The battle between Tatsumi and his two companions and Zanke continued.

At this time, Sau and Iyeas were the main attackers, while Tatsumi supported and looked for a chance to deliver a fatal blow.

Zanke, with the characteristics of his imperial weapon, knew that the final killing move was from Tatsumi. Therefore, he was always on the lookout for what Tatsumi would do next.

"The three of them worked well together, and each of them was quite capable. It seemed like it would not be easy to defeat them.……"Although Zanke still looked at ease, he already knew the current situation and could only be described as being evenly matched.

"Use your vision ability to disrupt their movements.……"


The place where Zanke was originally was now replaced by the smiling village chief. This caused Shayou to fall into confusion for a short time. Just when she reacted, the dagger in Zanke's hand was already close at hand.

Fortunately, Shayou was not the only one on the battlefield. Tatsumi grabbed Shayou's clothes and pulled her back to avoid the dagger's attack. Iyeas also intervened between Zanke and Shayou and blocked the dagger.

"Damn it! This guy just now suddenly turned into the village chief!"Sayou said with lingering fear

"It seems that this is also one of his abilities. It is really a bug ability.……"Tatsumi frowned and said.

This move is indeed very useful, even if you know that the appearance is created by the opponent. But at the moment of attack, there will still be a trace of hesitation. And this trace of hesitation will reveal a flaw during the battle.

Of course, this is also because Tatsumi and the other two are not mature enough now. If it were someone else, they would probably attack without hesitation.

"Hehe~ Isn't it interesting~ Can you guys do something to the person you care about the most~ I'm looking forward to it~" Seeing the three of them motionless, Zanke couldn't help but speak

"Tsk, what a bastard who only knows how to use strange methods."Shayou cursed

"Phew! This is not a solution. We can only go all out!"Tatsumi said, and then he got ready. Seeing this, Sau and Iyeas also got ready.

"Oh~ You want to go head-on~ It's really pleasant~" Seeing this, Zanke was also ready

"Breath of flowers, shape of freedom, red flower clothes"

"Breathing of sound, shape of five, overlapping of strings"

"Water Breathing, Seventh Form, Shizuku Wave Stab."

The three of them used their fighting skills at the same time and attacked Zanker head-on. Zanker smiled happily when he saw this, and the Vision was activated again, turning into the appearance of the village chief of Tatsumi Village.


"Damn it!"

People are such strange creatures. They keep telling themselves that the other person is pretending, but their hands still stop unconsciously. Just like Shayou and Iyeas, of course not everyone is like this.


Just when he saw Shayou and Iyeas paused and smiled, Zanke's expression suddenly changed, and he tilted his head to the right. Although he avoided the fatal blow, he still had a cut on his face.

"This guy! He didn't even hesitate!"Zanke thought in disbelief as he looked at Tatsumi.

"Hey, is it time for the face-changing show to end?" Tatsumi said to Zanke with a gloomy face.

In addition to being able to change the appearance of the person the other party cares about, all the actions Zanke makes will be reflected in the vision. Therefore, the scene Tatsumi just saw was that the village chief he cared about the most raised his sword to kill both Sau and Iyeas.

When he thought of the appearance of the person he cared about being used by the enemy to fight like this, Tatsumi's anger value instantly soared.

"Water Breathing, Pick Up, Flowing."

Tatsumi directly used the most accurate fighting skill in Water Breathing, intending to split Zanker in half.

"What a powerful move!"Zank used his future vision to see the power of Tatsumi's move, and immediately stepped back unconsciously.

"Don't even think about running away!"

Tatsumi took a step forward and chased after Zanke, while Zanke dodged in various ways and tried to shake off Tatsumi.


After recovering from their shock, Shayu and Iyeas attacked Zanke's back, but Zanke used his future vision to dodge their attacks.

"Hum~ Interesting~ Really enjoyable!"Zanke showed a strange smile, and then suddenly stopped where he was.

Tatsumi and the other two did not think too much when they saw this, and slashed Zanke's body with three knives. With blood splattering, Zanke was killed by the three men.

""Phew! We finally won." Tatsumi exhaled and said

"What a powerful guy! Are all the people in the imperial capital so powerful?"Shayou said

"No, definitely.……!?"Iyeas was only halfway through his words when a chill suddenly rushed from his feet to his head.

Zanke, who was supposed to be dead, stood up again, stood behind Iyeas and slashed at his neck with a sword. Sayu and Tatsumi also noticed something was wrong, but everything happened so suddenly that they didn't react at all.

"call out"



A small stone flew from nowhere and hit the dagger that Zanke swung very accurately. The small stone had great power and actually pushed Zanke back a few steps.

""What's going on?" Zanke was confused. He had just turned on his future vision, but he had no reaction to the sudden appearance of the pebble.


"I'm fine! Someone saved me."

Cold sweat slowly flowed down Iyeas's forehead. If no one had rescued him just now, he would have been beheaded.

"What's going on with this guy? Didn't I just kill him?"Shayou said nervously

"I don't know, be careful."Tatsumi said as he stood in front of the two.

But at this time, Zanke was stunned. The sudden appearance of the small stone made him feel nervous. After all, his future vision ability of the imperial weapon did not react. This was the first time he had seen such a situation.

"There are other people coming. We can’t stay here for long. Let’s retreat first!" Zanke felt that there were other people coming here, so he began to think about retreating.

"I'll let you go this time, and see you next time!" After saying this, Zanke threw a smoke bomb and fled.

"It runs pretty fast, sir, do you need it?……"

Alyssa, who was on the roof, turned around and saw that Chu Yufan, who was standing by, had disappeared.

"……It’s over. I can’t climb down by myself." Alisa thought to herself as she stood on the roof.


""Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Zanke ran quickly on the street, and suddenly stopped when he turned a corner and ran to a street. Because there was a man in a cloak standing there in front of him, and the other person's head was slightly raised to reveal the white mask.

"Hehe~ Have fun! Have fun! After the lost lamb and the killer~ even the so-called death god is here~" Zanke said, staring at the man in the white mask in front of him

"I'm curious... what kind of future do you see now?" Chu Yufan asked

"Hehe~ You want me to activate my imperial weapon~ Then it’s as you wish~ Future Vision!" The imperial weapon on Zanke’s forehead was activated, and then he saw many scenes in his mind, but without exception, all the scenes were his head being chopped off by the opponent.


Just when Zanke was still in a daze, he found that the future he saw had become a reality. His head had been chopped off by Chu Yufan. The former beheading master was now beheaded by someone else.

"Being able to see the future but not being able to change it, how hopeless it is." Chu Yufan looked at the imperial tool he had picked up and said lightly

"If you look closely... this imperial weapon is really ugly!"

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