Chu Yufan wants to slack off? Impossible.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't meet Esdeath, Chu Yufan can basically move freely in the imperial capital. At this time, he can assassinate the officials under Minister Ernest as originally planned, and let Jolly arrange for officials of conscience to replace them.

So Alisa saw that after Chu Yufan got the assassination list, the expression on his face said"I don't want to work overtime".

After all, this kind of mission was originally carried out by the"Hidden" troops, but they can't beat the hunters. If they meet them, they are basically finished, so they can only let Chu Yufan take the field and let him lead the organization to fly.


""Hehe~ This wine is really delicious, it is worthy of being purchased with taxes provided by livestock." An official was sitting in front of the French window, looking at the civilians walking on the street, shaking the wine glass in his hand again.

However, what the official did not know was that at this time, there was a person on the opposite building staring at him.

"Hmm... the target has been confirmed." After Chu Yufan confirmed that the official who was holding a wine glass and drinking his last glass of wine was his target, he began his offensive.

"Breath of the Moon, Type 16, Moon Rainbow, Lonely Moon."

Several giant wind blades suddenly appeared above the official's house, destroying the entire official's house like thunder from the sky.

"Breath of the Moon, Nine Forms, Moon Falling, Lian Mian."

Although he knew that his target was a fat official who was powerless, in order to avoid the embarrassment of not killing the target, Chu Yufan used a combat skill again to clean up the ruined house.

"Well, it didn't affect other houses, so it's under control."Chu Yufan observed for a while and left the scene after making sure no one had crawled out of the ruins.

The news that the corrupt official's house was destroyed by thunder soon spread throughout the streets and alleys. Everyone who heard about it said that the official was punished by heaven for being too corrupt.

But Chu Yufan didn't care about that, because he still needed to clear out three more targets today. He would finish the cleanup as soon as possible and go back to his cabin to fish.

"Make way! Make way!"

After a while, Will and Hei Tong heard the news and came to the ruins.

"Everyone in the house is dead, including XX officials and their subordinates, about eight people in total. After the security team counted the scene, they said to Will and Hei Tong

"Did anyone see the process?" Will asked

"No, people on the street only saw a few thunderbolts in the sky, which collapsed the whole house. Now people on the street are saying that the owner of this house has been punished by heaven."The guard said



"What's wrong? What happened?"Before Will finished speaking, another loud noise resounded throughout the capital.

"Oh no... Another house collapsed!"

"What?! Hei Tong, let’s go check it out!"

""Hmm!" Hei Tong said while eating snacks.

That day, Will and Hei Tong kept running around. There were four houses that suddenly collapsed in the imperial capital, and they all collapsed in the same way.

""Huh! What's going on every day?" Will and Hei Tong returned to the conference room and collapsed on their chairs.

"I guess it was the work of the White Death.……"Lan looked at the information and suddenly said

"No way? Is it that scary?! And this is completely different from the way the White Death acted before, right?" Will said strangely.

"I guess it's because General Esdeath is in the imperial capital, so he has to take such a roundabout way of doing things."

"I see……"

"Will, Hei Tong, Lan, so you are here." Esdeath opened the door and said

"What happened today was caused by the White Death. Now the entire imperial capital must start to strengthen its vigilance. You guys can also come to help."

"Got it!" the three replied.

"Looks like I have to work overtime.……"Will thought


Compared with the busy Chu Yufan and the hunters, the night raid was particularly leisurely. After all, many targets that needed to be assassinated were solved by Chu Yufan, which also gave them some free time.

"Hmm... this cake is quite good!"After taking a bite of the cake, Ma Yin said happily


""Huh?! Wow! Where did the cat come from?!" Marin looked in the direction of the voice and saw a pure white kitten standing there. Its big watery eyes were constantly looking at Marin. No, to be more precise, it was looking at the cake in Marin's hand.

"What? Let me make it clear, I won’t feed you!" Marin took the cake a little further away, but the kitten came directly to Marin and rubbed against her with its body.


"Woo... I really can't do anything about you……"Myne said proudly that just when she put the fork in the cake and was about to feed it to the kitten, the kitten suddenly took away the whole cake and the plate.

"Hoohoo~ I'll take this piece of cake, meow——"

"Chelsea?!"Main's twin ponytails instantly stood up after she realized she was being tricked.

"Myne, you are too careless."

" guy!"

"Wow! You can turn into a kitten?" Lubbock asked when he saw this.

"That's right~ I can transform into anything I like."Chelsey said.

Transformation Free [Gaia Foundation], Chelsea's makeup-type imperial tool, can transform into various things according to the user's own wishes.

"By the way, Marin, if you continue to be so defenseless, you might die soon."Chelsey said

"You are the one! If such an imperial weapon is discovered by the enemy, wouldn’t it be terrible?!" Marin retorted

"Oh, don't judge me like this. My fighting ability is also quite strong. Although this imperial weapon is not a fighting type, it can deceive the enemy because of this."

"For example, the shocked expression on Myne's face right now is just amazing!" Chelsi said, still smiling.

"Ugh... Ugh... You're really making me angry!"

"a ha ha ha……"

After Chelsea joined Night Raid, she often teased Myne. After all, Myne was the only one in Night Raid who was particularly interesting to tease.


"Well...even though it escaped very quickly, the smell and other things would still be left behind."

"Mr. Fashion, the smell went this way"

"Good job, [Nose]. Although this is the first time to put it into actual combat, the effect is unexpectedly good."

"There are no traps or thin wires ahead, and it works fine."

"There seems to be someone talking in front……"

"Well done, [Eyes] and [Ears]. White Death, I have the material comparable to General Esdeath, only I can get you"


Dr. Fashion and his three subordinates came to a high place, from where they could see the cabin where Chu Yufan lived.

"White Death...the best material...I finally found you!"

"Huh?!" Chu Yufan, who was sitting in the open space, suddenly opened his eyes.

"What's wrong, sir?"Although she had no fighting ability, Alyssa clearly felt that something was wrong.

"Boss Chu! It seems……"Sibiya happened to be here too, and she also felt that a large number of people were approaching here.

"Sibiya, just protect Alisa for a while."

"As the saying goes, a gift from afar is a token of deep affection. If you don’t treat them well, it would be a bit impolite."

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