
As the saying goes, knowing yourself and your enemy will ensure victory in a hundred battles. Zanke immediately activated the perspective, and after confirming that Tatsumi and the other two had no other hidden weapons, he knew that he only needed to pay attention to the frontal attack of Tatsumi and the other two.

"Hehe~ It's really fun~ It looks like I'll get a new collection tonight~"

"You talk too much!"Iyeas took the lead and slashed at Zanke with the big knife in his hand.

"Hehe~ Talking is my hobby~"

After easily dodging Iyeas's attack, Tatsumi and Sauyu attacked Zanke's upper and lower lanes. Zanke had two daggers on the back of his hands, and he blocked the attacks of the two people with his left hand and right hand at the same time.

Seeing that the attack was blocked, Tatsumi and Sauyu began to attack quickly. Each of them dealt with one of Zanke's daggers, and restricted his two weapons.

"Breath of Sound, Form One, Boom."

When the two of them were entangled with Zanke, Iyeas touched the knife in his hand behind him and slashed him with a sonic boom without hesitation.���go



"What are you doing?! Iyeas?!"

The expected hit did not occur, and Iyeas's attack instead slashed on Tatsumi's weapon, causing Tatsumi to fly backwards?

"Hehe~ The first one~"

Just when Iyeas was stunned, Zanke aimed the dagger in his right hand at Iyeas' neck and slashed it

"Breath of Flowers, Form of Four, Red Flower Clothes."

Sayu used two consecutive attacks, the first one blocked Zanke's left-hand sword, and the second one was intended to block Zanke's right-hand sword aimed at Iyeas. However, Zanke's right-hand sword seemed to have eyes, and it actually predicted Sayu's sword path, and the sword path was deviated and cut on Iyeas's shoulder.

"Breath of sound, shape of will, cut through without end"

"Hahaha———Have fun! Have fun! The moves of the three of you are quite interesting~" Zanke quickly retreated, avoiding the slash and sonic boom range from Iyeas, and he looked quite at ease.

"Are you okay?" Tatsumi asked

"It's nothing, just a scratch." Iyeas replied

"Be careful, there is something wrong with this guy. My action just now could have blocked his dagger."Shayou felt something was wrong in the action just now.

"Could it be that... he could predict our movements?!"Iyeas said, recalling what happened just now. Iyeas's back attack was launched in Zanke's blind spot, and Zanke not only reacted, but also designed to make his weapon collide with Tatsumi's weapon.

"That's right~ I can see through your hearts~ I didn't expect that I could figure it out so quickly~ It's so nice~" Zanke replied with a smile on his face

"No, I'm afraid it's not that simple... I can only find this guy's flaws in the fight!"After saying this, Tatsumi rushed forward first.

"Water Breathing, Type 3, Flow Dance"

"It's useless, it's useless, all your actions are under my control~" Looking at Tatsumi who turned into a trail of afterimages, Zanker didn't panic at all. Instead, he instantly saw through Tatsumi's movements and blocked his attack.

"Breath of Flowers, Type Five, Fruitless Peony."

Sauyu quickly followed Tatsumi, and after Tatsumi's attack was blocked, the knife in her hand quickly swept towards Zanke.

"Seven consecutive hits ~ Eight consecutive hits ~ Nine consecutive hits ~ What a fast sword technique ~" Zanke is still at ease. Although Shayu's attack is fast, it is like slow motion and has no effect in front of the future vision of the emperor.

"Water Breathing, Form of the Four, Wave of Strike."

Tatsumi quickly cooperated with Sau, and the two launched another fierce attack on Zanke. The swords seemed to be attacking and defending each other, but in fact, the two's attacks did not get close to Zanke.

"Oops~ Why are you retreating so quickly~ We might have almost won~" Seeing that their attacks could not break through Zanke's defense, the two chose to retreat temporarily

"Sure enough, he saw through all the moves."Tatsumi said

"This ability must have weaknesses or limitations.……"Shayou kept recalling the details of the battle just now, trying to find the opponent's weakness

"Weakness... If the attack speed is fast enough, maybe... Shayu, Iyeas, you cover me."Tatsumi thought of something and said to the two of them


"give it to me!"

"It seems that you have some ideas~ Are you planning to use faster attacks to deal with me~ What a pleasure!"Zank saw the purpose of the three people in an instant, but judging from the battle performance just now, the three people in front of him would not be his opponents.

On the rooftop nearby, there was a person sitting. This person was watching the battle while eating watermelon. There was another person standing next to him who was cutting watermelon. They were definitely two spectators.

"Hmm... this imperial weapon seems good, but it looks too ugly hanging on the forehead like a rooster's eye."Chu Yufan commented while eating watermelon.

When Shayou asked about the beheading of Zanke on the street, it was known by Elisa's intelligence network. So Elisa informed Chu Yufan and pulled him over.

Generally speaking, this kind of thing is the responsibility of the"hidden" troops. However, Zanke's strength is obviously not something that ordinary people can handle, so Elisa decisively pulled Chu Yufan over.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, and he didn't usually take care of the affairs of the organization. This was the time when he needed to participate in the organization's mission.

"Sir, Tatsumi and the other two seem to be at a disadvantage. Don't you need help?"Alyssa handed the cut watermelon to Chu Yufan and asked

"Don't worry, if they were fighting one-on-one, it would be very dangerous. But if it was three-on-one, it wouldn't be a big problem. I think the final result of the battle should be a draw."Chu Yufan said.

Zanke's imperial equipment is very strong, but it is mainly because of his own strength. Otherwise, even if he can know the opponent's next move, it will be useless if his body can't react.

"However, Tatsumi and his two men are very strong. They are stronger than most of the people in the Hidden Force. How did you train them?"Alyssa asked curiously.

"This watermelon is sweet... Well, because I taught them how to breathe."

"Breathing method?"

"Haven't you heard of it? I'll explain it to you when I have time."Chu Yufan said casually.

"Thank you, sir. I will be all ears."Alyssa answered, but she began to think in her heart

"If all members of the"Hidden" Army learn this so-called"breathing method", their strength will definitely increase greatly!"

At this time, Chu Yufan had no idea that his casual words would create the strongest army far beyond the Empire and the Revolutionary Army.

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