"Mr. Fashion, don't we need to notify other hunters to come and help? The enemy is someone that even General Esdeath can't do anything to." Nose asked

"Hehe~ No need, the other side only has one person. And I have brought all the infantry, plus this……"Dr. Fashion took out a bottle of medicine from his arms. The medicine in the bottle was transparent.

"This is a potion that can make super dangerous species lose their fighting power. Not to mention one White Grim Reaper, even ten White Grim Reapers will be knocked down by me." Dr. Fashion said confidently.

"As long as I release this poison while the opponent is fighting, I will win!"

"But, Mr. Fashion, if this poison gas is released during a battle between infantry and the enemy, then the infantry will……"Ask

"Don't worry, the antidote has already been injected into their bodies, including the three of you." Dr. Fashion explained

"Wow! Mr. Fashion is so gentle!"The three of them immediately turned into little fans.

"Hmm? Are you here?"

""Mr. Fashion, here we come!"

Three figures came behind Dr. Fashion, they were the main warriors of the Fashion Army. Doroma who was good at sneak attacks, Jiasang who had strong defense, and Toby who was a mechanical cyborg.

On Dr. Fashion's chessboard, there were Keima, Kakuxing and Feiche.

"This time, the three of you will be the main force to deal with the White Death, and the other infantry will assist you."

"Got it! I'll make sure to complete the task!" The three of them answered at the same time.

"Then, start your passionate and fierce attack! Fashion troops, listen up! Bring the White Death here without damaging the corpse as much as possible!"Dr. Fashion said


"Are they here? There are a lot of them, and Esdeath is not in the team. It seems that some self-righteous guy is here to give away heads?"Chu Yufan thought to himself, and then looked at Alisa and Sibiya.

""Boss Chu, don't worry! I will protect Sister Alyssa! Don't forget, I got your true teachings!" Sibiya patted his chest and said

"Come on, you've only been learning the"breathing method" for less than a month. If you really have learned it, I can do anything you ask me to do."Chu Yufan retorted

"Oh? You dare to set up such a flag. Boss Chu, it seems that you are really going to suffer this time."Sibi Ya's eyes lit up and said

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll leave Alyssa to you!"Chu Yufan stopped talking nonsense, because the enemy's vanguard had arrived.

"Sir, be careful!"Although she knew Chu Yufan's strength, Elisa still couldn't help but worry.

After waving her hand to indicate that she didn't need to worry, Chu Yufan put on his iconic white mask again.

The enemy was obviously coming for her, so if she put on the mask, she would naturally become the enemy's first target.

"Swish swish swish"

"Target, confirmed!"

A large number of figures appeared in the surrounding jungle. After seeing Chu Yufan wearing a white mask, these enhanced soldiers rushed towards him.

"There are too many people now, it's useless to me"

""The Breath of the Moon, the Form of Five, the Disaster of the Moon Soul."

The overwhelming blade wind spread out in all directions with Chu Yufan as the center. The enhanced soldiers that Dr. Fashion was proud of were like paper in front of the blade wind released by Chu Yufan, and were easily cut open.

Just like when he was hunted down by the Empire's assassination troops, Chu Yufan was once again surrounded by mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

"Damn! Even if I win, I'll probably have to move, bastard!" Chu Yufan smelled the blood in the air and couldn't help cursing.

"Although I already know that Boss Chu is very powerful, but isn't this too exaggerated?"Sibi Ya opened her mouth and said

"Oh, yes……"Alisa smelled the blood in the air, and she felt like vomiting because she had never been on a battlefield before.

However, when she saw the figure in the center of the battlefield, Alisa's feeling of vomiting disappeared immediately.

"Hmm? Here come two stronger guys!"Chu Yufan said as he looked at Toby and Jia Sang who were running over.

"It took only a moment to kill so many enhanced soldiers!……?!"

"Breath of the Moon, Form 1, Dark Moon, Palace of the Night."

Jia Sang only had time to raise his arms to block, but Chu Yufan's knife directly cut off Jia Sang's arms like cutting tofu, and Jia Sang screamed.

If he had used an ordinary knife, it would probably not have had this effect, but the knife in Chu Yufan's hand was a weapon below the imperial weapon and above the minister's weapon. Combined with the fighting skills of Breath of the Moon, it can be said that most defenses can be broken.

After Chu Yufan cut off Jia Sang's head with the second knife, the third knife was aimed at Toby's head.

"Oh? Interesting, he actually reacted."

Chu Yufan looked at Toby and said in surprise, but it was just pure surprise.

"So fast! So strong!"Toby began to sweat. He was obviously a cyborg.

"Oh oh oh oh oh———"

"Why are you yelling so loudly?"

"Breath of the Moon, Form 3, Disgust Moon·Eclipse."

Toby focused all his attention and strength, roared, and took the initiative to attack Chu Yufan. However, this did not work. Breath of the Moon Form 3 directly took Toby to see his grandmother.

"Wow! Is he a full-body robot? If I had known earlier, I would have seen if this guy could summon some mecha or something like that." Chu Yufan muttered as he looked at Toby's body.


Because Jason and Toby died so quickly, the enhanced soldiers following them only arrived at the scene now.

"Go and take the other two women hostage, Doloma!"Dr. Fashion uses his ears and eyes to monitor the battlefield at all times.���Chu Yufan's strength was beyond his expectation.

After all, being able to fight Esdeath without losing was just a concept. For Dr. Fashion, there was no specific number to reflect this concept.

""I have received the order, Master Fashion!"

After seeing that Jasan and Toby were easily defeated by the enemy, Doroma did not continue to show up, but sneaked behind Alisa and Sibiya.

At this time, after receiving the order from Fashion, Doroma directly launched a sneak attack on the two.

"Huh?! Are you trying this trick?……"Chu Yufan had noticed Doroma's actions a long time ago. But he was not too worried. After all, Sibiya was not just a pretty vase.

Otherwise, Chu Yufan would have run away with the two of them.

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