moment, she was sneezing and cursing at Chu Yufan in a low voice.

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